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Earlier on today, I made a blog post about what the Newverse would be like if it followed canon. I dismissed the idea of a reboot as something that was never going to happen, since it would be kind of rude, especially since there are at least two ongoing stories (Sweet Scent and The Tides Have Turned), but then I became attached to the idea.

You see, A New World, A New Way, began in season 4, and Book 2 was going to follow season 5 before it died. Since then, a lot has changed about the show. For example:

  • We now know how dragon society works. (I should really watch Gauntlet of Fire.)
  • Most changelings achieved their true, multicoloured forms by accepting love.
  • The yaks have been introduced.
  • Hippogriffs are not hybrids, but their own race.
  • Hippocampi/seaponies, meanwhile, are not their own race, but rather transformed hippogriffs.
  • There will be kirin in season 9.

Some may say that following canon would be too restricting, but I think the opposite. Imagine the possibilities it could open up! For example:

  • The racist unicorn opposing the School of Friendship welcoming Pokémon.
  • A human who became an amphibious Pokémon, but who has loved ones that didn't, going through a similar "where do I belong" dilemma as Terramar.
  • I like the idea of Pokémon helping to deal with the villain in an adaptation of a two-parter.

Of course, I'm not EXPECTING a reboot to happen, since that would be a bit drastic, but how about a separate fanverse that takes the general premise of the Newverse but goes their own way with it, and isn't intended to replace it?

I guess I'm always up for more stories in this 'verse.

Can’t wait to read what people come up with

6534840 6534860 I'm glad I got a positive reaction to this idea. I was worried people would get mad at me.

Anyway, I don't think I could start what I'm going to call the "Renewedverse" for now, because I'm not confident enough to write the most crucial characters.

Not going to lie, when a verse establishes it’s own cannon, it should stick to it. I’ve always been highly against the “reboot” or “updating” that some people insist on doing. I don’t mind taking some elements from the newer episodes, characters too, but fundamentally changing critcal assests of the story is too much.

6535076 Fair enough.

I think that idea came around because the original story died. I was reminded of it when I read a comment on A New Stage saying it should continue into alternate continuity because it was unlikely that the original story would be updated again. On the other hand, Zeus still responds to PMs about side story inquiries.

I'm also not sure what a dedicated "alternate continuity" 'verse could do to differentiate itself from the original, especially on the Pokémon side. I don't think I'll remain attached to this idea for too long.

There are already two Newverse alternate continuity verses, which are also dead now: Building a Better World and A Super New World of Mystery Infinity, both of which are roleswaps.

If your talking about alternate continuity, then that leaves an opportunity to introduce beings on Equus that are on par with Arceus in terms of power.

I have some ideas for a concept on artificial pokemon made by some scientist on Earth that have immense power. One being a parasite pokemon that controls its host and is able to use the body to store and release its growing power (the parasite could take control of a PLA general named general Lucra, and would be one of the major causes that the PLA wasn’t able to take over Hoenne because ‘Para-lucra’ blew up a large portion of the PLA invasion force Frieza style).

6535320 Nihilego?

Your idea isn't my cup of tea, but it's your story.

No, not nihelgo. The parasite is hidden or discreet when possessing a host. This is so that the main characters have a more difficult time tracking it down.

6535784 That sounds a lot more AU than what I was imagining. Since you mentioned the PLA, maybe you could talk to Evowizard about it?

I really hope the MLB staff doesn't actually call them kirin because the correct term of a dragon-pony is a longma

6535945 MLB? My Little Brony?

Also, the kirin in Friendship is Magic seem more similar to the deer-esque kirin, except they only have one horn.

As for the hippogriffs/seaponies situation:

  • In an early chapter of A New Way, Twlight throwaway-mentions that she met a hippogriff when talking about how interspecies romance is legal in Equestria.
  • Either she was mistaken, or there are two kinds of hippogriffs in this universe.
  • If the latter is the case, perhaps the canon hippogriffs are still hiding from the Storm King? That would probably require the Newverse to adapt the movie, though. A problem with the Newverse is that plotlines can't be progressed beyond what the original story got up to (The Cutie Map Part 1). Which is a shame, because I'd have loved to see a Pokémon vs. Tirek battle.

It would be a bit awkward for there two be two versions of two races, though.

