your first story 85 members · 85 stories
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Hey there,

I hope asking this question in a thread is not on a some kind of "DO NOT DO!" list, but I was wondering what you were using to write your stories?
I personally use an old (empty) agenda and a pencil, but I'm curious to know if anypony here use specific programs?

I'm quite new at writing; that's only my second attempt, and I started it because after reading so many fanfic stories, you end up wanting to write yours.
My first attempt (not pony related) did not go as expected, I was never able to "end" the story.
But at least I have an old agenda almost full of text as a souvenir :)

I remember seeing programs that do things like fullscreen text edition without distraction (don't remember the name of that one...), or gives you a tool to edit your chapters/characters/... like StoryBook for instance.

Does anypony actually use things like that? Does it help you? How/When do you write with it (as in, with a laptop at home, a netbook in the train...) ?
(Again, personally, I simply write notes from right to left in the same agenda, while the story is read from left to right.)

Also, for post writing edition, I simply use VIM and custom highlighting rules as well as an integrated dictionary.
(But that's just because VIM Is Magic.)

But if you have some kind of program with nice helping features, please share :)

Thank you.

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