Radical Larry Is A Cool Motherfucker 31 members · 90 stories
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So after my long adventures in Dark souls I have finally capped out at my preferred level of 119 and gotten to new game plus and it has gotten alot harder since I have banned myself from leveling up.

So does anyone happen to own the game and have a character high enough to help me?

Damn, highest I got is a SL eightysomething on PS3, I guess I could do some grinding, but if you're on PC I can't help, GFWL has basically locked me out of the game, and I can't find a fix.

1797592 If you mean on the PC depending on your problem I might be able to help with it. Also

you know what the best part about new game+ is?

I would wager that one of the great parts of ng+ is messing with all those twinkers in the Burg.

Edit: It's been a while since I've tried fixing my Problem with GFWL so I just started fooling around with it, I think I just fixed it on accident.
Although I still don't have any characters that are high enough, and I don't want to use the infinite souls thing or a trainer.

1797652 specifically turning human and waiting for people who hacked themselves good gear on low level characters to invade at Parish. Also I can go on one of my lower levels to help. I also have a level 22, 54 and 90

I don't really need help, it'll just take a while to get up to my usual cap. (120)

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