The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Emma squeed and gave her lover a smooch on the cheek, then took the gun and looked it over. "Good job, sweetie! Oh, wow... Someone really loved this gun. Ghost sights, flared ejection port, commander-style hammer... This is a really good gun, sweetie. You deserve to keep it." She gave the gun back to her lover, then smiled and looked around the complex. "So, did you want your own robot, sweetie? I can modify one however you'd like. Whatever will make you feel the safest."

Clockwork bore a big, excited grin on his face as he took another bite of his steak, and he washed it down with some wine before taking a bite of his corn. "Mm.... So, would you like to curl up on the couch with me and watch a movie? The tablet plays holotape movies, as well, and it comes with a stand, so we can just watch it together." He gave a soft squee and leaned over to place another smooch on Midnight's lips. "Gosh darn it, I love you so much... You're perfect to me..."

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Thorn gave a small nod, and then she glanced back towards the barracks for a moment. "Yeah, I was thinking of having one of those Mister Gutsies around. Some extra guns on it would be nice." She didn't know all of what she might need, but she did know that she needed her robot to look intimidating.

Midnight finished off the last of her steak, and then she took another sip of her wine. "A movie sounds wonderful, handsome. If it's a scary one, I might hold onto you." She said with a mischievous grin. She felt as if she was a teenager on her first date all over again, but this date was much more special.

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Emma thought for a moment as she looked over the Mister Gutsy, seeming unsure. "Hmm... Well... I can modify it to have any pistol or submachine gun, but the arm's aren't strong enough to handle more than that. Unless..." Emma walked up to one of the Mister Gutsy bots and quickly reprogrammed it to follow, then led it down to a smaller building, what looked like a workshop. She opened it to find it to be a garage of sorts, though only one destroyed truck was inside and a broken Mister Handy laid on a table. Emma had the robot wait in the shop, and she then ran back to the stoage tent and grabbed a laser RCW, as well as several electron charge packs. She brought them back to the garage and began working.

First, Emma separated the broken Mister Handy's buzzsaw arm and removed the buzzsaw, but kept the rotary engine there. She dug through the parts of the broken truck, pulling a piston from the engine block. She then used some scarp metal and a welding tool to create a strong rod of steel with a sharp, pointed end, about eighteen inches long and two wide. She put it into the piston, so when the piston moved, it would shoot the spike out, but Emma made sure to weld the spike to the piston plate so it didn't fly out of the piston. She attached it to the buzzsaw engine, and when she activated it with a couple wires, the spike shot out with frightening speed and power, then quickly retracted. Satisfied, Emma welded the arm and connected the circuits to the Mister Gutsy, allowing the robot to use and operate the arm. She also quickly progammed in new motions, so the robot would know to punch with the spike instead of swing.

Next, she attached the claw arm and the plasma weapon arm together by connecting them with braces and attaching their circuitry, so the robot would move it as one arm. The lupine removed the claw, then disassembled the laser RCW, and she took out the laser emitter itself with the barrel attached and attached it to the end of the two arms, in place of the claw. She ran a set of wirs through the inside of the arms to the back of the Mister Gutsy, where she opened up the robot's paneling and set the laser RCW's charge pack drum inside. She connected the wires to the drum, then connected the wires to the Mister Gutsy's main power core, then closed the paneling. After that, Emma opened up the plasma emitter and tweaked a few of the internals, as well as using a few parts from the leftover laser emitters she had in her backpack. The plasma emitter now fired hotter plasma at a much higher fire rate, which the robot could handle, since it had a double-reinforced shooting arm. Now, the Mister Gutsy could fire plasma and lasers downrange at the same time, or individually, and all with deadly accuracy. As a habit, she also took some sheet metal and covered up the combat inhibitor, to make sure the robot would always obey Thorn.

Lastly, she removed the flamethrower and attached a laser emitter in its place, and after going to the robot barracks and collecting some optical sensors from another Mister Gutsy, one that was in need of repairs, she returned and attached the optical sensor, making sure to open it up and tweak the vision cone to be very long and narrow, instead of wide and shallow. This made sure that the Mister Gutsy could use the optical sensor as a scope, allowing it to aim the laser at very long ranges. Emma dug a paint gun from a toolbox and dug some paints from a small supply closet, then began painting it over.

