Mormon Bronies 108 members · 233 stories
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So... what are your guys opinions on censorship?

The reason i ask is i recently was on a FB page where someone posted a picture that some would consider offensive (because it was a joke involving the KKK, and making fun of them). The leader of this FB page went through and banned not only the poster of the meme, but also everyone who liked the photo as they "supported racism". While i think that the admin was extremely wrong on this particular issue (I was eventually banned for calling him out on his unprofessional behavior.... i don't have the name Politicalunrest for nothing), it has brought to mind censorship and what the limits of free speech would be if I owned a FB page or group.

On the one hand you wouldn't want the page devolving into a pile of rage posts or turning to far away from what you originally intended it to be... but on the other hand sometimes random stuff can actually be connected to what the original purview of the group is/was.

This is something i'm really struggling with. Partially because the Admin viciously attacked those who had a legitimate disagreement with them (including my self), but also because I've been trying to strike a good balance in my own mind. So... wheres the line? What type of speech, if any would you not allow/ ban people for participating in?

I also apologize if this is the wrong forum to post this in, but i thought that i would like to get my fellow LDS's views first before i reached out to other groups.

Thanks for your help guys!

Group Admin

In general, I would use the famous quote of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., that the right of free speech does not protect someone "falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater," as a basis for free speech judgements. Basically, if there's reasonable evidence that a post is purporting false information as fact and/or meant to provoke emotional reactions in others (typically angry or fearful), the post should be removed and the poster punished under whatever rules the group holds.

Beyond that, banning those who like a controversial post is stupid, as they have done no direct wrong, and banning those who disagree with you shows immaturity and an unwillingness to listen to reason.

That's just my opinion, hope it gives you something to think on.

Write on,

Rule #1: Don't be a butt.


Thanks guys, that's kinda how i feel.

Also, nice Rule #1 haha

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