High Quality Spike Shipping 1,528 members · 779 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Who is supposed to be keeping up with this? One of the most recent additions has a thick red bar and one comment saying it is terrible.
I'm not saying 24 hour surveillance, as I have a job too, but there is a difference between sub-par and just awful.

Please PM me the story, I'm not an editor but I suppose I could try to figure it out...maybe

Blood Brandy
Group Admin


I think part of it is folks submitting their own stories to the "Incoming" file shortly after posting. I'm never sure how much leeway time we should give them to garner the needed upvotes before blasting them out of the group

4250734 Perhaps a rule against self-submissions before a certain amount of upvotes have been given?

4250734 If stories are submitted into the Incoming folder, then that means they have to be given a pass to be put into the regular folders where the actual stories do go.

In short: Incoming does not equal a part of the group. It means it's under review to be a part of it.

Also, minimum amount of upvotes needed is 100 to qualify. Stories also have to be critiqued in order to be a part of the group. That is done by either me or the other admins. We're also hiring contributors, if you wish to be a part of it.

Thread locked. PM me or anyone else with any further questions.

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