Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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((This is going to be a kind of Back story of Heaven Star, so if you don't feel like dealing with it... then no need to join.))
You are ordered to take a vacation with in the city of Las Pegasus. After many adventures, the higher ups demanded you to cease the adventuring for at least one month. Well, things don't seem to go as planned now do they?
As it happens Las Pegasus is the home of Heaven Star, an Assassin that had joined the Dawn Brigade in many of it's endeavors. Perhaps he will provide them lodgings? And what's this they heard about Rouge ninjas in the area?
((Yes, they don't know about her gender yet in this...))

Heaven sighed, a soft chuckle escaping her. She was in the market near where the the train would arrive bringing the Dawn Brigade to Las Pegasus. Though she was not in her Ninpo uniform, making her near unrecognizable had any of them see her.

Group Admin

1074814 ( So when is this it's obviously after the first mission but is it like 1 year later or months or what? oh it has to be at least 5 months after)

((About 2 or three years.))

Blue sat looking out of the train's window. It felt good to out of his armor he thought as he sipped on a tea, wondering what his other team mates were up to.

Group Admin

1074836 (okay try to avoid talking to much about equestria though cause shit hits the fan very soon. and it hits it again shortly after. Oh then the name comes into play about 3 missions later:pinkiecrazy:)

((Oh, you made an error in the description of the Celestial Empire. [If Alicorns are gods, then Twilight would be classed as a demigod, or a mortal who transcended past their humanity.]))

Group Admin

1074856(they need a shh emote:trollestia: but you'll see)

((Are you joining or not?))

A loud speaker kicked in, giving the passengers of the train a hopeful announcement. "We will be arriving in Las Pegasus soon. For those of you heading to Las Pegasus, please gather your belongings and prepare to depart."


Heaven glanced at the train pulling into the station, a soft chuckle escaping her. It was probably more tourists to the town. No one important. She returned to looking at the stall in front of her. "Heaven deary," The stallion behind it said smiling. "I still don't understand why you so interested in these things... I mean, they aren't really for kitchen duty." Heaven chuckled, shaking her head. "You know that I wouldn't shop here for kitchen supplies Ken..."

Group Admin

1074906(no I'm probably dead but that depends on some outcomes I might live)

(edit- oh but either way bad stuff does happen)

1074916>>1074906 (Live damn it live!)
Blue steps off the train and smiles, Las Pegasus, town of fun and delight. HQ had ordered him to have fun and damn it he was going to enjoy himself, come hell or high water.

((I flipped a coin. It says in this you lived.... Now, Discord says you lived. [Remember what the Joker Said in the Dark Knight?]))

Group Admin

1074943(:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright: I'm out its for the best I need to plan the mission in a few hours anyways)

Ken nodded, chuckling slightly. "I suppose you are right." He said, as Heaven shook her head. She then blinked as she recognized someone from her missions. She glanced back noting that it was Blue from the Dawn Guard. "Sorry, but I have to leave." She quickly said sighing. "Eh, fine by me..." Ken smiled, looking around till he saw Blue as well. "Say! Looking for some weapons? I got some really good quality here."

1074968 Blue smiled and waved away the vendor. "No thanks, I already own a good set. Though there could be something you could help me with though."

"Hm? Yeah? What's that?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he subtly looked at Heaven, who had just rounded a corner. "Need a place to stay?"

1074979 "Well yes, but I'm on vacation and was wondering about where a stallion can have fun in this town."

"Fun?" Ken nodded, smiling. "Yeah there are plenty of areas. Though I'd be careful of Mizo Street. I hear that place has Assassin's all over it." He chuckled softly. "Don't get why... It's own by the Star Family. And the older brother is the Magistrate of the area... Now that I think about it, they do have a lot of power in these parts..." He began trailing off chuckling.
((Remember, Heaven's full name is Heaven Star. Oh, and Mizo Street is named after The infamous Mizo District... which is historically a Ninja hideout.))

1074996 "Star of my team mates last names is star. Heh didn't know he had connections back in Las Pegasus." Blue says as he rubs his chin.

"Yeah?" Ken chuckled, smiling softly. "Maybe they'll lodge you. I hear they got plenty of rooms."
((Huzzah. I am on my phone...))

1075142 "Couldn't hurt to ask, any chance i could get directions?"
(Huzzah indeed, why no luna emote:applecry:?)

"Yah see that big mansion behind me?" Ken asked chuckling "That is them."

1075161 Blue whistles. "Damn, Heaven never mentioned his folks back home were wealthy, though what else do expect from a ninja clan i suppose."

((Imagine Blue's surprise...))
"Don't know about who you met, but the only Heaven Star around here is Sebastian's younger sister." Ken stated. He then chuckled, patting Blue forcefully on the back. "Maybe they cousins."

1075167 Blue chuckles in response. "Haha i could never imagine having the same name as one of my cousin's, poor guy, must be hilarious at family reunions though."

Comment posted by ZeirMakavar deleted Jun 6th, 2013

((Their oh buck faces. I can see them now...))
"Hasta be." Ken nodded, before looking around "Yah sure you don't want anything?"

1075177 "Other than a nice place to sit back and enjoy an ale i'm not interested. Last thing i want is a fight. Thanks for you help." Blue says as he flicks a couple of bit's the vendor's way, and walks over to the Star mansion.

