Holiday Stories 76 members · 72 stories
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Okay so I'm going to need some help with a comic book universe that me and Rider Nocturnis Nemesis are going to make together. The universe is going to be about reimaginations of characters like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Bigfoot, Dracula, Merlin, and Humpty Dumpty in a more modern take on the characters. I'm looking for a few more writers and some artists to draw the comics for when the script is done. Also original characters are allowed in the comics as long as they make sense to the story. Also if your not sure if you wrote a word right or wrong in the script you can have it proofread to make sure it's good to go.

P.S. I'm hoping to put the comics on Patreon. So if you wanted to get payed for the comics I would pay you for writing, drawing, and proofreading the comic if you did it. But the first issue(s) would have to be made for free until it's put on Patreon.

Just to give you guys a look at what characters could be used in the universe as well as what other things you could use as a basis of a story I'm going to show you guys/girls a list I'm still making of characters and other thing that can be use in the comics.

These () are for the writers, these [] are to give some info on the character or thing, these "" are for the character's nickname, these ?? are for things I'm not sure about, and this ? is just part of the name of the character or thing.

Holiday Characters
April Fools Day Bad Guy
1. Loki
2. Prankster??
April Fools Day Good Guys
3. April Fish

Christmas Bad Guys
1. Belsnickel
2. Grýla
3. Knecht Ruprecht
4. Krampus (Rider Nocturnis Nemesis)
5. Père Fouettard
6. Sack Man
Christmas Good Guys
1. Amu Nowruz
2. Badalisc
3. Befana [As well as another holiday known as Epiphany]
4. Caganer
5. Christkind
6. Ded Moroz
7. Father Christmas
8. Father Frost
9. Gävle goat
10. Gollis
11. Ježíšek
12. Joulupukki
13. Julemanden
14. Mikulás
15. Moș Gerilă
16. Mrs. Claus
17. Noel Baba
18. Olentzero
19. Père Noël
20. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
21. Saint Nicholas
22. Santa Claus (I’m writing this one.)
23. Sinterklaas
24. Snegurochka
25. Tomte
26. Yule Goat
27. Zwarte Piet??

Day of the Dead Good Guy
1. La Calavera Catrina

Easter Good Guys
1. Easter Bilby
2. Easter Bunny (I’m writing this one.)
3. Ēostre

Groundhog Day Good Guy
1. The Groundhog

Halloween Bad Guys
1. Samhain
2. Stingy Jack
3. Tall Betsy
Halloween Good Guy
1. Jack-o’-lantern

May Day Good Guy
1. May Queen

New Year Good Guys
1. Baby New Year
2. Caishen
3. Fu [part of Sanxing]
4. Kitchen God
5. Lu [part of Sanxing]
6. Shou [part of Sanxing]

St. Patrick’s Day Bad Guy
1. Clurichaun
St. Patrick’s Day Good Guy
1. Saint Patrick (I’m writing this one.)
St. Patrick’s Day Unknown Side
1. Leprechaun

Thanksgiving Day Good Guy
1. The Turkey??

Valentine’s Day Good Guys
1. Cupid (I’m going to write this one.)
2. Saint Valentine

Folklore/Legendary Characters
Arthurian Legend Bad Guy
1. Morgan le Fay
Arthurian Legend Good Guys
1. Galahad
2. King Arthur
3. Lancelot
4. Merlin

Birth Folklore Good Guy
1. The Stork

Candy Folklore Good Guy
1. Piñata [Equestrian] (I’m writing this one)

Earth Folklore Good Guys
1. Mother Earth
2. Mother Nature

Emotion Folklore Bad Guy
1. Green-Eyed Monster

Luck Folklore Bad Guys
1. Black Cat
Luck Folklore Good Guys
1. Flying pig
2. Maneki-neko "Chinese lucky cat"

Maritime Folklore Bad Guys
1. Blackbeard
2. Davy Jones
3. Moby Dick
4. Mocha Dick
5. Mother Carey
Maritime Folklore Good Guy
1. Mermaids

Moon Folklore Good Guys
1. Lunar mare
2. Mooncalf
3. Man in the Moon
4. Moon rabbit

North American Folklore Bad Guys
1. Bloody Mary
2. Headless Horseman
3. Jersey Devil
4. White Lady [ghost]
North American Folklore Good Guys
1. Altamaha-ha
2. Babe the Blue Ox
3. Bigfoot
4. Billy Yank
5. Captain Alfred Bulltop Stormalong
6. Casey at the Bat
7. Cordwood Pete
8. Crash test dummy
9. Griggstown cow
10. John Henry
11. John the Conqueror
12. Jackalope
13. Johnny Appleseed
14. Molly Pitcher
15. Paul Bunyan
16. Pecos Bill
17. Sewer alligator
18. Uncle Sam

