Equestria Legends Online Fan Group 91 members · 17 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

Well, hi there, fellow members.
This is the fellow who writes the very fic this group is founded upon, but I have a need for something to read. This would be a good chance to see what you guys like to read, and so, I've decided it's high time to make use of the "Hey, check this out!" Folder I put in this group, which still remains empty I might add.

So, I would like any of you guys to throw a story in that folder, one that you think is the best thing ever. I'm just looking for something to read, and I'm not picky. (Although I do like multi-chapter stories that involve transformations)

Thanks for reading!

Group Contributor

4355554 Well, I got two stories which you may like. One is pokemon related, which you still don't have in your favorites. And the other one is a long one of a crossover with RedVSBlue, and you may not get some of the jokes unless you watch the show. I'll add them now to the folder.

Group Admin

Gotta Dash Em All?
Yeah, I've read it already and I loved it.:pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor


I'll throw two I've enjoyed writing in there

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