Human History in Equestria 11 members · 4 stories
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This is a thought that has plagued me since I started to like the show and it is this: How would Equestrians react to our usage of horses and ponies in our world, particularly in the military. Since the dawn of human civilization, humans have used horses (and ponies) for various things: work, entertainment, travel, and, most importantly, warfare.

From pulling chariots to pulling supply wagons, from cavalry charges to skirmishing, from transporting troops into battle to scouting and recon, equines have played an important role in developing our world. Cultures such as the Mongols, Cheyenne, Turks, and Cossacks were based entirely around the horse. From Spanish Jinetes to Polish Winged Hussars, from Indian Rajput Zamindar to Comanche Dog Soldiers, entire warrior cultures and type of soldiers dedicated to horse back.

And of course lets not forget the ponies. From steppe ponies rode by the nomads of Asia to the Galloway ponies of the British Isles used by English and Scottish Border Reivers to skirmish along the boarder of those two kingdoms, to South African ponies used by both Boers and English to traverse the rugged environment of Africa. And lets not forget the Lovat Scouts of the British Empire who were mounted on Highland ponies.

With all this history I wonder what would happen if the Equestrians were to meet one of these "Horse Solders" both mount and rider. What would they think of a rugged Scottish Border Reiver, or fierce Polish Winged Hussar, or a genteel Arabic Furusiyya. Saphis, Dragoons, Lancers, there is not a lack of them.

Here is a song that names a few possibilities:

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