Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2644944 Blue grins as he feels the heat from the teleport, throwing his head down he feels the blade crack across the back of his head. Wouldn't kill me on the field. He thinks to himself as he bucks backwards into the mare's torso.

That looked a lot like Spatial... Heaven thought as she continued watching. sighing she began wandering around the area hopping to find someone to spar with.

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2644962 taking the buck like a stallion she kept putting pressure on the sword on blues head and swings the other sword in a large arcing motion at his feet

2644988 Reaching out Blue wraps his fore leg around the incoming sword, drawing it in and along his body while rising up in a Poiret motion, garbing the other blade with his teeth as it slides across his face backhanding the instructor with his free hoof.

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2645034 Impressed ,doubting whether or not he would be alive in a real fight, but impressed none the less she decides to see how well he would handle the less orthodox techniques. deciding to start simple again she teleports him 30 feet into the air

2645056 "Fuck!" He swears as he orientates himself, spiting out the instructors sword, while casting a shield underneath himself to stand on as he grabs his sword.

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2645069 Her eye widen when he said that. how, DARE, YOU. Madder than the mad hatter she yanks every single weapon from the students sparring as well as the extras lying around and starts spinning them around Blue sending up to 10 weapons directly at him at a time as the other circle him building of speed

2644971 A young colt wearing the lunar brigades armor approaches to spar with you when his sword is yanked away

2645096 Eyes widening Blue Teleports back to the surface, the blades whistling as they change course and chase him. "Alright then!" Blue shouts as he charges the instructor. "Kids glove off it is!" A flash of light fills the air as he pulls a mock greatsword from a barrel, discarding the smaller wooden weapon.

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2645118 smirking at him she sits down and casts a shield around herself subtly digging her hoof into the dirt "This will show him for cussing in my class. deciding to up the temp a bit more she grips some pebbles with her magic and launches them at Blue

Meanwhile at Dims class
"And that class is how you reattach a hoof, oh looks like someone pissed off Greenwall again, that woman is crazy" Dim says as he takes a drink from his flask ignoring the mixed faces of his class ranging from sick to shell shocked.

2645154 Enveloping the wooden blade in his magic Blue lets lose a roar, swinging down he uses his telekinesis to dramatically increase the speed of the blade. Unfortunately the blade disintegrates as it strikes the shield, the force of the swing ripping it apart.

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2645178 dropping the shield Greenwall throws a hoof of dirt into Blue's face, teleports behind blue, and launches all the weapons to effectively peppering everything within a fifty yard radius of blue

2645198 Gritting his teeth Blue ignores the dirt in his eyes instead he spins around, his body glowing as he covers himself in his own telekinetic force before launching himself at the instructor, swatting the blades out of the air with a burst of force.

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2645228 realizing the hour she decided to try two more tactics before she admitted he wasn't quite as weak as she had thought.
Rushing forward she jumped at him aiming to take him head on only to teleport right in front of him taking the blow full force

((Mind if Heaven breaks the fight up before... regret.exe is initiated? And if so, Spatial will be used.))
Heaven chuckled, shaking her head. As she watched Blue and the mare's fight grow more and more serious. She started to get worried about it as Blue commented about 'kid gloves.'

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2645271 (Nah the instructor's getting bored the fight will end with blue in the hospital or with a chip on his shoulder)

2645269 (FALLLCOOON) As she was reeling from the blow Blue slams another into her midsection, his magically enhanced might send out a cracking sound as it connected. With out having to look Blue knew that he had broken something in his leg however he blocked the pain out as he follows up again. (PUUUNNCCCCH!!)

((Awe... but I wanted the Unicorns confused to how a Pegasus could do something like that... then confused at how said pegasus used magic...))

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2645299 And sitting on the other side of the field Greenwall bursts out laughing surprised that he fell for the decoy. "Alright that's quite enough I don't need you breaking the practice dummy. and aside from the fact you barley used your sword I guess you are better than most soldiers" she laughs some more as she walks away
End of intro

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2645323 *You have earned the novice swordsmanship skill*
2645299 *You have earned... NOTHING!*

2644367 * You have earned the novice archery ability*
(We can keep this thread open for shitz and giggles but there will be a time skip in the next thread)

2645341 Only a broken leg and costs incurred for 10+ broken swords and a busted dummy.

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2645345 Don't worry Dim needs someone to be a test dummy for fixing a broken leg

((Yay Heaven can use swords... And doesn't that mean he earns three Trollestias?))

2645356 Best find some ice for that burn :fluttercry:

Finally deciding to leave the train, Dark walked over to the signs.
"Hoof to hoof." He muttered to himself, remembering his difficultly with Blue when unarmed and intoxicated, something that happened a bit to regularly for his tastes. Grumbling to himself, he walked over to where the guards were already running the session.

