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Group Admin

This is a place where all of you can place in a requested Death Battle that you like to see on FiMFiction. Send me your choices and I’ll write them.

However I can only write one Death Battle per week cause I’ll be doing a lot of research and planning since I’m only one guy and don’t have a lot of help.

And also if you like to see a OC vs OC Death Battle; then you’ve come to the right place. Send me the OC’s backgrounds, their preferred weapons, armor, and skills; and I shall give you a OC Death Battle.

And the best part; I’m not like all the assholes that charge ya for a commission. The commissions are free of charge; no payment, no checks; just entertainment delivered to your doorstep.

Sweet lol me and mlp hero on here was gonna write two fics for a barfight between our OCS redsopine and blue fang would you be ok to write it up for us?

Comment posted by redsopine deleted Apr 30th, 2020

Name Redsopine Prism Dash

Age: 23 (demon ages 10000 8000 5000)
Description: blue mane and tail green tips dark red coat wheres a pair or blue green tinted shade's covering his eyes left eye has a scar and is blue red green and gold where's a dark greeb vest and a black cloak Carrys a bright red and deep blue twin blades and dark blue jeans

Occupation: demon Hunter and mercenary

Family: rainbow dash sister

Friends: Ignis Gelu Umbra Terra Dashie

Stats: Combat: (8/10) all forms
Speed/Agility: (9/10) base form (4/10) terra form (10/10) umbra form (6/10) Ignis and Gelu forms
Magic: (5/10) base form (4/10) Terra form (10/10) umbra form (7/10) Ignis and Gelu forms
Flight: (9/10) (0/10) umbra and terra forms
Strength: (8/10) base and ignis and gelu forms (5/10) umbra form (11/10) terra form
Stealth: (8/10) base form (10/10) umbra form (5/10) Ignis and gelu forms (0/10) terra form
Speech: (10/10) all forms in mortal and demon speak
Intellect: (10/10) can come up with stragies on the fly
Skills/Abilities: Flame manipulation and Fire immunity (5/10) base form (10/10) when in Ignis form (0/10) when in gelu form

Ice manipulation and Frost immunity (5/10) base form (10/10) gelu when in form (0/10) Ignis form

Stone skin and earth spike abilities of the terra form

Shadow teleportation and shadow manipulation abilities of the umbra form

Carrys twin swords with the abilities shifting blades and ice expansion only usable in base form his left blade transforms between a long sword scimitar and scythe in a flash of flames his right blade shift's between a dagger rapier and zwhilder blade but is slower then the Ignis blade ice expansion is a last resort mana draining move that allows shards of gelus blade to rapidly expanding coating the field in ice spikes but is most commonly used to incapacitate or kill multiple opponents by growing shards embedded in them

(I should explain that the stats above are just the basics about him and his demons still working on a backstory for them all if you need more concrete detail's I will provide them including strengths weaknesses limits and rules of his abilities including a powerful but not limitless regeneration one that like any of his abilities takes internal mana to use once it runs out he can no longer heal or use abilities)

ok i think i out these in the wrong place?

I’m Mlphero, and I’m doing a crossover with redsopine, and I would like to submit Blue Fang, from... well Blue Fang. These are his stats.
Blue Fang (Blue, Blue Tooth, First Class Fang, Arrowshot/Deal Breaker (Pony Aliases) )
Age: 18
Description: A blue fanged scarred Changeling with troubled emotions and suffers from PTSD after fighting in the Second Pony-Changeling War. He tends to hide his emotions from others. The only exceptions are Kydra, his love interest, and Brokenwing, his older brother.
Occupation: Private, Private First Class, Devil Horn, Fang Gang

Family: Queen Chrysalis (Mother).
Brokenwing (Older Brother, Captain)
Thorax (Brother)
Pharynx (Brother)
Friends: Dagger (Best Friend)
Mantis (Best Friend)
Hivehunter (Enemy, Friend/Rival, Lieutenant)
Mitchell (Friend, Sergeant)
Stinger (Best Friend)
Zenex (Best Friend, Considered a brother)
Kydra (Best Friend/Love Interest)

Stats: Combat: 10/10 (+5 when Rage is active)
Speed/Agility: 8/10 (+8 when Rage is active)
Magic: 5/10 (+10 when Rage is active)
Flight: 4/10 (+11 when Rage is active)
Stealth: 8/10 (-8 when Rage is active)
Speech: 7/10 (-7 when Rage is active)
Intellect: 8/10 (-8 when Rage is active)

Skills/Abilities: Magic Blast; a standard attack for Changelings.
Explosive Spell (ES); an explosive beam of magic used to clear walls or debris.
Changeling Instinct (CI); allows the user to see and identify their surroundings.
Changeling Focus (CF); usually used by snipers, a Changeling will clear their lungs, allowing them to focus in stressful situations.
Rapid Fire Magic (RFM); rapidly fired magic.
Silenced Spell; a silent spell usually used for infiltration
Rage (Special); a deadly power of Blue Fang where he loses all self control and is usually fueled with bloodlust and revenge and time seems slow. It is believed that he isn’t killlable whilst Enraged.
Foresight (Special); Allows the user to see slightly into the future, although it can’t be used often

dont forget about we want to try and keep it fair in terms of abilities

Yeah, I know

Group Admin


While the information on theses characters are interesting; however you two need to be more specific on their feats of Strength, speed, Power, and durability

Ok want it here or in pm also mlp hero has better references then me in the sense he has a entire fic dedicated to blue

Sent ya a pm of reds feats and stuff weaponry fighting style and 2 fics where he's gonna be a prominent part after showing up or is one sorry for the 8msgs btw

This still going

Group Admin

I got a lot going in school. So I may not have time.

its fine lol i was just checking take your time education comes first

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