"Pleasure." He said, taking the bits. Once you arrive at the mansion a maid pony greets you. "Are you a guest of the Stars?" She asked, blinking. "Or perhaps you have an appointment? If you do, then I apologize but Sir Sebastian is out of town and will arrive later today. Only miss Heaven is here for now."

1075189 "No no, I'm Lieutenant Blue Shift of the Dawn Brigade, I work with Mister Heaven Star in my squad."

Group Admin

1075189( I like where this is going:trollestia:
1075190 I would get rid of the private I doubt any of you will still be privates by then
sorry I will leave yall alone)

(( I know. I do too. Oh, and you can not resist the NOMS!))
"Oh... I see." The maid nodded, a slight smile on her face. "I will be right back." She then turned, and walked further into the mansion. "Miss?" She said, upon reaching Heaven's room. "There is a visitor here. He claimed to be an acquaintance with a Mister Heaven Star?" Heaven blinked, looking at the maid. "What? But... I've made sure not to befriend anypony... Fine I'll go see who it is."

1075192>>1075204 (Then i am now a Lieutenant cause i had fun being one.) As Blue waits he can't help but notice how nice the room was, not that he didn't doubt it wasn't filed with hidden weapons and spie hole, it was a ninja house after all.

Group Admin

1075209( so you're higher rank than me!:pinkiegasp:)

1075211 (Well if you survive Dim would probably be a captain so no, i'm not:twilightsmile:)

((Penny in the air.))
"I honestly don't think that anyone would request..." She started to say as she walked into Blue's line of sight. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" ((And the penny has fallen, into a pit...))

1075215 Blue looks confused. "Sorry ma'm have we've got to be...nooooooo...."

Heaven's eye twitched. Seconds later Blue finds himself rammed against a wall with a dagger at his neck. "No seriously, why are you here?" Heaven asked, seriousness in her voice. "Why are you here?" The maid looked on in shock, before blinking and moving on to do other things. "What business do you have here?"

1075219 "YOU"RE A MARE!" Blue shouts in shock, ignoring the dagger to his throat. " this...this is...I don't even."

((He doesn't even game? Sorry... Every time I see that, that's what I think of...))
"Don't bother." Heaven sighed, shaking her head as she pulled away. "Yes... I'm a mare, now can we skip the step where you're staring at my flank the entire time, and go back to why you are here?" She chuckled softly, before looking away.

1075224 Blue blushes slightly. "Errme yes, ahem, I arrived on the train from Canterlot, I came here because as you know HQ has ordered us to take some R&R so where else to come for fun than Las Pegasus. I was talking to the vendor outside when he told me that you'r family owned this house, and lacking somewhere to stay I came here to ask about a lodgings." Blue reports in true military fashion. "Ma'm." He adds with a smirk.

Once again Heaven's eye twitched at the mention of her gender. "Yes... we get it. Why do you think I never mentioned it..." She mumbled. She then, turned back to look at Blue. "Do you know how many of you are coming? As we don't really have that many free rooms..." Then then stopped and appeared to be thinking. "Maybe three or four. Two on this floor, by the kitchen... And one across the hall from my room..." She then blinked, now glaring at him. "And don't even think about sneaking into my room. I'll kill you."

1075240 "Wouldn't know, as far as i'm aware i'm the only one who came to Las Pegasus. And I value my manhood being exactly where it is, thank you very much. So i'll take the one in hall."

"Did I say castrate?" Heaven chuckled, shaking her head. "I believe I said that I'd kill you. Which is two totally different things." She had turned to leave him be, before she stopped and looked back at him. "Why... Why did you pick Las Pegasus? There are other places you could have gone..."

1075270 "Everyone know that if you want a good time, go to Las Pegasus. Besides It's been a while since I last had fun, so where better?"

"I guess..." She said, shaking her head. "Why did it have to be when I'm not on a mission..." She mumbled to herself, sighing. "Well, I'm not showing you around. Go and have your fun. I'll be going around to do some rounds for brother later. So if you wish to join me, make it quick." ((Obviously in this Sebastian hasn't betrayed the clan yet.))

1075280 "Rounds?" Blue says. "Why not, it's not like i've got much else to do while i'm here and it would be better to walk with someone i know rather than wander the streets aimlessly."

((I should be sleeping... but it' so interesting... I'm almost tempted to see how their relationship would fare in the main story if he was the one to discover her true gender there...))
"I said I'll be doing that later..." Heaven repeated. "And I mean later, besides I don't want you staring at my flank... Which I get the feeling you'd do anyway." She mumbled, shaking her head as she headed up the stairs. "Which room are you taking? I'll have a servant get your stuff from the station and bring it there."

1075288 Blue raises an eyebrow. "What makes you think i've been looking?" He quips before shaking his head. "I'll take the one opposite your's, and don't worry about the servant, i'll collect my own gear."

"Because you're a stallion." Heaven said flatly. "And you just found out that someone you've travelled with is actually a mare. Common sense says that the first thing you'd do is stare." She responded, nodding her head when he stated he'd get his own stuff. "If that's what you want."

1075294 Blue just rolled his eyes and walked away to collect his gear.

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