World War Bronies 734 members · 129 stories
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5326139 It was bound to happen anyway. If not the Ottomans and the Serbs, most likely the Romanians causing a scuffle. It was going to happen no matter what. Plus, we would fight war in a completely different way, and probably not have WW2 or the Cold War.


But great SuperStalin, even if not for capitalist ww1, you would have still risen from the grave to destroy the oppressing chains of the filthy capitalist pigs, right? :fluttercry:

5327967 Nyet comrade. Lenin would not receive the funding from Germany to start the Revolution against the bourgeoise and let the prolaterian masses to rise in Mother Russia.


But Great Superstalin, you eat iron and smash Stalinium with your bare fists! I know Lenin had to lead first, so us weak masses could transition to your greatness, but we cant survive into the modern era without you!

5328546 Shush little one, I leave on in Merkel, as we lead to unit Europe and lead to the freedom of the work and a borderless utopia.


Thank you, oh Great Superstalin. May the proletariat never be oppressed again, and may the regime last until every last working man has faded to dust.

5328663 But comrade, I have one question to ask in case you are a capitalist spy. Do you vape?

5328694 only proletariat produced, from the heart of our motherland. Filthy capitalist vape is full of money and decadence that it confuses the mind how they haven't fallen apart yet.


You're ignoring some of the other things that the Spanish-American war did. Yes, on the surface level we only recieved a few islands (that had a relatively low value in most areas in the way of industry), but there is a large number of other changes that the war brought about. For one, it made the USA a true imperial power, but taking Spain's place. We were not Britain or France, but it was a step in that direction; expanding our boarders outside of the American continent was a really big step, because it was a movement away from expanding solely with the idea of 'manifest destiny' (I know there were other reasons why we pushed west, but this was the reigning ideology for our expansion).

Also you need to understand the way navies worked back in those days, the importance of having bases everywhere, and when I say everywhere I mean as many places as possible. The navies were expectionally deppendant on resupplying at ports, and naval bases were safe places for our warships to stop, restock, refuel, ect.So while they may not have offered much in the way of resources or industry, they gave us a staging point for future imperialistic ventures.

Something else that war did for the USA is cement us as a real power on the global stage. While we weren't a true super power, we had defeated one of the European empires; this gave us some more respect on the global stage, and gave the populace some taste of what it felt like to win a war where you really get to steal the losers empire (at least what remained).

On top of all that, the thing that really made the Spanish-American war worth it is something you've already said: Theodore Roosevelt.

5328719 Great answer! Only 6 months Gulag for you.


But SuperStalin my wife and child cannot survive without me! They need me!
After not-secrete police have 'spoken' with me, I realize errors of my way. I am sorry SuperStalin. Please give me 1 year in gulag, I deserve it for damaging proletariat dream.

5332116 Oh great man of steel! May I suggest instead sending him to the Siberian mines? There is ore we need to capture but a fraction of your glory in the form of a statue for our mighty capital!

5332902 that's how you spell it. It was midnight when I wrote that.

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