Emma led her creation outside to her lover, smiling widely with excitement. The Mister Gutsy's arms had been painted over with violet, and all serial numbers and military symbols, and other spots on the bot were painted over with Thorn's shade of green, instead of the swamp green the military used to use. In place of the military star, Thorn's cutie mark was painted on by hand. "Do you like it, sweetie? Just tell the robot whatever name you want it to have, and he'll follow you and protect you."

Clockwork smiled widely and nodded, taking bites of his mashed potatoes and thinking about holding onto his lover as they watched the movie. "There's some of that frozen cookie dough in the freezer. I could make us cookies to have during the movie, if you're still hungry." The stallion leaned across the table and placed a deep, passionate kiss on Midnight's lips, savoring her taste for seveal seconds before pulling back. "I love kissing you." He said with a grin.

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Thorn looked over her new robot for a few moments with a look of intense concentration, and then she smiled when she had an idea. "I think I'll call him Sunburst." She looked to Emma with a warm smile. "Thanks for making him for me, sweetie. I feel a lot safer already."

Midnight grinned slyly at Clockwork as she took a tiny sip of her wine. "You can kiss me all you want, sweetie. I really enjoy it." She purred. She sat her glass down on the table, and then she stuffed her face full of mashed potatoes with soft moan. After she swallowed her mouthful, she looked to Clockwork with a loving smile. "Anyway, cookies sounds great. It's so hard to find stuff like that in the wasteland, and knowing that you'd giving me something so special makes me giddy like a schoolgirl."

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Emma smiled and nodded, and the lupine led the group out of the military base, making sure to padlock the gate shut behind them. It was early afternoon when they got back to Friendship City, and after dropping off their multitude of loot in their room, the group went on to the edge of Manehattan, to the RobCo facility. Emma pushed open the front doors and, learning from earlier today, made sure to go straight for the terminal in the employee rooms in the back, hacking it and adding their faces to the database. The lupine then went back to her lover and smiled. "So, where do you wanna look first, sweetie? I was gonna check the basement, but the security thinks we're staff, so if you wanted to explore the other floors, go right ahead. You have Sunburst to keep you safe now. I don't know what the basement has in it, and you're welcome to come with me, but just be careful. You know what, I'm actually gonna leave Rover with you, just so you're extra safe." Emma waved to her protectron guardian, who cocked his submachine gun and walked over to stand by Thorn's side. With that, Emma placed a loving kiss on Thorn's lips and walked off towards the basement doors, with Luggy and Aegis following her.

Clockwork smiled lovingly as he swished his wine around in his glass, sipping it and taking a bite of his steak. "So, Midnight.... What was your life like? What are your parents like? I'd like to meet whoever raised a sweet, beautiful angel like you." He said with a loving grin, a dreamy expression on his face as he looked over Midnight's beautiful face and body.

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Thorn stood in place as she took a few seconds to decide on where she wanted to go, and then she eventually trotted after Emma. She smiled as she moved up alongside Emma, and then she nuzzle her side. "I'll go with you. We're safer like that, in case anything nasty is in here that we don't know about."

Midnight smiled, and she looked off to the side as she used a hoof to move a stray lock of her mane out of her face. "Well, I lived in an Enclave city near Germaneigh until I was fifteen. Life was kinda strict. I woke up, went to school, did my homework, and then came back home to relax with my family. I'm an only child as far as I know, because that part of the Enclave lets each family have only one foal." Midnight sighed quietly as she thought of the past, and then she took a bite of her food. "When dad told me that we were going down to the surface, he taught me how to use power armor, though I didn't get used to it until recently. We were sent down to what used to be Imperial Germaneigh to help the wastelanders, and it went well for a while. Then, one day they just...disappeared. Not even a trace of what happened."

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Emma nodded and let Rover join her side again, and she led the group through the doorway and down the metal stairs to the basement. The metal hallways echoed slightly with every step, and many of the lights had gone out or had started flickering, prompting the robots in the group to turn on their integrated flashlights to light the darkness. She ducked into a side room as some ceiling turrets were spinning around, and she hacked another terminal and shut them down.

