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So, I finally saw American Hustle…..

And what did I think?

Overall, I actually enjoyed quite a bit. It was by no means as horrible as I’ve heard people say.

All the acting nominations (and wins) were deserved, as everyone really seemed to be giving their best for their respective rolls.

The screenplay was enjoyable, even with all the improvising, and the direction was enjoyable as well.

Now, does that mean this film is an opus for the ages that should be framed in a museum?

No. The criticisms with the plot are well founded, and it is most certainly over hyped to an extent.

While certainly not a bad film, it is hectic and confusing at times, with plot threads winding around themselves and getting incredibly tangled, until, in the last twenty minutes or so, suddenly getting snapped into a straight line.

Also, on a more nitpicky note, I kinda wish the soundtrack was put together a little better, or, at the very least, utilized in a slightly more story based manner and not just trying to play cool songs to play cool songs. I enjoyed the music greatly (mostly because I’m a big classic rock fan), but I do feel that, at times, songs were brought up more to just be a fun song, and not to set the mood to a scene (like how Goodfellas used almost every song to set the tone)

But, asides from that, I ended up enjoying it a lot, and I don’t think I’d be lying if I put it on my most enjoyed films of 2013 list (if I ever get around to actually making one).

Overall, I give it a 3.5/5.

Great acting and character interactions, that are brought down somewhat by the haphazard plot (especially in the middle, where I swear it becomes almost labyrinthine). But, in the end, I think it’s worth a watch, if only to have as an enjoyable popcorn movie.

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My college directing teacher nearly walked out. He thought the direction was extremely sloppy.

I personally thought it was okay, except for the screenplay, which I found to be extraordinary.

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I thought it was pretty interesting, but I stopped paying attention about 2/3 the way through...

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