The Pack 67 members · 25 stories
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Group Admin

Alright, to encourage some actual participation, the first topic of discussion is on the origins of diamond dogs. Are they the inheritors of a proud legacy? Ruthless slavers driven to subjugate ponykind? Put forward your theories here!

I don't think they are slavers but they may be a bit predisposed to participate in some uncouth activities.

I found me self asking this in the WBA D-Dog thread but I figure I'll ask here too. Do you guys think diamond dogs talk in slightly stilted english or do you think that is just them speaking pony language?

Basically do you think Diamond Dogs have their own language?

Group Contributor

I'm sure they have their own language. They speak 'pony' the way they do is because it's a second language to them, and not a language that easily translates to or from their own. It's why they sound very ... slow.

As for their Collars, my own headcanon has them as indicators of rank with a Tag indicating the Alpha of that particular group ... well, if you've read my story DaPS: Aftermath, you already know what's in my headcanon so far.

I'd love to tell you everything else, but I don't want to spoil the interesting bits in future chapters.

Group Admin

I agree with them having their own language.

Another curious idea I had was could there be other subspecies that are less trollish and more like real dogs, only bipedal? For instance, my original Canids in In Duty's Name were more a hybrid between canines, chimpanzees and hyenas.

Group Contributor

Probably not. In a stable ecosystem there are always fewer predators than prey. Given that there are at least 6 high-level predators (dragon, gryphons, dogs, timberwolves, manticores and hydras) that probably preyed on ponies in ancient times (and who probably wouldn't say no to pony flesh if offered in modern times), I doubt there are any subspecies of equal size.
However, I'll grant that it's possible that a subspecies could exist if it hunted smaller prey (rabbits, birds, squirrels ect...).

Group Admin

Maybe, though my diamond dogs don't prey on ponies, they're strictly lithovoric. Although in their early development they do retain the ability to process organic protein, but once they ready adulthood they're fixed into their usual diet.

And I suppose subspecies was the wrong word. Meant just regional divergences in their evolution based on their environmental factors.

Group Contributor

Well, that is entirely possible then. Go for it.

I think that ddogs can eat rocks as emergency food. But only a specific type. Collars denoting rank makes sense. Maybe by type or number of gems put in. Like badges. But a dog is a dog is a dog. Healthiest on a diet of meat. Perhaps cave fungi.

Group Contributor

With all the musculature the Diamonds possess, that would take a lot of protein in their diets. I honestly don't think fungus or gems alone could maintain them. The gems are probably like supplement vitamins, it helps, but they can't live off them.

Group Admin

Perhaps. From a purely biologic standpoint definitely would need lots of protein. Though it depends on how similar you want to write their physiolgy to terrestrial lifeforms.

That's quite agreeable. But I'm trying to think about this within a hybrid of real life and fantasy to give their possibilities some leeway. In real life ponies don't live off of cake, cookies, and dessert. And we literally know nothing about them. Hell for all we know Diamond Dogs may be farmers. Maybe they own herds of cattle that they have to maintain above ground and run to different feeding locations. (This possible head canon idea comes from one of my favorite fantasy books, Ratha's Creature) Especially if Diamond Dogs happen to live in somewhat large packs. Aren't they like...within walking distance of Ponyville? That is a tenuous as fuck relationship between predator and prey species if Diamond dogs still hunt for food old school. I mean at least its implied that Griffins live far away.

But I think that Diamond Dogs probably don't eat ponies...anymore. Because Celestia would kick their collective asses. But they don't have many territory options. Soooo they have to eat something else. If not some non pony form of meat then what else? Maybe they have an omnivorous diet with the majority of it being protein. I honestly don't see Diamond Dogs living very lavish and fancy free lives so in my mind, they probably don't get to eat what they desire very often.

I believe if diamond dogs actively hunted like lions or wolves, Rarity wouldn't have stepped foot into that area. EVERYONE WOULD KNOW. DON'T GO THERE. So how would the DDogs survive if they couldn't eat ponies? I guess they would have to have cattle. Thats the only alternative I can see that is reasonable

Group Admin

Makes sense. Is why I think Rover and his pack were a splinter group, and that they're not from the local area. Maybe the deep Everfree?

Group Contributor


Good points. Really good points. I always look at things from an evolutionary standpoint; maybe it's time I threw a little more magic into the mix

I saw this screenshot from the comic. I'm pretty sure these have to be diamond dogs. I wonder what can be inferred from this.

I think these comics are considered canon right? Does this mean D-Dogs have a sophisticated society? It definitely points that way.
It probably means the ones we saw on the show were low end workers or something.

Group Admin

I approve wholeheartedly of this :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Pigeonsmall deleted Apr 19th, 2013
Group Contributor


having bought said comic, I can confirm this. it's, uh, also a region chock full of David Bowie references...

Group Contributor


I've never read the comics, and I'm sure there are others who haven't read it either. I base my DD headcanon from the cartoon for exactly that reason. I think it would only confuse people to base a species based on what is printed in the comics. I know I get confused whenever I try to read a DW fanfic that feature characters and presumed previous knowledge from the comic rather than the tv series.

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