Equisverse 66 members · 25 stories
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Group Admin

So I've been giving this some thought, and during a conversation with Meep it struck me that whoever came up with the Alpha and Beta universe names was inadvertently a genius!

Here me out. I know that the names were chosen arbitrarily, Alpha for the original and Beta for the new one, but the Beta universe is the main one. Ask Meep if you don't believe me, but Beta is the serious one, the one that is meant to be the good timeline. And Alpha is actually the silly, lets have some fun with the story timeline that isn't so good. You'll notice I started labeling them 'timeline' and not 'universe', there is a reason for that. Have any of you ever watched Steins;Gate? If you haven't I would highly recommend you do. Subbed or dubbed is fine, the dub is actually fairly good. If you like the concept of diverging timelines and the effect of chaos theory with time travel then you will love this anime.

If you have seen it you can skip this next part but if you haven't, here's the run down.
*spoiler warning a bit*
The way it goes is that the world has what are called timelines. You start at one point and decisions and actions cause the line to branch off and more lines come up where different things happened. Back to the Future logic, ya follow? Now the main character, Okabe, accidentally figures out a way to send messages into the past and starts a series of tests and experiments where he winds up changing the timeline numerous times. The kicker is he can remember the previous timelines, even if he wasn't the one to change it. Now, shit gets bad, and the future sucks cause time war and blah blah blah, so he tries to undo what he has done but finds that no matter what he does, either his love interest or best friend dies and he cant save both. He learns from his future self that everything he is doing is effecting the timeline by less than 1% divergence from the original Alpha timeline. And the only way to save everyone is to push past that 1% barrier into the Beta timeline. You see where this is going?

Back to the topical stuff. I am applying this logic to Meep's stories. If the Beta is the "good line" and the Alpha is the "not so good line" then I would like to suggest that this follows the Steins;Gate logic and that The Queen is Dead is the world beyond a 1% divergence from the Sea Series. All part of the same local multiverse, just a slightly different timeline. One where Phoenix has not been woken up and Taylor, Kaily and Tess have not been sent to the future. I already chatted Meep up over this in that original conversation and she liked it, so I felt it was best to share my thoughts with you loyal readers as well.

Anywho, that's all I got.

Till next time, El Psy Congroo

Group Admin

Well, if I told half of this to anybody I haven't met on fimfic, they would be looking at me like I'm crazy or would be faking being asleep.

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