Suicide prevention group 94 members · 24 stories
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Mossy Mare
Group Admin

I thought it would be a good idea to talk about suicide methods here. This is mostly a ripoff of The Ten Minute Suicide Guide, which saved my life btw, but I think it would be beneficial to talk about the pros and cons of different ways of offing yourself.

Note: this is not meant to be a guide to killing yourself, any more than that satirical piece of literature up there is. This is meant to be a way to gauge exactly how much trouble you are in should your attempt fail, and exactly who you should contact in that situation.

For instance, I, being a girl, took the statistical probability and tried poison. It failed because 1) I have no idea how to tell what a lethal dose is and 2) I cannot identify poisonous plants all that well.

Try number one was Ibuprofen, which I do not in any way recommend. Not only did I take twelve and feel no ill effects, but had I succeeded, I would have been subject to hours of horrible gastrointestinal pain and probably not death, because Ibuprofen is rarely lethal.

Try number two was spotted water hemlock, which is very difficult to distinguish from its not-at-all-poisonous relative, the water parsnip.

In short, I failed at poison. I don't think I would fail so hard at it now, now that I know how to identify the big group of poisonous mushrooms, but I've stopped seriously trying to kill myself so it's a moot point.

In any case, should you at any point wish to back out in the midst of your poisoning, definitely call:


American Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

If you have ingested the poison, call them in that order. If you have not yet ingested the poison, or have only ingested a little, call them in reverse. Apologies to those outside the U. S.; I wouldn't know what hotline you would call. Feel free to post them below.

They'll call an ambulance and take you to the hospital to pump you full of charcoal, which I can tell you is no fun at all. It's gross, it's humiliating, and totally not worth it.

In short, don't try to poison yourself. It's terribly difficult to get it to work the way you want it to.

Uplifting statement: Have you ever really looked at puddles when it rains? I know that the oil in a parking lot is kind of icky, but ever since I was a child I loved how the simple addition of water could turn a greasy stain into a beautiful rainbow of colors. It's especially pretty when it's kind of dark, so the only light is from those enormous streetlamps they have. So pretty.

Group Admin

Well then... That was.. interesting; to say the least. I guess I'll go in to my first, and only real close to death attempt then. I was in 5th grade, and it was because of bullies; yes they existed even back then lol. Anyway; I tried to o.d on my prescription A.D.D meds, namely Ritalin; and took almost the entire bottle, and... proceeded to become very, VERY hyper; cause we all know, that med is a condensed form of speed. Long story short; I was rushed to the hospital, but they just said that the effects would just wear off; yea, a hospital not really caring... great job guys. The effects did finally wear off, and I got in trouble for it... yea; again; not the greatest idea for someone who just attempted suicide lol. My second time was when I was in junior high, eeeyup; bullies again. It wasn't so much an attempt, as it was my cries for help; still almost the same thing in my book... so I count it as an attempt, due to the fact that I was in fact feeling as though life had no meaning anymore. Anyways; I started to have an obsession with pain, to the point that to this day; I am still turned on by it... strange; I know. I started cutting, piercing, and even played with knives to the point of now having stab wounds in my hands. If that wasn't a cry for help; I don't know what is. So in closing; It isn't always subtle in people; often times it is played out for all to see, the sad thing is though; that most people don't seem to care. They see it as; Oh he's just acting out; or oh will you stop being so dramatic. When in reality; they are watching the often too late signs of imminent suicide. I managed to work out my issues through being institutionalized for a month following a really bad drug interaction to a anti depression drug I was proscribed, and to be honest; it probably was the thing that saved my life, I was so close to ending it; that I started to think about how life would go on without me. If anyone you know or love shows any sings of massive bodily harm, seclusion for extended periods of time, lack of enthusiasm for life; or has visible scars due to cutting, or any other means of pain. Take note; and try to get them help, it may be what saves their life.

Group Admin

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I'll add my story to the bunch aswell I guess.
I had been feeling down for a long long time. Feeling completly useless at most points. Feeling like I had failed everything I tried to do. this went on for a few months untill I just started to feel tired. and the thoughts on suicide started to come.
I live in a country where guns are really hard to get a hold off, if not then I probably woudent be here today. After a lot of research I came up with my plan cause I diddent want there to be any chance for survival.
I found something called Potassium Permanganate.
And from what I read, after a certain amount of time the dammages would be irreversable, so it seemed like a good choice to me.

I diddent write a note or anything, not the kind of person to do I guess. I just had two large bottles of the stuff and a lot of painkillers (dont remember what kind) but they were supposed to knock my out, whitch they did.
I took the pills and started driking the stuffm feeling my throath burn, but I managed to get it down before I passed out.
when I woke up. I was in a ambulance. Aparently the neighbours who live above me had heard some noices and decided to check it out. aparently I had been thrashign in my sleep, even broken some things that had been within range. They called the ambulance, because I had some nasty cuts on my arm from what they could tell through the window from the glass I had broken.

I shoudent have survived. I only did because the "slime" (the doctor called it something else but I dont remember what. ) I had in my stomach. everyone has it, but aparently I had a much more of it than a normal man was supposed to have in the first place. thats what saved me most other persons would have died I was told. since the liquid was supposed to burn through my stomach and almost did too.
I dont remember too much from that night, its kind of a blur, but what I do remember is the look on my sisters face when I came too in the hospital bed.
I diddent really care for most of my family, still dont, exept for my little sis. She was the only reason I diddent try again. I coudent make her sad, put her through that again.

I have heard people talk about, they dont care what their family or friends are going to feel in the case they do something like this. But I think we all have at least that one person, we care so, so much for. And taking the easy way out, hurst that/those person(s) so badly.
some people say its selfish to kill yourself. and for the longest time I thought those persons were idiots. But now I see it a little differently I guess.
you are never alone. we all have someone we can turn to.

Mossy Mare
Group Admin


I know. It seems like even when your scars and pain are undeniable, people still tend to look away. Heck, my mom is a behavior specialist, aka the person who works with students with mental handicaps in a school setting, and she never got me the help I needed.

I'm alive because of a cat. I know, I just posted about trying to poison myself, but we all know depression isn't something with a clear-cut cure. I tried to kill myself multiple times, and it was a combination of things that finally convinced me to stop. In this case, a cat.

I lived in a suburb at the time, and common features in the 'burbs are railroad tracks and retention ponds. At one point, in a secluded area where the scrubby forest was left alone, these two things intersected. A connecting creek crossed under the railroad, where there was a bridge around 20 feet high. It was the only bridge I could easily get to, so of course I eventually tried to jump.

I had been doing poorly in a class, and, following my fellow student's example, I had tried to cheat. Of course, being a good student and having no practice at it whatsoever, I was almost immediately caught, and it was the thought of my parents' retribution that had me up on the bridge.

So I sat up there, crying, trying to get up the nerve, when I heard a, "Meow!" Apparently my cat had followed me all the way from home, and wasn't happy about me being up where she couldn't get at me. I got down from the bridge, wanting to pet her one last time, but by the time I made it down safely, she was gone.

At that point I was too tired and numb to do much of anything, much less make another serious attempt on my life.

So, yeah. I decided not to die because of a cat. I guess just knowing something loves you is enough.

The cherry blossoms are in bloom where I am right now. They smell a lot better than Bradford pears do.

Group Admin

We all want help when we are that low. its just to hard to ask for it at times. and sometimes it can come from the smallest creatures, even a cat:pinkiesmile:

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