Doctor Who Official FimFiction Fan Group 109 members · 45 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Is my new pegasus stallion OC. Good name?

5595005 Pretty good

Also one of my favourite doctors

Why, thank you.
Pegasi often seem to have weather-related names, so it made sense to me.

5595021 that's understandable. Guessing he may work at Cloudsdale weather factory?

I haven't thought too much about his backstory yet. But I think he'll be a freelance provider of cloud-based solutions.

5595063 So one of those annoying people that knocks on doors and tries to sell you things?:raritywink::derpytongue2:

Never. More a guy who gets hired to step in when other weather ponies have bitten off more than they can chew.

5595075 so the equivalent to a substitute teacher?

Something like that.

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