Of Gods and Ponies 8 members · 1 stories
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"Why do you girls sing so much, anyway?" I watch in amusement as Twilight's face turns rose red in embresment.

"w...well It's because of Harmony really." My confusion must have shown on my face because Twilight somehow got even redder and she starts doing the twillding thing with her shirt that she does when she's nervous.

"Can you please explain, because from what you girls have told me Harmony is the Equis Goddess of Balance and Magic, how in all of Ianite does singging work into that."

I watch Twilight take deep breathe as she readies her reply. "well in Equis Magic and Music are interlinked, if fact the word Harmunize come from Harmony because of that link... In Equis whole towns would stop what they were doing to join a song because of it. Its just a fact of life their like the zombies here. From what Harmony has told us when she's awake enough to talk to us, these mass sing a long is just magic's way of making sure it stays balanced, and the fact that magic here is inbalanced at best and non excistent a worst means we Equistrians sing more in an effert to balence and spread the magic. Luckly from the fact the link between Equis and here means magic will become more common as Equis spreads it to here as this is world is a Magical low pressure zone, and magic always flows from a high pressure zone to a low intil it becomes balanced. This has been proven by Rairty when she found those rubies with Tucker yesterday. I'm sorry to say our joining this place is changing the very world at the base level, and the longer we stay the more changes will happen, since it is a one way link intil we get back... if we ever get back"

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