Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2915816 (Will be gloriously victorious and praise the Sun?)

Shadow thanks her training, and curses it, for not joining the child in tears right now. "I'm sorry sweetie. Sometimes... things don't end as we would like." She picks up the kid and rocks her for a bit before trying to either nudge or carry her back to the others.

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(Will be gory and burnt like the sun)

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2915825 Dim shakes a bit before he descends the last few steps and looks at the assembled foals and Shadow "So we didn't get them all I take it?' Dim shakes his head as he walks towards the group.

2915827 (Oh well, least they died engaging in J-J-J-Jolly Cooperation!:yay:)

"No. I hope this is all of them. Let's get them out of here. Think they will be safe using your already made portal? You are in no condition to be casting much of anything right now."

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Dim smirks before saying "Please I could move the sun right now" Realizing blood was running out of his mouth again he wipes it off before smiling sheepishly "Of course we might as well make use of it"

"Well this is probably the only chance you can while they aren't watching. Let's get these children safe and then you get out of here. I'm going to have to stay behind and at least observe those morons. I hope for their sakes the solars have some good therapists on the payroll."

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2915879 Dim sticks his tounge out at Shadow before he begins to trot back up the stairs. "I think I'll stay to make sure you guys don't get yourselves killed, I doubt all the blood mages were at base.
(Wow this song and video were pretty good together


Following along, Shadow makes sure the kids keep up with them and pays particular attention to the one she had to collect.

2915879 Ivy frowns as she walks down the passage, the sounds of heavy armor clinking filling the air. She narrows her eyes as she holds up a hoof, bringing the group to a halt. Listening intently a low humming sound can be heard.

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2915907 As Dim approaches the portal he writes a note and sends it off ahead. A few minutes later he gets a reply. Nodding Dim looks at the kids and says "Alright kids some nice stallions will take care of you when you step through here" Dim steps aside so the kids could enter

Shadow directs the kids through the portal. "Go along now, sweetie. The nice men will make sure you are alright and take care of you, okay?" She ushers the kid she was dealing with toward the portal once most of the others are through.
(Well that video wasn't pointlessly disturbing in anyway. Ugh... now I need to read some more of Twilight pretty much reaming everything around her to make up for that.)

(On that note, sorry fellas but I've got an early start tomorrow so its time for me to go. Its almost 1:30 AM here.)

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2915931 Dim watches the last kid leave. Smiling he closes the portal "Don't want someone following those kids through now do we, So lets go get the Solars. Dim walks towards the cave entrance when he suddenly falls to the ground, his horn crackling with a red aura.
(Alrighty to the other thread!)

Shadow runs up to Dim. "You alright there?" (Now I'm off. Heh.)

2915954 (Sorry had dinner, back now.)

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Dim shivers as he fights to remove the foreign substance. After several moments his horn returns to glowing his own aura. Staggering to his feet he looks and Shadow and says "Run" After several moments of just standing there Dim's horn begins to change back to the red it was earlier. Straining Dim fights against the foreign magic, but in the end he loses. Dim collapses to the ground

2920986 A copper taste floods Ivy's mouth, looking down her eyes go wide as she see's blood dripping down. Something was powerful was trying to override her anti magic. Frantically looking around she see's that many of the Solars were collapsed on the ground, their teeth clenched as red lighting crackled around their horns, the few remaining members of the H.R.T squad sent with them looked worried as a golden glow emanated from the talismans in their chest pieces.

"Princess protect us, Dark Magic..." One of them whispers as Ivy disperses her witch hunters, many of them not looking so good, among the affected unicorns, their anti magic fields removal the red lighting.

"Damn it, okay here's what's happening. I want three of our Null's to escort the unicorns to the surface, the rest of you are going to help me find what ever fiend is doing this and put an end to whatever these cultists have brought forth. H.R.T I want you in front, your talismans should ward you from the worst of it." Ivy says, watching her troops nod in confirmation.
"Alright move it."

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 23rd, 2014

(I just got in.)
"Crap. Dim, you hang in there." Shadow pulls back from him to what she believes to be a safe distance prepared to act in whatever way she might need to.

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A unicorn steps out from the area the chariots were his horn crackling with the red energy. Smirking hea tosses a pegasus guard's head towards the cave. He walks forward wearing a crimson robe over mithril armor. "Looks like I'm going to have some fun today" Laughing he sends a pulse of magic into Dim
Boss Fight
Seargent like magic without blood magic
With blood magic he can go toe to toe with a brigade commander
Mithril armor can stop most projectiles and is resistant to anti magic
Having aged over 300 years he knows many spells
He specializes in death magic as well a mind magic

(So is Shadow engaging him or still hidden here?)

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(Well he's probably about to kill Dim)

Shadow flaps back onto the scene. "So who are you?"

