Comments ( 11 )
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Group Admin

Ok, Twilight is next. We don't really have much, just a chapter really. Look in the old forums for it. We will have to make meetings on GDocs and chat, make sure you have a account, we will all talk and write. I am making a vote for Twilight,

I think Changelings is kinda cliche, how about this, Cyborg Twilight, created from scraps of metal?

Voting will be done like this. Vote yes or no, or either. Or others you have.

Either is fine by me:

Silent Sir 224
Group Admin

1346600 Uh, before we go too far down this road. How would you suggest we make it work?

Group Admin

Cyborg Twilight? Or the voting? Changeling Twi is ok with me.

Silent Sir 224
Group Admin

1346724 Cyborg Twilight, sorry.

I agree that we might be able to do something a bit more unique than Changeling, but we would need to see if this idea is even plausible.

Group Admin

I agree, just spit balling really. Twilight or what her name is , figures out she is used by scientists and doesn't like it and escapes.

Or goes on a journey to find something, only to find Ponyville where Timbershy is, and also, what happened in our chapters ending, is she still a wolf, or a pony?

Silent Sir 224
Group Admin

1346756 Maybe that could work, just need to figure out the how and the why.

I'm thinking at the end of the chapter, she finds out her time as a pony is temporary.

Impress Me
Group Admin

1346756 If spitballing is mentioned with your idea, it's probably best not to go down that path.

Group Admin

Let's stick with Changeling Twilight.

Silent Sir 224
Group Admin

1347083 Alright, how are regi, super and chow progressing?

Group Admin

They got chapter one done, I think, check on the original thread for them.

Group Admin

Their chapter:1347101

Regret. Anger. Longing.

Ponies claimed changelings to be emotionless, but they were wrong. For these were the expressions on the changelings' faces. One caught her looking at her, and quickly looked away.

Regret. Sad. Wonderful. Bittersweet.

That's how she felt when she saw those other changelings. She felt bad for them, sorry, but she wasn't ready to lose her wonderful life.

Her name? Changelings are without them. Only Queens have the luxury.

Her number? That was for regualar changelings. She may not be Queen, but she was definitely special.

Her letters? ABCD. Next in line to be next in line to be Queen. ABC, Queen Honey's daughter (and ABCD's best friend), was next in line to be Queen.

And ABC would never let her forget it.

Why did she get to be ABCD? She was Queen Honey's personal student.

Queen Honey was a kind old Queen. She always let her changelings eat first, because they were the ones who worked for it. Even when there was a feast, she would let the others have what they wanted.

It wasn't noticible at first.

Changelings led a simple life, not really noticing the change in their Queen. But it didn't take long for ABCD to see it. And now even the smallest drone had seen it, too.

Honey had called for ABCD, this was something that worried her greatly.

Why had her Queen called her?

ABCD stepped into the room, nervousness portrayed by her slightly shaken demeanour.

"ABCD," Honey called in a hoarse voice. It still sounded happy to see her; Honey was always happy to see her.

"Queen Honey!" ABCD gasped, looking at her sick Queen on the bed. Her heavy, laboured breathing could be heard even from the side of the room ABCD was on.

"ABCD, I am dying." As her queen spoke, ABCD drew closer. With every step she took the feeling of, ‘she’ll be fine’ faded.

"No!" cried ABCD. "You can't!" ABCD thought it was a ridiculous statement; Honey wasn’t the type of changeling that just died, not like this anyway.

"I have not gotten enough food," Honey explained, almost regretting her generosity. "There is nothing you can do."

"But... but.., there has to be something!" ABCD exclaimed, and sadly lay by her Queen on the floor. What had happened to the simple life she knew?

"No,” Honey said sternly. “There is not. But I have some instructions for you.”

"What?" asked ABCD, soon to be ABC, though that was of no comfort.

"ABC's name will be Chrysalis," she began. "You will continue with your studies. Your fellow changelings will build you a library and fill it with only the best books," She gasped in pain and continued. "ABC may be my daughter, but you need to make sure she follows changeling customs!"

"Yes my Queen," muttered ABCD sadly, her eyes finding their way to the floor.

"Please go," Honey called, and ABCD caught one last long look at her Queen. How long did she have? A month? A week? A day?

Little did she know it would be shorter than anyone expected.

ABCD ran out of the room, crying. She didn't even look where she was going as she rushed through the halls of the hive.

"Oops, sorry," ABCD said to ABC. ABC quickly put something behind her back and acknowledged the apology.

Normally, ABCD would ask "What's that?" but she was too upset to care.

She arrived in her room.

She arrived just to hear it.

The death bell.

And this time she knew it wasn't just for any old changeling.

It was for her Queen.

Death had never really stuck with her a concept until that moment. She was, of course, aware death happened but yet now it had struck her, it was something different. The entire caseation of an existence, such a kind, peaceful existence.

The newly appointed ABC ran in the direction of the bell. There lay her Queen's unmoving body.


But one of the seducers noticed something she hadn't.

"She's been murdered!"

Everyone looked around, and there, with bloody hooves, Chrysalis held a knife.

Chrysalis had murdered her mother!

"What have you done?" ABC screamed.

"I made her death quick and simple," Chrysalis replied. "I sped up the process." She obviously thought the sickening act as a kindness.

"She must have helped her!" yelled a drone, pointing at...


"No! I didn't! Honest!" ABC cried. "Chrysalis! Help me!" But she just stood there with a grin on her face. How could she be smiling at a time like this?

"Chrysalis," she breathed. "I like it."

ABC sat there locked in a cage. Her hive, her very own hive, her best friend (though now she supposed it was ‘best friend’) was trying to make her die of hunger.


As she lay in the cage thinking, it didn't take long for ABC to figure it out.

Uh! I should have relaized it sooner! ABC thought. She's evil!

Not long after this deduction, Chrysalis walked into the room, gloating. That made it clear to her.

"I'm out here and you're in there," she began.

Quick as a whip a changeling jumped on Chrysalis. She screamed and ran away, dropping the key.

The changeling picked it up and unlocked the cage.

"Thank you, BBBFF!" ABC cried.

"You're welcome, little sis," Drone 1627 told her. "It's not safe for you here. You have to run away. Here's a good spot. Ponyville." She was given a hoofdrawn map.

"Ponyville," she breathed, eyeing the spot on the map. Then she looked up. "1627, aren't you coming with me? It's not safe for you here, either, not with you freeing me!"

"No I'm sorry sis, I can't come."

"But... you'll die here!"

"Why would I do that?"

"For freeing me!" ABC exclaimed

"I can't come," 1627 breathed, knowing full well he would. "I'm needed here."

"I can't lose two of the most important changelings in my life within two days!" ABC whimpered.

"I'm sorry little sis. Just remember, I'll always be here for you." A stampede of changelings started running toward them. It seemed like Chrysalis wasted no time in informing others of the ‘murderer’s’ escape.

"Go!" he cried.




"Just go!"

Not looking back, ABC ran off. She heard a muffled "I love you" as her brother got swallowed up in the stampede.

Once she reached a safe distance, having ran faster and longer than thought possible, ABC looked back.

"I love you, too."

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