Robin Hood Folklore Bad Guy
1. Sheriff of Nottingham
Robin Hood Folklore Good Guys
1. Friar Tuck
2. Little John
3. Maid Marian
4. Robin Hood

Sleeping Folklore Bad Guys
1. Alp
2. Alû
3. Bogeyman
4. Epiales
5. Nightmares
6. Vandella
7. Vrykolakas
Sleeping Folklore Good Guys
1. Domovoi
2. Counting Sheep
3. Sandman

Teeth Folklore Bad Guys
1. Hammaspeikko [Tooth Troll]
Teeth Folklore Good Guys
1. Ratoncito Pérez [Tooth Mouse/Rat]
2. Tooth Fairy

Time Folklore Bad Guys
1. The Grim Reaper
Time Folklore Good Guys
1. Father Time

Winter Folklore Good Guys
1. Jack Frost
2. Old Man Winter
3. Snowman

Writing Folklore Good Guys
1. Mother Goose
2. Brothers Grimm

Book/Plays/Nursery rhyme Characters
A Christmas Carol Bad Guys??
1. Ghost of Christmas Past
2. Ghost of Christmas Present
3. Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come/Future
4. Jacob Marley
A Christmas Carol Good Guys
1. Ebenezer Scrooge
2. Fezziwing
3. Robert "Bob" Cratchit
4. Timothy “Tiny Tim” Cratchit

Dracula Bad Guy
1. Count Dracula
Dracula Good Guys
1. Abraham Van Helsing
2. Jonathan Harker
3. Wilhelmina "Mina" Harker

Frankenstein Bad Guy
1. Victor Frankenstein
Frankenstein Good Guys
1. Frankenstein’s Monster (I’m writing this one.)

Mother Goose Characters
1. a Little Teapot
2. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
3. Humpty Dumpty
4. Itsy Bitsy Spider
5. Jack [Jack & Jill]
6. Jill
7. Little Boy Blue
8. Little Lamb
9. Little Miss Muffet
10. Mary Had a Little Lamb
11. Old King Cole
12. Old MacDonald
13. Puss in Boots
14. The cat and the fiddle
15. The Cow Jumped Over the Moon
16. The dish ran away
17. The little dog laughed
18. The mouse ran up the clock
19. The Muffin Man
20. The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
21. The spoon
22. The Ugly Duckling
23. This Little Piggy
24. Three Little Kittens
25. Three Blind Mice
26. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
27. What Are Little Boys Made Of?

The Brothers Grimm Bad Guys
1. Baby Bear??
2. Big Bad Wolf
3. Mama Bear??
4. Papa Bear??
5. Rumpelstiltskin??
The Brothers Grimm Good Guys
1. Brick Little Pig
2. Cinderella
3. Goldilocks
4. Gretel
5. Hansel
6. Little Red Riding Hood
7. Rapunzel
8. Sleeping Beauty
9. Snow White
10. Straw Little Pig
11. The Frog Prince
12. The Gingerbread Man (I’m writing this one.)
13. Wood Little Pig

The Nutcracker Bad Guy
1. Mouse King
The Nutcracker Good Guy
1. The Nutcracker

Imagination Characters
1. Imaginary friend (I’m going to write this one.)

Love Characters
1. Mr. Right

1. Werewolves/Wolfmen
2. Zombies
3. Ghosts
4. Demons
5. Mummies

1. Apple bobbing
2. Cooties
3. Duck, duck, goose
4. Follow the leader
5. Hide-and-seek
6. Hot lava
7. Hot potato
8. I spy
9. I’ve got your nose
10. Jinx
11. Keep away “Monkey in the Middle”
12. Leapfrog
13. Limbo
14. London Bridge Is Falling Down
15. Make believe
15. Marbles
16. Mother May I?
17. Musical chairs
18. Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man
19. Peekaboo
20. Pin the tail on the donkey
21. Punch buggy
22. Questions
23. Rock-paper-scissors (I'm writing this one.)
24. Simon Says
25. Spin the bottle
26. Tag
27. Three-legged race
28. Thumb war
29. Tic-tac-toe
30. Truth or Dare?

Paper Things
1. Action origami
2. Flexagon
3. Froebel star
4. Kusudama [Origami spike ball]
5. Mummy
6. Orizuru [Origami crane]
7. Paper doll
8. Paper football
9. Paper fortune teller
10. Paper model
11. Paper plane
12. Paper snowflakes
13. Party horn
14. Piñata
15. Tamatebako [Origami cube that pops open]
16. Toilet paper

Letter Memes
1. ABC
2. BFF
3. FAQ
4. FIM
5. GTA
6. IOU
7. KO
8. LOL
9. MCU
10. MLP
11. OK
12. Q&A
13. RVB??
14. SOS
15. SSB
16. TF2
17. TFU
18. WTFU (I'm writing this one.)
19. YOLO

If you would to help make the comic universe please or ever if see some thing wrong with the list please tell me. Also if you see something on the list twice I did that on purpose.

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