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"Why I'm the leader of this little group of bloodmages, I do hope you didn't kill them all" He says in a mocking voice

"Well I'm sure I didn't personally. I wasn't down there long enough for that."

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"Heh such a shame, it takes forever to brainwash that many ponies without making them zombies. Oh well I guess I'll start with this unicorn, but I don't have much use for bat ponies" Smiling he sends a massive telekinetic blast the leaves a deep trench in its wake. Ponies in the neighboring villages are sending reports of an earthquake currently

2925872 (Remember an attachment of Solar's and Witch hunters are in there way up.) Ivy and her troops finish scouting the rest of the level. "Shit no one here...fuck the portal!" Ivy shouts as she turns back and races for the surface, her troops not far behind as the quake hits. "Fuck!"

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2925909 (Remember a brigade commander is only 600 points weaker than Celestia in terms of magic tis will be a massacre)

"What are you aiming at?" Shadow chuckles as she wings her way to another location having dodged the spell at the last second. (I'm assuming it was aimed at her.) "Also, wasn't that excessive for a warning shot?"

2925926 (And that's why they are what we call distractions.) Regaining there footing Ivy scowls. Wish Flare was here, we could use some fire power. She thinks as she catches up to the groups she had sent off earlier. "Damn it." One of the swears. "The bucks going on Ma'm?"
Ivy shakes her head as they fold into formation with the rest. "Something bad. H.R.T front and center, take us up." She says, ordering the heavily armed ponies in front of her. The groups setting off once again.

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"Enough chit chat Hemo-gobbler" I wonder why a bot pony would reveal herself unless. "HAHAHAHHA, Oh I see" Smirking he sends another blast, but this time aimed at Dim

"Really, pulling that kind of thing?" Even so she does move to rescue Dim from being hit. "I thought you said you needed him."

2925964 As the ponies charge down the corridor another quake rock the cavern. "Keep moving!" Ivy yells.

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2925964 The pony chuckles as the blast tears through the spot Dim was at and destroys a large section of the cave.

"Going to keep that up until the caves below collapse, eh? I mean you've already revealed that your minions are little more than base tools to you but isn't that a bit excessive? Unless of course you have loads more enclaves... or perhaps important documents or something below." Setting Dim down somewhere she can easily get to she draws her blades.

2925986 Ivy skids to a halt as a large section of corridor collapses, block them from advancing. "Fuck, alright drop aura's!" She commands, the null aura fading. "Unicorns, beam us outa here." She says, the Solar unicorns nodding, linking their magic they build a charge and disappear in a flash, reappearing at the surface portal.

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The Unicorn is slightly surprised by the appearance of a squad of soldiers, but he shrugs it off and fires another blast, bust this time it is twice as large and powerful directly at the soldiers

Even as the unicorn is firing his spell Shadow wings her way in close from his right side making a slash toward his neck.

2926038 Seeing the blast incoming Ivy and her nulls react on instinct, there aura's flaring, nullfying the incoming magic. The H.R.T teams remain unaffected from the field, firing steel tipped anti magic bolts at the pony, not aiming to kill but to crack his armor.

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 23rd, 2014
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2926047 The pony just sits there as the ponies attack him. He smirks as his shield ripples across his body as everything impacts him. "It's going to take more than weapons to touch me fools" Laughing he walks past the captain and uses his telekinesis to grab several privates before he crushes them into a bloody mist.
(Lets get some stats)
Solar Dawn Lunar( Healthy, injured, dead)
Officers 3 1 1 0 1 0 1
Corporals 3 1 1 0 0 0
Privates 2 0 9 0 0 0

"Remind me to put in a complaint to the quartermasters about our equipment doing fuck all in the field." Shadow backs off to plot another attack for the moment. "When we kill him, I'm taking that armor back for research."

2926080 Gritting her teeth Ivy and her witch hunters foucus on there null aura's as the rest of the soldiers huddle within it,protected from the stallion's power. The three remaining H.R.T officers reload and fire, their anti magic piercing his protective enchantments, striking the same places, the straps holding his armor on, rips appearing.

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2926115 Raising an eyebrow he looks at his armor straps. Sighing he reinforces the bindings with his magic. "Sorry but the shield enchantment on this armour will die with me so hah" Smiling he throws a large chunk of earth at the solar forces

2926134 Seeing the rock head towards them the group splits, staying within the null auras as they circle in on the mage with precision. Firing again the bolts streak across the field, their anti magic ignoring the magic reinforcement, cutting the straps further at this point they're hanging on by threads. (Trying to fight anti magic with more magic is like trying to fight the ocean with MORE FIRE.)

Shadow checks if she has any more explosives on herself or anything else useful left besides her blades. If not she is going to have to get creative with the rocks nearby.

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