The League 8 members · 7 stories
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Ghost Warrior
Group Admin

The stories leading up to the founding of the League and its members are still a ways away. However, I will be letting you all in on the details of the League itself.

For starters, the League meets in a facility known as the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse is situated on a floating landmass in the void between the universes. This landmass is called the Edge. The void is like the sea and the universes are the pieces of land and the Edge is like a ship going between other realities.

Here are some of the pictures to describe the Edge, Clubhouse, and the League as a whole.

The Edge.

The Clubhouse.

The Library.

Dining room.


Training grounds.


Movie theatre.



Alchemy lab.



Medical bay.


Maproom and portal to other universes.

The ship to use for worldwide evacuation.

The guardians to keep the peace when not in use.

Game area. You know, for the kids and Pinkie.

Well, that about sums it up for those details. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask me or Wolf Blood since he already knows the details. Sorry to throw you under the bus like that by the way.

Lastly, so this group can have some stories added to it, please feel free to use the Copy and Paste folder of the group. That's where you put your character in another author's story for at least one chapter. You must have permission from the original author. Again, if you have questions, ask me.

Well, I believe that about sums up this little letter, so I think I'll end it in typical Ghost Warrior fashion, with a random funny clip.

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