JerryTheHouseGuest Fan Group 5 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

We here in the fan group always love to read stories about the amazing JerryTheHouseGuest. While we would love nearly anything that has him as a main character, we do have a few rules in place.

1. Clop will not be tolerated. You may like it, but if it's NSFW(Not Safe For Wuna), it defiles everything Jerry stands for, and thus we stand for, eating people.

2. Going along with rule number one, you may write anything you like as long as Jerry is always the villain. If it is Romance, you may only ship JerryxSmiles.

3. Please do not write anything that makes Jerry look dumb, that is not what this group is for.

4. Must contain ponies. (Site's rule, not mine)

That's it. Go on! What're you waiting for? Those fanfics aren't going to write themselves!

Group Admin

What...have I...just freaking stumbled onto?

I do not at all remember this group, nor freaking writing this. It has been too dang long! I signed on after a while and looked at my groups. I thought "Huh, that group has no stories, I'll go write a story for it," and then I find out that I am the moderator AND I created the group rules


I did this like...6 years and 8 months ago. Nearly SEVEN years ago, I wrote this forum post. I was 15! I was a wittle baby!

Reading back through it, I did not know that NSFW was a real term. You wanna know how early in my internet life I had joined the fandom? I was so gosh dang new to the internet, I thought "Not Safe For Wuna" was the original and only version of NSFW. I learned what that acronym really meant like a couple years after. Wow.

Anyway, I'm gonna go write a story now...and it'll break like every rule I created.

YOU HEAR THAT JERRY? It's about to get wild up in here!!!

MUAHAHAHA! :pinkiecrazy:

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