Vinyl Scratch is Best Pony 800 members · 540 stories
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Seeing as how Vinyl doesn't actually talk in the show, and plus she's had a variaty of fanon actresses, I figured "Why not open up a thread about them?". Now with that being said, this character has only had two particular fan actresses who've caught on at all: HannahK and the much more popular Nowacking. Nowacking has voiced Vinyl in various short videos such as I Am Octavia, Epic Wub Time, Sunrise Surprise, and that one Octavia In The Underworld's Cello fan game, plus a couple others I'm forgetting. HannahK has mainly voiced Vinyl in the audio version of The Vinyl Scratch Tapes, Nimbus Production's reading of Allegrezza and that one Welcome To Ponyvile fan game game.

Nowacking is by far the more popular of the two. Chances are most people who are fans of Vinyl Scratch know who she is. She's generally considered to be the definative Vinyl Scratch voice. And for a long time, I agreed with this. But then I watched the audio version of The Vinyl Scratch Tapes, and no disrespect to Nowacking intended, but I think HannahK is the better one of the two. Her Vinyl voice sounds more natural and also cute, plus she still perfectly capture's the character's hyperness, quirky personality and funny moments. When I read a pony fanfic with Vinyl in it, HannahK's Vinyl Voice is the one I generally imagine whenever the character is talking. This might be due to how The Vinyl Scratch Tapes and Allegrezza fanfics show off both Vinyl's quirks and also her softer side, whereas aside from I Am Octavia the projects Nowacking does pretty much always focus on the funny stuff.

But that being said, I do think they both do great with the role, and I do not at all hate Nowacking or her version of Vinyl {I mean, I still like Epic Wub Time and Sunrise Surprise, and I probably wouldn't if I disliked or hated Nowacking's version of Viny's voice}. I just heavily prefer HannahK's interpretation. Are there any other fan actresses for this character that you guys know of and are a fan of? What are your thoughts on Nowacking and HannahK?

I'm going to say this girl because she is a peggasister but she does not act out the voice of vi but she reads fan fics and one I heard her read was a puppet to her fame(sad story by the way and its more of the gore and dark side of things)and when she did vinyls voice it just sounded right.the name or the girl is scribbler listen to a puppet to her fame some time its about octi and vi where octi has abusive parents and vi,bonbon,and lyra save her.kind of.:rainbowkiss:

5215398 Scribbler is actually in Nimbus Production's Allegrezza Reading from chapters 5 to the rest of the fic, albiet as Octavia instead of Vinyl. She did a pretty decent job I'd say.

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