Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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1097692 "I don't care! If I kill us all, I would have something more important to worry about than you." she said to the enchanter before looking toward Applejack. "She is going to free herself! Distraction tactic!"
She then ran to the earth pony and jumped on her, kissing her. And also trying to steal her hat.
(Is that super effective? Also can she do that?)

(What, kiss AJ? I don't see why not. I did say distract her didn't I? Not like we need to check a dice roll to see if you can kiss I think.)
Applejack stops moving and just blinks for a moment before noticing her hat is no longer where it should be. At that point she gets a bit on the far side of pissed and pretty much uproots the chains and chunks of wood they were bound to before swinging one around like she might a lasso to catch Burning.

1097751 "Ran away! I got the the evil hat!" she said, ducking below the the chunk of wood, and running away from Applejack before putting the hat on her head. "I'm now 20% swagger!".

Watches Burning running around with the hat. "Sweet chaotic harmonies she is suicidal." He redoubles his efforts to climb back up.

Applejack: "No one touches mah hat!!!!" She swings out more of the chains that were binding her toward Burning before some vines begin to grow from the stump next to AJ. Vines that look suspiciously like they could be used as a rope.

1097811 "If I can't touch it, then... I'M GONNA EAT IT, or eat you, cause your flank look tasty!" said Raging, winking at the earth pony, before taking out the hat and bitting it. (She is going to die, isn't she? :rainbowlaugh:)

Applejack picks up the vine rope and in moments has it set as a serviceable lasso and sends it sailing to land around Burning's neck. "You chew on it and you die. Now, let go a mah hat."

Star would stop and set up a memorial for Burning if he had the time but now is no time to digress into comedy. Seeing as that is the case Star finally gets back onto the platform everyone else is on and dashes in to slam into AJ's side to distract her toss. (Getting pretty close anyway.)

1097864 Raging point her horn toward the earth pony and launch a fireball before taking a knife that was hanging to her side to cut the vine rope. "You know, even if I love you, I'm not into this kind of stuff."

Applejack turns on Star and seeing the incoming fireball pushes him into its path to take the hit for her. Star does indeed get hit by the fireball while Applejack rears back and kicks his flaming hide toward Burning.

"I knew mares would be the death of me. Just not this way." Star is rather numb to the feeling of two shattered ribs thanks to his burning side.
(Heh, sad too. If AJ was any of the others Star might have done better due to his saved up illusion enchantments on his robes but they won't work on a super charged element of honesty.)

1097895 "That's bad." said Raging before performing the only thing that she that she though off, emergency teleportation. She gathered what was left of her magic and teleported a few feet away, and collapsed, she was still holding the hat of Applejack. "You know... Since I'm dead, I will finish gloriously." she said before winding the hat and chewing it. (I'm convinced that it's the hat who turned her evil.)

(And at this point it looks like we are going to need intervention from our squadmates or we are timberwolf food. I think we can wait until Balancer or that brony collective name that I keep forgetting off the top of my head is back on to continue, if that is alright with you Arackn. Its also time for me to find me some supper anyway.)

1097952 (For me it's past midnight :ajsleepy: So I guess I'll get some sleep and come back in a few hours. Too bad that Raging (and me) is so bad with flirting. Or with being a distraction.)

(Nah, you guys did fine. I'm going to post one more bit here with AJ's reaction and then I'm off for some food. See ya when you get up. As for the hat being evil, did you ever watch Darkwing Duck? It had an episode or two where there were hats that were evil that made people do stuff.)
Applejack dashes toward Burning with the intent to crush her head into the wood below for ruining her precious hat.

1097979 (No, I didn't even know that there was a series like that, I think I'm going to search where I can find it.)

(As I said, it was only in an episode or two. Most of the rest was sort of a spoof of Batman and other gadget using heroes.)

1098058 (Guess who's back)
Blue, having regained some energy half walks half stumbles his way back to the farm, his squad in tow. "Sir are you sure you can continue?" One of his guards asks him. Blue just keeps on walking. "Private there is no way in hell i'm staying behind when ponies are in danger." The private nods, seeing the mask of grim determination on his CO's face, and continues walking to the farm, hearing explosions as flashes of light light the skyline. As they approach the farm they can see a ticked off earth pony furiously searching the area. "Lost something ma'm?" Blue shouts as he rest's against a tree, his squad behind him arming their crossbows.

