Conservative Bronies 68 members · 29 stories
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I was checking to see if there was a 2020 platform already. It looks like at least 2 people from this year's election are going to run again; Ted Cruz and John Kasich. I was surprised to see Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. What do you guys think? I'll put up with Trump for a while, but he wasn't my first choice...

This coming from a former Cruz Missile...


Proved himself to be nothing more than a self-aggrandizing, arrogant, power-lusting hypocrite.

"Vote your conscience", indeed.

Used car salesman bastard.

I was offended by his "if you don't stand by Israel, you stand against America" quote. I strongly disagree. I love America, and would do just about anything for my country. I think America is way to willing to look over evils that Israel commits just to maintain a peaceful relation with her.

5686992 While I am an Israel supporter, I will say that remark was certainly too mich.

And while I support Israel, I certainly don't like how we just give them a blank check every year, nor how they never seem willing to back us up when we need it.

They're becoming too much like a fair-weather friend for my tastes.

The only country I support is my own. I won't support Israel, or any other country. We should tend to our own problems before trying to handle everyone else's.

5687749 Spiritual support, mind. America is still at numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5 on my list.

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