Humanoids for World Domination 4 members · 3 stories


There was once a story that just didn't know where it belonged. It saw the other stories having fun in their respected folders and it felt sad. It didn't have a home to go to. No folder to live in. Then suddenly the admin of Humanoids for World Domination heard it's prayers. A magnificent folder materialized itself into existence and the OTHER story was filled with joy! true it looked like all the other folders but the OTHER folder was for OTHER stories. Soon more OTHER stories happily joined the first OTHER story from this story. They all lived happily ever not specifically specified of what the story was. It didn't care what it was unless it I MEAN THEY followed the guidelines. What a great folder it was.... NO WAIT NOW IM CONFUSED. OKAY I JUST REMEMBERED. What a great OTHER folder it was... Is? Whatever.