A feral hissing sound was heard from deep in the dark tunnels, and Emma turned to see a group of feral ghouls running at them from in the darkness. The robots fired their weapons without hesitation, and the group of ghouls was mowed down in an instant. However, a deep, sonorous roar was heard at the sounds of the gunshots, echoing throughout the dark halls. Emma gulped and made sure she had her rifle out, and she looked to the group of robots. "Tighten formation." She said quietly, and the robots moved in a little closer together, still sweeping the hallways and cutting through the darkness with their lights. Emma shouldered her rifle and pulled out a flashlight from her bag, holding it in her left paw while she drew her desert eagle in her right. She shone her light around and aimed her weapon, standing close to Thorn. "Stay with the group, honey. Just keep looking around..."

The group was in a four-way intersection hallyway, with the lights flickering or off, and until they fixed the lights, they would be in that much more danger down in these tunnels. Occasionally, a feral ghoul would charge down the hall, only to have one of the robots gun it down. "Come on, into a room. We're sitting ducks out here." Emma quickly led them into a side room, which was a large storage room of some sort, and she quickly closed the door. The lupine stood near the door and listened, and she heard something metal scraping across the floor as it went, and she kept her breathing quiet, listening to it as it went. Suddenly, the scraping stopped, and Emma held her breath. She jumped back with a shout as something began banging on the door, denting the metal again and again. Emma put away her pistol and drew her rifle, aiming at the door and keeping herself close to Thorn. Suddenly, the door gave way, and the thing came in with a group of feral ghouls.

Said thing was a stallion that was taller than Emma, and it had what appeared to be bulky machinery and cybernetics replacing its left shoulder, left foreleg, and part of its spine, as well as most of its face. What biological matter that was there was incredibly mutated; a single bulging eye sat among the metal on the face, twitching around as the beast howled in agony, feeling hellish pain from its own mutations. The rest of its body seemed to be like a super mutant, but the muscles bulged and even tore the skin at places, dried blood stained on the hairless hide.

The robots held back the ghouls while Emma and Aegis fired their rifles at the beast, which stumbled forward and kept swiping ghouls out of the way, knocking them against the walls and breaking their bones. The high-powered rounds Emma used punched wide holes in the beast, tearing gaping wounds straight through its body again and again. With a final cry, the abomination fell to the ground, and Emma jammed her barrel against the beast's head and fired the last two shots in her clip, splattering brains and circuitry onto the floor.

Emma changed the clip, then leaned back against the wall and let out a deep sigh. "Ohh, jeez.... You okay, sweetie?" A quick glance over the robots indicated that they had taken no damage, able to keep the horde of ghouls at bay. Emma looked to her left and saw a box on the wall, a fuse box. She went over and opened it, finding that several fuses were out of place and one broken. She fiddled with the fuses and managed to jury-rig a connection for the broken fuse, and the lights in the building came back on, revealing the pile of bodies in front of the group in full detail, causing Emma to grimace at the grisly sight.

Clockwork frowned and placed his hoof on Midnight's shoulder, looking her in the eyes. "We can find them, hon. They're not dead, not if they were tough enough and kind-hearted enough to birth and raise you. If we just poke around a little, we'll find them, I promise. Do you want to look for them tomorrow? We can look anywhere you'd like, though I'd like to make sure we have extra security for the Stable if we're to be gone for a long time."

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Thorn shakily pointed Grunt at the door with her magic as she trembled where she stood, clearly unnerved by what she just saw. She wasn't panicking yet, but she wasn't sure what to think about that creature.

Sunburst hovered beside her, keeping his weapons pointed towards the door.

Midnight felt tears of joy well up in her eyes at Clockwork's words, and she nodded her head slowly. "Yes, I'd like that." She leaned forward, and then kissed him passionately on the lips before sitting back down in her seat. She looked to Clockwork with a loving, thankful smile, and her eyes were full of hope. "You're the best. I love you, Clockwork."

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Emma quickly led her lover and the group out into the hallways, and she placed a kiss on Thorn's cheek and smiled lovingly. "You did very well, sweetheart. Just relax, now. I don't think there are any more of those things. Maybe a couple ghouls, but they're nothing to worry about." Emma quickly took out the clip of her rifle, detached the upper half, consisting of the mechanism and barrel, and stored it away, then pulled out and reattached the original 5.56mm mechanism in a couple seconds. She had found a way to attach the parts in such a manner as to allow the lupine to change her AR-15's ammo use in a few seconds. She loaded a new clip, and began slowly moving forward, letting the group follow. A few more ghouls attacked, but they posed no threat to the heavily-armed robots.

