USAF Bronies 86 members · 19 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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I am not USAF, but I want to be. My favorite planes are the falcon, warthog, and raptor. My favorite tanks are m1a1 abrams, scorpion, and baneblade. I am 19 years old. My name is Adeste.

Nice to meet you.

How can you forget the F-15?

1490879 f15 is ok, but a10 will kick it's ass.(for some reason, I heard that in achmed the dead terrorists voice.)

1491079 idk google fights? Edit. I rescind my statement. Google fight is rigged.

In Ace Combat maybe. No way in real life a Thunderbolt 2 could beat an Eagle with AMRAAM missiles. Maybe if it got a good shot in with the Gatling Gun, but it's unlikely it will come that close.

1491718 remember, the thunderbolt II is designed to take a beating.

1491718 I'm trying to find that a10 that completed the mission with half of one wing gone, one engine smoking, the other gone, hundreds of bullet holes, and landing gear shot to shit. You wouldn't happen to know about that?

Not that I know of. I know about an incident where an Israeli F-15's entire right wing was smashed off and landed safely.

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