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Darth Gonzo
Group Admin

Okay the lets start off with the change that was made to Matt Trakker from M.A.S.K.

Old & New

Okay then as you can see that changed his his skin color. Yes I know there was a black guy in the old M.A.S.K. show.

Hondo McLean

A possible reason as to why they didn't have Hondo be the black guy, well it could be trouble with trying to trademark the name. So if they couldn't make a trademark on his name they had two options make a new character, or make a character they have a trademark black. So they looked at the characters they had and pick one that wouldn't be different if they made him black.
Also change like this has happened before, look at Marvel Sam L Jackson wouldn't have been Nick Fury if they didn't make the Ultimate Nick Fury black.

Okay now here's the new one people are getting mad about Leoric from Visionaries.

Old & New

This one is way different then Matt Trakker and M.A.S.K., and that's because every character in VIsionaries was white. So when it came time to do a reboot, it makes more sense to make a character black then to be called the 'R' word.

Now should this continue if they added Robotix, Inhumanoids, & COPS? Well the leader of COPS, Bulletproof is already black so no need to make a change there. But Robotix, & Inhumanoids, Every human character was white in Inhumanoids & every human in Robotix was a guy, so there is some change needed if they rebooted those two.

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