Alternate Mane 6 509 members · 156 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Group Contributor

I made this post to... Well... Post stories that i don't see here to help find new alternates mane 6 in this group this are the ones i found i hope this is useful also if i am breaking a rule or some thing am sorry i didn't knew and f it hard to understand english is not my first language so her is the short list of the ones i know

Friends, Forgiveness, and Magic. by Invinsible

Rainbow Dash, Element of Magic. by aceotaku

My Little Pony: Friendship is Shining. by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Not sure if should be in here

Flying High. by arglefumph

The Unexpected Sexual Harassment of Twilight Sparkle. by cleverpun(because its on hiatus)

Dusk ones and i am not sure if it counts as alternative

Oh, No! Not Another Dusk Shine Story! by adamhunter

Group Admin

3312994 Well, I'm usually pretty open to anything submitted. In fact, the only time I'll delete something is when the story in question doesn't fit the formula for this group (i.e. stories with a new take on the pilot episodes [however loose it may be, just so long as it has a 1,000-year evil, six ponies, and the Elements of Harmony]). If you think they're good enough for this group, then by all means, add them.

If you don't know how, click the folder icon on the bottom-right corner of the story box, then click the group name and appropriate folder. Also, I would prefer to have stories with a genderswapped Mane 6 put in the "Familiar Faces" folder.

Although I should note that I can't seem to find Friends, Forgiveness, and Magic, Rainbow Dash, Element of Magic, or USHoTS. Are these stories rated mature (I have that filtered off)?

Group Contributor

Sorry i don't know how to answer directly(in the sense of post the answer) but Friends, Forgiveness, and Magic and rainbow dash element of magic are E for Everyone and USHoTS is Teen

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