My Little Norse. 14 members · 13 stories
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The episode Sonic Rainboom of Season one does have some allusions Icarus from Greek mythology. So I thought wouldn't be interesting to see a episode/fanfic that took inspiration from Norse Mythology? And I've had idea in my head for episode based on two stories based on Thor's adventures, specifically


So here it is, Twilight and her friends (Plus Discord) are visiting the Crystal Empire not only to see return of the Hammer of Justice, an artifact lost during reign of King Sombra but also to talk with representatives of the Jötunn Kingdom (I have a head-canon that the name of the Stormking's race is Jötunn). The meeting is more or less just to confirm that the actions of the Storm King were in no way supported or condone by the Jötunn Kingdom. During the meeting, a Jötunn by the name of Thrym beings flirting with Cadance. Eventually Thrym and his friend Utgard makes a wager with Shining Armor. If he and two of his soldiers can't succeed in 3 challenges, Shining Armor must give them a weapon of their choice. Twilight tries to talk him out of it on account she's heard stories of Thrym's trickery Shining refuses to listen, leading to an argument between the two.

The Jötunn win the first two challenges, so Utgard convinces Thrym to give Shining Armor 3 additional challenges which in are, drink all water from a drinking horn, lift a cat, and fight a Jötunn maid. Shiny fails all of the challenges and becomes a laughing stock. And the make matters worst, the Jötunn take Hammer of Justice. Thrym promises to return it only if Cadance marries him. Not wanting to admit he royally screwed up, he convinces Spike and Discord for help. So Discord transforms him into a perfect image of Cadance. The only problem is he still sounds like himself so he can't speak lest the truth is discovered.

Discord, "Cadance," and Spike arrive at Thrym's castle. (Also Discord can't use his magic while in Jötunn territory). So while Discord constantly lie his tail off about "Cadance" behavior, Spike tries to find the hammer. The purple dragon runs into Utgard who reveals he used his magic to cheat at the challenges. He had no idea of Thrym's true intentions. Once Shiny has the hammer back, he will create a portal outside the castle that will bring back to the Crystal Empire. Just as the wedding begin and hammer is placed at the alter, Shiny tries to get it only to be caught.

So Discord, Shiny, Spike make a hasty retreat. Utgard makes a portal that send them into the heart of city...and Shiny is still wearing the wedding dress. Twilight's friends see them and asks what's going on. Spike blurts out the truth about what happen. Naturally the girls laugh at Shiny's little misadventures. He asks them not to tell Cadance or Twilight, who just happen be behind him. And the story ends with Twilight giving her brother the chewing out of a lifetime.

Ghost Warrior
Group Admin

This is very good. And it should be made.

This is an idea for what Gen 5 of MLP I had sometime ago. It uses many elements of Norse Mythology.

My Little Pony: Guardians of the Realm


Long long ago, before the grand-fathers of your grand-father were even born. The proud kingdoms of Avalon, Nordheim, and Éire coexisted in peace. Suddenly the Red Hordes invaded. Vast armies composed of Minotaurs, Gargoyles, Centaur and other savage monsters. Under the command of their all powerful ruler Lord Tirac, they sought to conquer all the realms. The three kingdoms untied to fight off the threat. Sadly the combine strength isn't enough. However the tides were turn when the All-Father Sleipnir arrived. He along with his most powerful allies and the legion of the Einherjar fought against the Red Horde. The war was finally over but at a terrible cost. Hundreds on both sides had lost their lives. And Slepinir's companions fell in battle. Distraught over their lost, he left and was never seen again.

Current Day

Moon Song, the daughter of Jarl@ halberd, is preparing for the Midsummer Feast. Then the Red Horde attacked the city of Thundergard. She and Sprocket, barley escaped with their lives. Unsure of what to do, they're visit by Hugin and Munin, servants of Sleipnir. They bring a message from the All-Father himself. That Tirac will return and bring about Ragnarok unless she can find six heroes who are the reincarnations of his fallen comrades. Now they must travel all across the world, searching all while avoiding capture by the agents of the Red Horde.


Specie: Earth/Unicorn hybrid
Info: Born to a Earth-Pony father and Unicorn mother, she has a Unicorn's magic and Earth-Pony strength. Despite her father being the rule of Thundergard, she's always rejected by the other ponies her age due to magic. Kind and optimistic, she's always willing to help those in need.

Credit go to PrinceStaghorn
Specie: Gizmonk
Info: A member of a highly intelligent race of inventors and engineers he was hired by Jarl halberd to be Thundergard's chief mechanic. Grumpy and pessimistic on the best of days. He rather be home inventing rather than going on crazy adventures with a bunch of young inexperienced . But he always remains loyal to his friends and allies.
notes: Sprocket's pretty much Spike of this new group but where Spike was the Tagalong Kid , Sprocket will be the Grumpy Old Monkey.

Specie: Gargoyle
Info: One of the Red Horde's finest warriors, he has been tasked with capturing Moon Song. He believes that their cause is noble and just. But when he learns the truth about Tirac, he must make a choice that will set him on a new course.
notes: Let's not beat around the bush. Scorpan's basically the Zuko of the series except he wasn't banish.

Specie: Dragon
Info: The "son" of Scorpan. His only goal is to make his father proud.
notes: He's acts as Morality Pet to Scorpan.

(Art done by CSImadmax)
Specie: Centaur (?)
Info: The mighty leader of the Red Horde, seen as a benevolent ruler his followers and feared by everything else. Many had thought he died in battle with Sleipnir. But the leaders of the leaders of the Red Horde claim that Tirac's spirit is guiding their actions.
notes: Let's face it, MLP doesn't have a consistent villain like Transformers and GI-Joe. I thought figured why not have the very first villain from first MLP cartoon as this series Big Bad. PS. I didn't miss spell his name. That how his name was spelled.

The reincarnated heroes: They would be a mix of Ponies and None-Pony characters. Each of them would be loosely based on a Norse god. Specifically Thor, Hodir, Tyr ,Freyja, Hiemdell, and Skadi.

The World

The world itself will be populated by both mythological creatures and sentient animals alike. Major cities/nations would be based on either places from various mythologies such Avalon, Mount Olympus and Tir]Tir Na Nog.

The pictures below (Worlds from Wizard101) will more or less give a general idea of the world itself.





Beside All-Father, our heroes will encounter characters who are based on legendary heroes, villains and gods of various mythologies. Heck I have an idea with a Griffon version of Zeus challenges the reincarnation of Thor.

What do you think of these ideas?

Ghost Warrior
Group Admin

Shit this is better than the other one.

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