The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Emma smiled lovingly and gently shifted Thorn's muzzle a little as she slept, so the lupine's nipple was next to her muzzle, just in case she got a little thirsty. With a soft sigh, she laid her head back and closed her eyes, her paw idly rubbing and fondling one of her massive breasts as she slept.

When she awoke, the lupine slowly opened her eyes and laid still, wanting to savor the moment of being in bed with her mare just a little longer. She loved being a big pillow for Thorn, and she loved nursing the beautiful mare on her abundant milk. It made her feel like she could take care of her lover, and make her feel loved and safe.

Clockwork peered out from his cover in an alleyway and raised his carbine, while Alpha, the sentry bot, moved to a a spot behind the wreck of a taxi carriage and rested its weapons atop it, aiming where Clockwork was. Doc was right behind Alpha, ready to act as support to his fellow robot. Clockwork was also making sure to watch out for his lover's position, just in case they needed to move. He could slip down this alleyway, if he had to, though he was ready to fight once the thing reared its head.

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Thorn wrapped her lips around Emma's nipple as she slept, and then slowly drank of her sweet milk. It made her good dream even better, and after she was done she was left grinning widely. Whatever she was dreaming about, it was probably something rather naughty.

The ironclad's movements slowed down to their original pace, and soon a steel-grey head in the shape of a minotaur poke around the corner. The eyes were horizontal slits filled with red-orange energy, and the nose seemed to serve to purpose since the nostrils were non-existent.

Midnight decided to take to the skies so as to avoid being too close to the machine, and to get a better firing angle. If it came after Clockwork, she could shoot it in the back quite easily. This whole fight was just a matter of keeping out of its reach.

The machine roared as it spotted Midnight, causing her to cringe from the loudness, and it's eyes seemed to burn more brightly as if filled with rage. The rest of the ironclad came into view as it surged forward, showing it to walk like a diamond dog on its huge arms and stubby legs. Its body vaguely resembled a minotaur's but it was far more round to store all of the necessary components.

It took a running start, and then jumped in the air and tried to grab for Midnight, seeming to be focusing only on her.

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Emma smiled lovingly and gave the mare's giant rump a soft squeeze, hoping to make her dream a little better. She quietly slipped out of bed and took a quixk shower, then put on her clothes and took a few guns she didn't need and slipped them into her backpack, along with some caps. She placed one last kiss on her lover's cheek before grabbing a SuperCharge! caffinated chocolate bar from her food crate, quickly eating it down and drinking some of her own sweet milk to wash it down. She gave a soft moan of delight, seeing why Thorn liked it so much. After finishing an apple as well, she shouldered her bag and walked out of their room. She was looking to see if she couldn't find a good set of armor, or even power armor to modify. Her current armor was just a large curved plate over their chest, a pair of shoulder guards, and some armor over her thighs and upper arms, as well as some knee and elbow guards. As nice and light as it was, it could stand to be much, much better. She quickly sold off the weapons she had, then went about the merchants in the store area with a curious gaze. As always, she had her wrench and desert eagle on her belt and hip.

Clockwork took steady aim and began shooting precise shots of plasma at the ironclad's head, while Alpha used both of its weapons at the same spot. Doc floated nearby as it shot its plasma weapon, ready to switch to repairing Alpha at a moment's notice. The werewolf made sure he was steadily moving backwards as he fired, wanting to keep a good distance from this powerful machine.

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