The wubs 5 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Sky Raider
Group Admin

I just want to say how are you doin

3656981 I'm doing fine. My sister who has a temp of 102.8, not so much.

Sky Raider
Group Admin

3658790 oooo no how did she get a tempt of a 102.8!!!!!
What did she fell like befor she got the fever

3658813 I think the doctor said it was mico-plasmic Pneumonia. And whats worse is she was suposed to go to a church family camp from today till sunday. I am watching her for now till my fokes get back.

Sky Raider
Group Admin

3658869 you have my respect bro or sis tell her she has someone praying for her

3658881 Thanks. I try to be the best big bro I can be. And she said thanks.

Sky Raider
Group Admin

Thanks man can you keep me informed if u want plz bro

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