6534840 6534860
After giving this idealing some thought, I remembered that I wanted the "Renewedverse" to be set up like the Lunaverse: every story would be an "episode", and sidestories would only be allowed once the original story (which wouldn't be terribly long) finished. We'd also have to decide upon a "cutting off" point for both sides - as in, everything was going according to canon until the points where the story began. We'd also have to decide what Pokémon things are canon.

Of course, I don't have much motivation to write the hypothetical main story, since I'm only a casual fan of My Little Pony, but if anyone has their own concept for a Pokémon/My Little Pony crossover that invites a 'verse, feel free to tell me. I don't want this hypothetical storyverse to JUST be derivative; how can we twist the Newverse's premise?

Then there's the fact that I have an ending for The Tides Have Turned planned, and I have idealings for two interquels...

I would love to write something this... Perhaps we have it skip forward a bit? Start at Season 8? That would not only let us ignore the dead book 2, and have Neighsay and a PKMN villain be the antagonists for the arc?

Maybe Lusamine wants the Pokemon to be safe in their own place, so she gets the help of Neighsay. He is pissed about all the illegal immigrants and non-ponies going to the newly founded University of Universal Friendship and wants them out of Equestria.

I agree that we shouldn't ignore established canon: Hippogryphs are a hybrid race, despite what the movie says.

However, I don't think we should stick to strict episodic chapters, but instead have events happen as the story goes.

On another path entirely, I had an idea for a separate universe that basically cannibalizes ANWANW. Legendaries get tired of humanity, revolt, throw the pokemon and humans closest to the pokemon to Equestria, progress from there. The only problem with that is that we'd have to rehash a lot of the same ideas that the last story went over. I think a soft reboot, not necessarily a restart, would be best. Perhaps it has a new team? Or perhaps its the same as before. I'd like to have a new team, just to keep things fresh.


I agree that we shouldn't ignore established canon: Hippogryphs are a hybrid race, despite what the movie says.

That is ignoring established canon. Typo?

I've seen headcanons that the hippogriffs from the movie began as hybrids many generations ago, but eventually became their own race.

Also, Arceus only sent good humans to Equus, and the Lusamine you're describing sounds like her Sun and Moon incarnation, not to mention that the modus operandi you described sounds like Newverse Hastings'. (His presence in the original story is a plothole, seeing as he doesn't see Pokémon as equals, but still.)

We think alike about Neighsay being a villain, though.

As for your second post, does that mean the legendaries won't be present outside of the prologue?

6537887 Ah, my bad. The established canon of ANWANW.

Honestly, I haven't known Lusamine enough to properly write her. I just know that she really loves Pokemon (particularly the one with tentacles), and that she built an entire island to create a sanctuary for them. If she's too villainous to logically be brought by Arceus, that's fine; the focus would be Neighsay and Twilight's School.

For that other idea? No idea. Perhaps the tamer ones, like the Lati twins, would find their way over, but the mascots and other legendaries that have been constantly used by humanity in the various canons would likely be absent. That gets Arceus and all the ones I have a problem with out of the story, thankfully. He's one of my biggest gripes with ANWANW

6537907 I was thinking that "Renewed" Arceus could be a high-and-mighty, hard-to-reason-with character. I like transformations in general as a concept, but the way Arceus goes about it is unethical, so I'd probably have an Equuian character call him out for it. The problem is, this could come across as an attack on the Newverse.

The problem with Newverse canon is that it's too tangled. There's a lot going on, and the main story feels the need to reference as much as possible, and now that it's dead, no-one else can progress the story further. I don't really like the idea of doing a "soft reboot", as much as I do taking the premise and doing my own thing with it.

Another problem with the group being dead is that the two ongoing Marelantis stories are stuck in limbo because they both contradict each other, and they won't be leaving For Review any time soon.

I like the idea of only friendlier legendaries making the trip, since I like the idea of Manaphy visiting the sea kingdom, which I can't do in The Tides Have Turned because he's off-limits. Reminds me of the comment on A New Way that said it would be better if Arceus only appeared in the prologue.

Also, after re-reading the Springhole article I linked to, I think I could explore the emotional consequences of transformation. I'm going to dabble with it in The Tides Have Turned further down the line.

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