Names for Characters 69 members · 0 stories
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Okay, here are pics of the two main characters for my story, A Single Spark.

This one is very bold, courageous, showy, strong, quick on her feet, tactical. She is good with fire magic and a battle ax. She is very much a stong innate leader and a lot of times won't take no for an answer. She is very much a " kick butt" kind of girl. I would like to have her name be two words: the first word relating to daylight and/or the sun, and the secound word along the lines of words that mean light such as spark, glow... I thinking Aurora Spark perhaps? Or is that two pretty?
Next one:

This is the second character. She is more reserved and thoughtful. She is also smart, tactical, crafty, strong and devious. Instead of pushing her way to the top, she merly "plans" her way up the levels of leadership till she gets what she wants. The is skilled in lightning magic and is good in battle ax combat. Two words for the name. The first word should have something to do with night or the moon and the second word should relate to light. O was thinking maybe Midnight Glow?
Post your comments below on what names you think would be fitting (btw they are twins). Thanks!
~Estrella Scrolls

I'm going to mess this up a little bit...

Fire Heart and Aqua Heart
Corona Shine and Crescent Shine
Screaming Inferno and Lamenting Ocean
Fearless Star and Clever Star
Blazing Bloom and Fearless Flower
Hero's Blade and Hero's Thought

I know these don't really fit, but they just kinda sounded good in my head...

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