20% Cooler Writers and Editors 57 members · 199 stories
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Hey all, I'm looking for an editor/proofreader that can help be my editor and proofreader for my first-ever MLP:FiM story. I am currently working on the prologue for the story, and until I get everything good to go, I would like help getting it ready. And seeing as this is my first-ever MLP fanfiction story, I would appreciate and and all help in editing my story. Thank you in advance for anyone who is willing to help. And to any and all that are willing to help that are wondering why I haven't posted anything yet, I have tried to work on some things for MLP fanfictions, but they just didn't come out right, and I felt like I needed help with the editing and proofreading department. Again, thank you in advance.

-Artemis Prime

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