Black Feather Development 23 members · 2 stories
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Welcome to the first in a series of story arc discussions. This first one will be brief because it's one of the smallest arcs in the story. This is not to be confused with the "Let's Meet Razor" thread. It's just describing the events of the story as they relate to Razor. I will be starting up several of these threads with the different story arcs soon.

Razor's arc begins with his planning of the assassination of the Royal Guard. An ambitious project, to be sure. Razor's intel says that nearly the entire Royal Guard will be present in a low-security environment with lots of hiding places for assassins. His intel did not say that the princesses themselves would be present because that was a last-minute itinerary change on their part. Razor estimates that given enough blade soldiers armed with enchanted shield-cutting blades, and a sniper to provide initial shock, prompting unicorns to trap themselves within their shields, that they should be successful in removing the security which Equestrian leadership depends on. It would also be a serious morale hit to the ponies, making the zebra war effort that much easier.

In planning this, Razor inserts his own son, a junior officer, into the conflict in the hopes that he will rise up in rank quickly after successfully destroying the famed Royal Guard. His son is particularly skilled, but low in rank. He can beat nearly any pony one on one, and has the makings for a powerful Elite someday.

Unexpected to absolutely everyone was that Nyx would perform a combat spell that is part of an ancient alicorn war magic library that she has no business knowing, much less having the capacity to perform. Razor's son doesn't even get a chance to demonstrate his skills. He is obliterated while charging toward the stage without so much as a fight. News of this eventually reaches Razor, and he is furious. He intends to exact revenge against Nyx, but she is a rather high profile pony herself. Razor wants to bide his time and find a way to make her suffer adequately.

Razor decides to move to Equestria two years later and blend in with the local zebras in the hopes of finding the best way to fulfill his vendetta.

A year later, after the Littlehorn massacre, Razor relocates to the new Zebratown project with the rest of Equestria's zebras. He's there a month when he meets this very strange pony asking around about Nightmare Moon. The pony appears to be looking for zebras who have a particularly strong hatred against her. Razor finds this odd since obviously Nightmare Moon is not real and all ponies ought to be aware of this. Razor is also aware that his own people irrationally still fear Nightmare Moon. He knows that Nightmare Moon did exist at one point, and that she became the child known as Nyx who grew up and was responsible for killing his son. So he talks to this pony and learns that he wants to do something absolutely horrific to Nyx. He also needs some favors that only a well-connected zebra can provide. As luck would have it, Razor is one such zebra. He agrees to help, and the very odd partnership with Storm Shadow is born.

Over the next two weeks, Razor and Storm Shadow work out the details of the plan. It will involve Razor asking some risky favors of his Loyalists back in the zebra capital. Sneaking into the Forbidden Archives to retrieve an old biological weapon is no small feat, but it can be done. Storm Shadow explains that he wants to unleash it on his own people in order to do something having to do with forcing Nyx to experience what the infected are capable of. He is clearly insane, but whatever... Razor finds it amusing and if the pony wants to help the zebras bring misery unto their race, then so be it. Storm Shadow says he will provide a control mechanism for keeping the plague in check. He also makes the unusual request for Pink Cloud. Considering the ponies have a recent tragedy on their minds related to this terrible bio-corrosive agent, Razor finds this surprising. Storm Shadow explains that it is likely the only way to trap an alicorn alive.

Razor agrees to provide the Pink Cloud, but he will need to make a batch. To do this, he needs the Black Book of dark zebra magic. He arranges to have the book brought into Equestria for him.

About three months later, all the pieces are in place. Razor arranges the plague to be seeded, conveniently disposing of an old rival Elite in the process. The Black Book arrives and he opens it up. Rather than finding the pages on how to make Pink Cloud, he discovers a page which depicts the book being used to torment Nightmare Moon. He doesn't understand how this could be in the book, but it would seem that the book almost wants to be given to this pony. Next time he meets with Storm Shadow, he provides the book, much to Storm Shadow's delight.

During this meeting, Storm Shadow reveals that his plague control mechanism is not yet ready. Razor is incensed, because the plague has already been unleashed within Equestria. If Storm Shadow can't stop it, then it could spread uncontrolled and potentially destroy both their civilizations. Storm Shadow explains that he needs a live sample of the parasite in order to finish the project. Razor isn't happy about it, but he knows where they can get a live sample. In the bayou, where the plague is currently spreading. Razor will personally oversee the plague's initial spread and collect a sample.

A few days later, Razor is watching things go to hell in Withersberg. The infected are not particularly skilled fighters, but they are absolutely savage. Razor waits for a good moment to lop off a couple heads and bring the samples back to Storm Shadow.

Unbelievably, Nyx of all ponies shows up with twenty or so combat ponies and destroys the settlement! Razor watches from the shadows as this unfolds. Toward the end of the fight, two infected ponies flee into the woods right toward him. Nyx is in pursuit. Convenient. Razor beheads them and waits for Nyx to show up. The two fight, and Razor contemplates whether he should just end it now or wait for Storm Shadow to do his plan. He decides to wait, and enjoys telling Nyx that the suffering she will endure will be his doing. Nyx puts him in a shield, which he escapes. But then, ponies come looking for Nyx. Razor can't stick around, so he runs off into the woods and disappears.

Some weeks later, Storm Shadow returns the book to Razor like he had asked. He seems different, somehow. Intimidating. Seething with a controlled anger. It's like talking to an entirely different pony, except one who looks like Storm Shadow, and has all of Storm Shadow's knowledge. He says he likes the name Razor mentioned in their previous meeting - Starfire. He says he has no further need for the book, and suggests Razor has some fun with it while he still can.

Razor is confused. What has happened to this pony? He decides to follow Starfire and overhears him talking to a pegasus about how Nyx will become the ultimate weapon and source of power for him. This doesn't sound anything like what Storm Shadow originally planned. He can't have the pony making Nyx even more powerful. Razor decides to end this himself. He tracks Nyx down when she is on her way into Everfree with some of her friends. He attacks with the intent to kill Nyx right there. They fight, but Nyx is considerably stronger somehow. She and her friends end up killing Razor in the battle, and thus ends his story arc.

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