(Yeah, did i forget to mention Blue is kinda least he's got his trusty NPC squad to throw under the bus....yay we're saved?)

(That is what npcs are for, right? Other than brutal murder scenes anyway.)
Applejack: "Mah hat." She gets distracted at the last moment and misses stomping on Burning's head. "You all stick around and I'll be right with you."

Star is currently trying to roll around and put out his burning hide.

1098441 Using his magic to pull the hat from Raging's grasp Blue wipes off some spittle before presenting it to the earth pony. "Here you go ma'm." Gesturing to two of his squad. "Go help the Sargent would you." All the while gauging the crazy mare stomping around in front of him.

Applejack snorts and takes her hat, or what is left of it, back. "Now then if you would all just kindly get the hell out of here while I stomp this one into paste and I get back to taking over Ponyville I might let y'all live." She indicates Burning with a hoof. She keeps an eye on Blue and most of his squad that is in front of her just in case they make a move.

1098475 Blue grunts as he slides down the tree and on to the ground where he sits. "Sorry, quite beat from taking care of the rouge ninja, hope you don't mind me taking seat here." He reaches into his field kit and brings out a pack of teat and a couple of metal cups and some dry biscuits. "It's not much but would you mind joining me for a cup of tea, could use it right now and it wouldn't be polite not to offer one to the land lady." He says as he pours some water from his canteen, heating the water and offering her a cup.

AJ: "Do I look like a tea kind of pony? For that matter what are you up to?" She looks truly confused by this.

1098521 Blue just chuckles while he ducks a biscuit. "Ma'm i'm tired and my head feels like someone's taken a war hammer to it, which isn't a bad comparison actually." He takes moment to take a bite, wiping his mouth before continuing. "All I want to do is resolve this land dispute and go home, preferably with all my lads in one piece. And sorry bout the tea, I have some coffee if you wish, it's not the best stuff but it does the job."

Applejack: "So you wanna talk this out, eh? I suppose that can work. One of the key things you'll be needing to know is I want the Rich's little land grab from back in the day handed over and them publicly apologize."

Meanwhile... at the Legion of Doo... err Canterlot (And now I have an idea for the Legion of Derpy)
Star's message has made its way into the hooves of one of the guards that is rushing off to inform Celestia.

1098571 Blue nods. "That's doable, should be easy enough to get the courts to convict them of illegal land deals and a public apology would be relatively easy to obtain along with much of the illegal land being handed over." He takes a sip of his tea. "However some of that land now houses residential areas and the like, and something tells me you wouldn't settle for compensation payments."

Applejack: "Darn tootin'. That land would be put to better use than serving as the asylum its been all these years."

(Even a native resident of Ponyville knows its full of crazies.)

1098610 Blue rubs his chin. "Hrrmmm I may have a solution to that little problem. We could transfer the land the buildings are on back to your family, that is easy enough. You would then get the rates and mortgage payments from the buildings and the like." Blue gabs another biscuit. "Sure you don't want a cup?" He offers.

Applejack: "No thanks. I don't quite trust you."

Thankfully at this point Star has been put out and AJ has somewhat calmed down about crushing Burning's head.

At Canterlot some things are being prepared and chariots readied to bring in the big guns.

1098647 Blue shrugs. "Fair enough." He starts rummaging through his pack before pulling out a small flask. "Ah real Hennessee Whisky." He adds a small amount to his tea. "Can't beat good old Whisky." He smiles as he sips his tea. "Much better."

"Pfh. I wouldn't use that stuff to brush my teeth. You want real whiskey you drink our spirits." Applejack snorts at the flask.

1098705 Blue shrugs. "Never had the opportunity to taste Apple family hard cider." He looks around at the twisted tree's with their poisonous fruit a sad look on his face. "Appears I wont get the chance."

Applejack: "Of course you will you jus... " She seems to freeze up a bit and for a moment her eyes return to normal looking around before the slit pupils take over once again. "Hm.. I am sure I have some around here somewhere you could try before the end of this situation. How about once we finish this little talk I take you to the press?"

1098728 Blue puts hoof forward. "Deal, suppose your going to need the income shortly anyway what with the timber wolves being made of your apple trees and all."