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2645831 (were going to skip the intro and stuff until the other mission is done then we can come back and do your training since this mission is going to stay live)

(Cool. A heads up though, stuff has come up to keep me occupied and away from my PC for the next 2 hours. :fluttercry: Sorry)

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2645851 Bleh just be back for the intermission

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2645357 Greenwall trots into the training grounds the next day Alright time to take role

2914667 (We not making a new thread for this one?)

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2914834 (Nope, remember I said we would continue this thread after we did the crystal empire building. Also since we may end up getting a story wrote all the characters really need some sub-plot added to them.
Also right now everyone acts like the barely know greenwall, when two of you were with her for ummm, crap I forgot how long I made these courses)

2914928 (Couple of months? So this is going to cover that training time?)

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2914940 (Yeah pretty much.)

2915136 (Sweet.) Blue rolls over in his sleep before startling awake, his sense of time telling him it was time to get up. Equipping his gear he trots out of the barracks, taking a moment to look up at the dark sky, a thin lip of red on the horizon. Smiling he makes his way to the firs day of 'training' with his new foxy yet mad instructor.

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2915167 (Foxy:unsuresweetie: Dim's going to kill you, you know that right?:rainbowlaugh: I love this group)
Greenwall starts to set up the test dummies for todays lesson and looks at the ground crud I'll need to get the landscaper to fix that An hour before training would begin recruits began to pour into the training area. Wow they're eager I wonder why Shrugging it off she ignores them and goes back to work, she hears several comments about the weapons tornado, hot head, and the word flank once. At the she glares at the recruits he to thier credit snapped to attention. Smirking she got back to work.

2915209 Blue walks around the training area, acting as a secondary instructor more than anything else as he lends his own experience to students who were struggling with the faster blade style Greenwall was teaching, showing them how to wield larger weapons.

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2915268 Greenwall raises an eyebrow at Blue before she shrugsLess work for me.Walking up to one of the ponies showing the most success with the duel wield style she smiles before saying "You are doing very good, but you are gripping the sword to tightly with your magic. You want to hold it almost as if you are throwing the sword at your enemy." Stepping back she watches as the stallion readjusts his grip on the weapons before he tries again. Ducking as a sword flies over her head she raises an eyebrow. Realizing that the pony had taken her instructions a bit to literal she starts to giggle. She looks at the stallion, who had lowered himself to the ground due from embarrassment , and says " you're close, but you don't actually let go of your weapon". She steps back again and watches the stallion attack the training dummy again. After a few strikes he stops and stares at the dummy. "Goodjob, now you are attacking twice as fast then before"

2915328 "Now the trick to using larger weapons is to realize that you will never be as fast as the lighter styles. When fighting like this the trick is to play to your strengths, namely the fact you only have to concentrate on one blade and can focus your strength on it instead of dividing it. Instead of trying to parry blows the way to fight with a large weapon is to hit your opponent hard an fast, locking down their movement. If you give them the chance to move around an flank you, your screwed." Blue says as he addresses a small crowd, correcting their stances as he walks among them.

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2915377 (Sorry my housemate won't shutup about his new girlfriend:trixieshiftleft:)
Greenwall looks at the sun before saying "Training is over for today, if you wish to stay and practice you are welcome to. I'm grabbing some coffee than heading to the hospital if anyone needs me" She trots off at saying this

2915452 Blue rubs the side of his face before dismissing his students. "You heard the lady, bugger off." he says before lighting a smoke, walking over the officer's quarters to grab some coffee.

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2915503 Greenwall kicks back in an officers chair with a cup of coffee before checking the time again. She mutters "Twenty minutes until I need to get to the hospital" before taking a drink of coffee

2915628 As he enters the officers are Blue takes a quick look around before shrugging, walking over to the coffee machine. As he takes a seat he smiles, please to have the chance to relax with out worrying about some impending doom for the next ten or so minutes.

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2915698 (And then the world went poof) Glancing at the new pony in the lounge she says "You know only officcers are suppose to be in here right" She goes back to her coffee not really caring if he stays or leaves

2915718 Blue shrugs. "Yeah." He gives a little scowl at the private badge on his shoulder. "Keep forgetting they slammed me with this."

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2915762 Greenwall shrugs before saying "So did you need something or are you just here for coffee"

2915784 "Coffee." He says, taking a sip. "Don't mind the conversation though."

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2915796 Greenwall smiles before she starts to drink her coffee. "Well do you have anything interesting to say? Because in about 20 minutes I'm going to be bored out of my mind"

2915824 Blue shrugs. "Might do, wadda you want to know? Have a few war stories though I'd wager you've got some of your own."

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2915865 Greenwall giggles before saying "Oh little oh me. How could you believe I've fought in war let alone ever picked up a sword":trollestia:

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