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Tis I, FabulousDivaRarity, AKA Cloe, coming to ask you all for a very special favor.

If any of you all have read my blog posts or my stories, You know I write ABDL fanfics and am a huge advocate for the community. Well, I am very pleased to announce that I have been nominated for ABDLTruth's Inaugural Community Spotlight Awards for the category of Social Media Advocacy! I am so honored, and am happy to say that I was nominated by one of the members of the Fimfiction community, Twidashdiaperlover.

Since the community helped me get into this, I was hoping to ask for your help. When voting day comes, log onto facebook and go to ABDLtruth's page and VOTE! I'd really like to win.

Thank you guys so much for your endless support of me and my fics. Also, Sleep, Pretty Darling Is up now, so check it out!

Thank you all for your support!

Much Love, Many Hugs, And Eternal Gratitude,
FabulousDivaRarity AKA, Cloe

To see the actual nomination photo, Click Here

EDIT: Voting Day is December 30th! So GET OUT AND VOTE, FOLKS.

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