A Prompt A Day, Contests, And Reviews 36 members · 114 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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I Like Pie
Group Admin

We're looking for contributors.

If you want to be one, feel free to comment below (simple as that).

For a contributor I'm looking for user who are willing to:

Review stories every once in awhile,
Make prompts for this group once in a while,
And enforce this group's rules.

We only really need two or three more contributors....

Group Contributor

4883799 I'm happy to help

I Like Pie
Group Admin

4886025 Cool, I'll make you a contributor, if that's okay. Thank you very much.

Group Contributor
I Like Pie
Group Admin

4886040, would you being willing to review rated M stories every once in awhile? I'm fine with your answer either way.

Shimmer Shy
Group Contributor

Um, I could be one, if you still need any. By the way, I'm not allowed to read Mature stories.

I Like Pie
Group Admin

4886872 Okay, great, thanks for the help. I'm fine with the whole not reading rated M stories. I don't read them either. I'll make you a contributor if you'd like.

Shimmer Shy
Group Contributor
Group Contributor

4886591 I would prefer not to but I can

Autistic Writer
Group Contributor

If you need me, i can help :)

I Like Pie
Group Admin

4900480 That sounds cool. I'll let you be a contributor. Would you be willing to review rated 'm' stories? I'm really fine with your answer either way, I'm just curious and kinda need to know.

Autistic Writer
Group Contributor


Sure, I will review Rated M stories, just as long as i have a story to review.


I Like Pie
Group Admin
Autistic Writer
Group Contributor


Welcome, just tell me of my duties on here. Like when you want the reviews and all that jazz and what stories i will review

I don't mind, and I CAN read 'M' but I just do not want to.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 15