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I am trying to write a 19-chapter story, basically containing 18 one-shots and one final chapter to unify everything together. Each chapter concerns a different member of the Mane Six and one Cutie Mark Crusader, with no two chapters containing the same two ponies.

I am committing myself to writing at least 500 words a day for this project, beginning 23 June 2014. I write in Pacific Standard Time.

Learn for Life
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Words Completed 23 June 2014: 798/500 (159.6%)

I'll go ahead and put up my crappy first draft so far here, just to show that it's bad now, but I have material that I can work with.

It was Monday. The sun was out, without a cloud in sight. Ponies were ambling about on this day that verged on the warmer side. A cool breeze blew across Ponyville, bringing in the start of summer.
Apple Bloom was on her way to Carousel Boutique to see if Sweetie Belle wanted to come play today; after she went there, she would go to Scootaloo’s place and see if they would have a Cutie Mark Crusader day out. It was the beginning of summer, after all, and what better way to start it than with the three of them embarking on an adventure?
She made it to the Carousel Boutique and walked up to the front door. She heard humming from inside. She knocked.
“Come iiiiiiiiiin!” the singsong voice of Rarity cried from inside. When Apple Bloom opened the door, she added, “I’ll only be a minute.”
When Apple Bloom walked inside, she found ponyquins covered in various designs a savvy clothing connoisseur would know didn’t match at all. Humming of Rarity’s voice and sewing machine could be heard from upstairs, and it was quite a racket. She looked around some more, and saw something that made her eyes bug: a doll house with lime-green walls and a hot-pink roof. Things pretending to be everyday household objects scattered the floor, far too flimsy to appear as such in Apple Bloom’s eyes. A small mare and stallion stood side by side next to a carriage the size of an orange, and they were each the size of an eyelash.
In short, it was a toy too small to play with.
The door upstairs opened, and Rarity came downstairs. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is unique, chic, and magnifique!” She opened her eyes from her rote greeting, and when she saw the filly she smiled. “Good morning, Apple Bloom. I assume you’re here to see Sweetie Belle?”
Apple Bloom nodded.
“Well, she’s not here.” Rarity began walking to one of her ponyquins. “She left earlier to do... goodness, I can’t remember what. Oh!” She tripped over the dollhouse. “Blast it all, I told Sweetie Belle to put this up!”
“Is that meant to be played with?” Upon seeing Rarity’s confused expression, she added, “it looks too small.”
Rarity sighed and nodded in bitter understanding. “It’s a “deluxe” dollhouse meant to emulate the experience of owning an actual house, but... yes, the pieces are infuriatingly small.” She turned to Apple Bloom with speed. “Did you know that I laid down last night to go to sleep, and I laid on one of the teacups? At first I thought it was just a work pain in my back, but then it just became too unbearable. And when I asked Sweetie Belle about it, do you know what she said?” Before Apple Bloom could respond, Rarity cried incredulously, “she said that Lord Alcatraz got mad and threw it at Lady Bomfamille!”
Apple Bloom stood there for a moment. “So... she really gets into it, huh?”
“Oh, I don’t mind at all,” Rarity said with a wave of her hoof. “She can play all she wants, and it doesn’t bother me. It’s just how small everything is!” She began using her magic to gather up the small pieces and put them in the now-roofless house.
Apple Bloom looked at the insignificant house, and then thought of the clubhouse they had. She didn’t know why, but she knew that the clubhouse, though smaller than an actual house, was still enough house their activities.
And then she got an idea.
“What if I built a dollhouse for her?”
Rarity turned to her. “What do you mean?”
“I could build another dollhouse for her! It could be bigger, with bigger dolls and doors and windows and tables and teacups and everything. And we could put it... um...”
By now, Apple Bloom was stumped. That didn’t stop Rarity from chiming in. “Why stop at just a house? Maybe you could build her a mansion, or even a castle. Ooh, and you could put a ballroom in there, because Sweetie likes to sing.” When she caught Apple Bloom staring at her, she said “Sorry, I’m a bit in the creative mood right now, and I’d rather have a large dollhouse than this.” She lifted the tiny house up and began carrying it up.”
Apple Bloom then came to her senses. “Alright, I’ll go get some supplies, then!”
“Bring them back quickly, dear!” The door closed up above.
Apple Bloom turned, feeling odd. She didn’t expect Rarity to take to the proposal, much less to want to see it in action. But still, it was better than just not seeing Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.
“Maybe Scootaloo will want to join in,” she said to herself. With determination, she left.

Is it bad? Definitely. But it's there for me to work with later on.

Learn for Life
Group Admin

Word Completed 24 June 2014: 517/500 (103.4%)
Total Words on Project: 1,315

Tomorrow, I'll shoot to complete the rough draft of the first chapter.

Learn for Life
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Word Completed 25 June 2014: 1189/500 (237.8%)
Total Words on Project: 2,504

I've finished chapter one of this story. Well, the rough draft, at least. But from not being able to start to having one complete chapter, I'm happy I'm making progress. I'll be beginning chapter 2 tomorrow.

I will also be upping the ante a bit: 550 words a day for the next chapter.

Edit: I just wrote 112 words on the second chapter of the story. So that brings my total today to 1301/500 (260.4%), with a total of 2,616 words.

Learn for Life
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Word Completed 26 June 2014: 698/550 (126.90%)
Total Words on Chapter: 810
Total Words on Project: 3,314

I got a good beginning on it, and I think it will flow more smoothly than the first one.

Learn for Life
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Word Completed 27 June 2014: 851/550 (154.72%)
Total Words on Chapter: 1,661
Total Words on Project: 4,165

I am making good progress; this chapter's definitely flowing smoother. If possible, I will be attempting to finish the second chapter tomorrow.

Learn for Life
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Word Completed 28 June 2014: 600/550 (109.09%)
Total Words on Chapter: 2,261
Total Words on Project: 4,765

This is the first day I didn't feel like writing. But I did, and I'm happy I did. I did not complete the chapter, but I will continue tomorrow.

Learn for Life
Group Admin

Word Completed 29 June 2014: 244/550 (44.36%)
Total Words on Chapter: 2,505
Total Words on Project: 5,009

Well, I have 5,000 words on the project now. I just couldn't do it tonight. It's a fault entirely on my part.

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