Silver Spanner Fans 70 members · 10 stories
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Group Admin

Nobody gets anywhere if they don't know where they're coming from. Nobody can put one foot in front of another if they don't know what they look like. And a seed doesn't grow unless it knows what kind of flower it grows into.

To that end, I present the Silver Spanner Code of Conduct. They're just a few simple guidelines, to sketch out the kind of shape we want to grow into. She may just be a background pony, but we all know that that doesn't mean she isn't worth our best.

1. Have Courage, and Be Kind
Don't be afraid to speak your mind here. Want to start a new thread? Go for it. Want to talk about ideas for fics, or ask for editing help, or just hang around and pretend to sip coffee? Ain't no problem with us.

But be mindful of it, and do not abuse that power. Not everyone will see eye to eye. We all know this, and there's no sense trying to prevent it. Some of you might be able to make friends with the rest of the group, and some of you might not. Whatever your disposition towards the rest of us, we ask that you all do your best to be calm and courteous within this group. If you disagree with something someone is saying, don't be afraid to tell them, but don't belittle them for holding an opinion different from yours.

As a final note on this subject, hate speech will NOT be tolerated. If you have issues with race, gender, or just plain hate people, actions will be taken against you.

2. Keep Your Socket Wrench In Your Pants
Sure, some of us are grown adults and can handle the big stuff. But this fandom's diverse, and little kids can wander in at any moment. So keep it clean. There's a reason we don't have an NSFW folder, and that's because we're not going to have on. We keep the stories cleaner than a polished diamond.

What specifically qualifies as NSFW? Gratuitous amounts of sex and violence, obviously, and bad language should be avoided whenever possible. Special exceptions might be made for the mods, but basically, if it's tagged Mature, Silver Spanner doesn't work on it.

3. Feeding Spam to Trolls, Feeding Trolls to Spam, Egg Bacon Sausage and Spam, Spam Bacon Sausage and Spam, Spam Egg Spam Spam Bacon and Spam, Spam Sausage Spam Spam Bacon Spam Tomato and Spam
Basically, don't.

And with that, let the Silver Spanner banner shine!

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