The World of Terra 40 members · 6 stories
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Found throughout most of Terra. Kobolds are short bipedal creatures of between 2 and 3 foot tall and are notorious as pickpockets, kleptomaniacs, thieves, and all round troublemakers. If something goes awry, it's bound to be pinned on Kobolds, whether they're responsible or not.

Given their thick tails and horned heads, you'd be mistaken for thinking they were reptilian, maybe even a small species of dragon, but in actual fact they're a species of proto-mammal, an evolutionary link between reptiles and mammals, which have since further evolved and become more distinct.

For one thing they don't have scales, their skin is smooth and devoid of any dense hair growth, though they do have a thin layer of hair, for another their reproduction is more mammalian in nature, with females giving birth to live young and producing milk.

one additional biological aspect of Kobolds is their thick tails which, at odds with the rest of their body, produces blubber instead of fat, acting as something of a thermal battery in warmer weather.

Those who befriend kobolds soon learn that their reputation is anything but their defining feature, and time and time again have proven themselves to be fiercely loyal, you're unlikely to get a Kobold selling out his or her friends, with their small stature and light-fingered nature also making them perfect scouts, able to sneak in and out of even the most heavily fortified locations without getting caught

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