Comment Driven Stories 54 members · 31 stories
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Ok so main thing I am writing a huge choice driven story and I should have a Kathulu Asalog type ending by Friday at the latest.

I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in going trough the choices and telling me how easy/hard it is to get the ending.

The story is only about killing yourself in one of 5 different ways and then going to Equestria in one of 5 spots (depending on death) and becoming one of 7 creatures (depending on choice.).
Its a one deadly challenge comes at you after the other until you either die in a unique way or reach a happy ending.

I have planned for 21 possible happy endings might add a few more but only 21 of the initial 35 paths will have a happy end.A lot more death ends.

So respond here or PM me if you are interested since I cant really judge if its hard or not knowing the path and all.

Also but not as important If anyone is interested in writing one of the happy end stories PM me so I can send you a list of creatures and places combination so you can chose what you want to write about. Will of course give shout outs and credit for the story ark to the writer when the story comes out.

Its still about 5% at best since I am still going trough the 14 creature/ place combos and writing branching stories for them. I do have all 5 deaths ready to the point of reaching Equestria 2 almost 3 of the 14 plus 2 side endings. Yes the Kathulu Asalog ending will be hidden behind a fake Asalog ending and will be like breaking the 4th wall. Hopefully.

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