Applejack: "Its not as bad as you might think. I can regrow the trees readily enough." She spits on her hoof before shaking.

Even unconscious Star has to speak up then. "Ugh.. so disgusting and unhygienic."

(Really, they had the characters do that in a kids show. Kids do disgusting enough stuff without promoting that. Biggest 'ewwwww' moment of the show.)

1098756 Blue scowls at the Sargent, before repeating the gesture and shaking hooves. "Ah well, good to hear, so what are you going to do about big boy over there." Blue nods over at he giant tree. "Big fella like him needs alot of water and sunlight aren't you worried he'll over shadow the others?"

Applejack: "All in good time as Rarity would say. Now then, lets see about getting you lot drunker than skunks." She mutters under her breath 'and too distracted to stop me from finishing off those other two.'

1098783 Blue's ear twitch and he rubs them. "Sorry did you say something or is that the magic fatigue talking?"

Applejack: "Must be the fatigue." She amazingly doesn't do her famous liar face but then again if she is corrupted by something she probably can't. 'No it wasn't.'
(Hm.. Balancer, think we should give the others some time to catch up? I'm almost to the end of any of my plans for this so I'm hoping to let the others get in a few more posts before wrap up.)

1098806 (Cool, must say i'm surprised Blue's plan got this far to begin with.)

(Mostly managed to work because he caught AJ about as flat footed as a pony can get. Didn't help that she is still confused by Burning kissing her so she is still discombobulated.)

1098823 (Yeah suppose that would help alot. Good thing too in his state he hasn't got enough NPCs to throw at her and live. Think he might be on his way to earning his Guile Hero stripes.)

1098823 (So assuming we survive this will there be any other missons taking place in this verse? Cause this is shaping up to being one hell of an awesome action/mystery adventure.)

(Sure. I'll have to have some time to cook up something else though. This one was more or less off the cuff. I already have an inkling for a possible rp involving time travel.)

1099038 (Great Scot!:pinkiegasp: Couldn't resist.)

(Alright, so who and all is on now? You all ready to finish this?)

1100536 (Yep, lets kick her flank...WITH DIPLOMACY!!!)

(I know I saw a comment from Arackn just about 5 minutes ago on a story. Hm.. let's get crackin'.)
Applejack begins to lead Blue toward her root cellar (hah) that amazingly enough still has a functioning entrance even if it is only two thirds of the way out from under the giant stump.

1100553>>1100548 (I'm on, but unfortunately I'm leaving in 10-20 minutes :twilightblush:)
Raging was sleeping "No, mom, I don't want to go to school, I'm all naked" she said before making a bubbling sound

1100553 As his team watches him descended into the cellar alone with a being that could almost certainly turn him into past with out a moments Blue couldn't help but feel happy, in what were going to be the last few minutes of his life he was stalling the crazier mare in what he hoped was enough time for the Princesses to arrive.
They had better name a building after me He thought as the doors slam shut behind him.

"So ma'm." He says, keeping sure to maintain a healthy amount of respect in his voice. "What are you going to do about the poison in the water, aren't you worried it'll infect the next apple harvest, not that i'm sure you haven't though of that already." He says as they walk down the half lit steps.

(Ah, then I guess we can wait awhile. I want at least the most active ones to get to see the ending as it happens. Hm.. I guess I can go play a game for awhile or catch up on the E3 coverage... or you know actually write something finally. Haven't done that since 2006.)
Knocked out Star: "You ninny, you are usually naked." Star mutters in his sleep.
Applejack: "I have a plan for that actually. Those roots can drain back up the water and all I need is for it to rain. I'm sure that can be arranged, can't it?" Her voice takes on a hard edge there at the end for a moment. "Now lets see about getting you some real whiskey." She begins to lead the way toward some large barrels.

1100566 Blue takes a seat. "You're friends with the towns head weather mare ma'm, I'm sure you would know better than I. Though I think you're soak up the poison trick might backfire, if you don't mind me saying ma'm, I'm no biologist but if i recall my schooling correctly plants use what they absorb. Meaning you're next crop would be equally as poisonous." He says, a nonchalant tone to his voice.

1100566 "But ah need a froufrou dress" said the sleeping mare before beginning to lick a rock. "I love rock, tasty rock."
(Well, since I don't know what to do with her, I'm trying to see how far I can go in illogicality :derpytongue2:)

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