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Do a rhetorical analysis over it. Maybe you'll find an answer.

Group Contributor

5260105 yes. I also agree with this.

Group Admin


I bet I can write a paper over Twilight Sparkle not having AS.

Group Contributor

5260105 This is something that's crossed my mind before, and in my opinion, if any pony were to have aspergers, or at least the most visible kind of it, it would probably be Twilight or Pinkie. But, as for whether they really have it or not, I doubt it. I mean come on, it's an interesting thought, but there's really no way of proving that. Unless otherwise stated by the creator or the writers.

I've seen speculation about Twilight, about Fluttershy, even Rainbow Dash having Asperger's, though Twilight has the best case for it, I think.

That being said, there are such speculations for all kinds of historical figures but it's unprovable unless carefully tested and diagnosed.


...Anti-Social Personality Disorder?! Celestia, I hope not, isn't that essentially sociopathy?


...Anti-Social Personality Disorder?! Celestia, I hope not, isn't that essentially sociopathy?

Eh, yes and no. ASPD/DPD is one of the names given to a large group/cluster of personality disorders that include, have strong connections to or have highly flexible nuances of psychopathy and sociopathy.

Everyone has shades of psychopathy and sociopathy and that's supposedly a healthy and necessary thing but people are not identical copies of each other, some will have higher levels, not sure if 'levels' is the correct term to use, than the majority of the population and depending on their circumstances they might even need higher levels, unlikely in my opinion, just to function nominally as members of society.

furthermore, due to how different everyone's brains are from each other it's possible for some individuals to suffer from temporary fits of ASPD related mental issues / disorders for their entire lives.

I zone out when they explain this stuff so I could thinking of something else. :twilightsheepish:

5836028 It's just scary to me since sociopathy - what with the skill at deception, lack of empathy, and general jackassness - is what I consider to be the opposite of Asperger's, or at least the opposite of me.

I mean, one of the traits of Asperger's is feeling sympathy but being unable to show it, and one of the traits of sociopaths is showing sympathy but not actually feeling it... or other signs of compassion.

That being said, as you said, there are varying levels and ways to express, and sociopaths aren't necessarily defined by their condition, any more than Aspies are. I recall hearing of one such person (unfortunately I don't recall the name), who was at one point a high-ranking member of the Nazi party during WWII, who comes as close to being diagnosed with APD as you could get back then - who also helped several Jews escape the country, mostly people who'd helped him when he was down on his luck. He was also apparently quite dedicated to his wife and daughter. And for fictional examples, Sherlock Holmes is sometimes stated to be a high-functioning sociopath (although how accurately that's portrayed depends on the work).

For an example from the show, though, Lightning Dust has been speculated to be a sociopath, and it's one of the reasons I dislike her so strongly - even fear her just a bit.

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