Soon, then group entered through a pair of wide double doors and found themselves in a lower chamber, a wide-open area the size of a small aircraft bunker, all underneath the RobCo facility. There were several chambers of varying sizes for robots to be in, a few broken, as well as several half-built robots on workbenches and scattered tools laying about. Emma glanced over at one of the larger pods, which had broken glass and blood spilt all over the floor. "I guess we know where that thing came from."

Emma wandered around the giant room, looking at several of the robots and snatching up any blueprints and schematics she found. However, her jaw dropped as she came across something utterly magnificent: a type 1 sentry bot, standing before her and almost completely built. It was a veritable tank, a behemoth that stood head and shoulders over its type 2 brethren, with its twin 5mm miniguns on its shoulders, its four wheel-mounted legs with large tires meant for full all-terrain capability, and its rotating armored head for full battlefield awareness. Emma let out another squeal of joy as she pulled out her wrench and screwdriver from her belt, and she eagerly began exploring the machine and checking what was and wasn't intact. Its fission batteries were missing, and several wires needed replacing, as well as some rusted pieces of metal plating, but she could fix it. She could very easily fix this.

The lupine ran around the shop, collecting fission batteries and pieces of metal, as well as fresh wires and spare parts from toolboxes. Emma worked furiously, replacing broken processors and wires, and changing out old paneling for fresh, shiny new panels. After inserting the batteries and checking that the robot's internal minigun ammo containers were indeed full, she connected the last two wires and stepped back a little. The machine's red gaze slowly sparked to life, and the motors in its legs began quietly revving up. "Di-... Diagnosing... Intern-n-n-al..." The machine beeped a couple times as it warmed up. "Diagnosing internal condition. No detected faults." It said in a deep, thundering voice. Emma quickly began reprogramming the bot through its back panel, changing the circuits and adding herself and Thorn to its protection list. The circuitry was a bit harder to work with, being a bit older, but she did eventually get it to work as she wanted. "Diagnostics complete. Hello, Lady Emma. Hello, Lady Thorn." The sentry bot rolled around to face Emma, and the lupine said "Self designation: Goliath." The robot beeped a couple times, before nodding its armored head. "I am Goliath. Awaiting orders."

Emma squeed and waved for the group to follow, and she led her lover and the bots out of the RobCo facility. However, the moon was starting to rise as they left, causing Emma to frown. She had heard of the giant bats in the Manehattan city, and she didn't like being this close to the city at night. "Goliath, keep watch on the skies." "Yes, ma'am." The giant bot turned his miniguns upward, scanning the sky as they made their way towards Friendship City. Several screeches were heard, but nothing tried to attack the group.

Soon, the group made their way into the city, getting stares for the size of their newest member. Goliath proved himself able to climb stairs, thanks to his large wheels and wide base. Once they were in their room, Emma shed her armor and backpack, then rook out her paint gun and began painting Golitah over in her colors, her swaths of grey, tan, brown and black that signified her ownership. She also made sure to, as always, add extra armor over the combat inhibitor. After she finished painting, she looked over Goliath with a thoughtful expression. Suddenly, she got an idea, and she spent some time and removed the robot's left minigun, as well as the ammunition inside. She took out the XM-312 machine gun from the military base and affixed it to the minigun's mount, making sure to connect the robot's optical processors to the computerized scope on the heavy gun, so it acted as a third eye. She then took the .50 BMG ammo and put it into the robot's ammo container. When she finished, Goliath was now armed with a new and powerful long-range weapon, and Emma gave a squee of joy.

After a little more thinking, Emma gasped as inspiration hit yet again, and she took out the type 2 sentry bot's arms, and she went to work modifying the plating on the robot's sides, and she made sure to install the extra processors she collected to increase Goliath's processing power. She attached the missile launcher arm, then the minigun arm after repairing the minigun with parts from the minigun Goliath came with. However, it still felt off, somehow. She knew robots in general had issues with close-quarters fighting, so she needed to make sure Goliath was properly equipped. With a smile, Emma got her third spark of inspiration, and she began sharpening and folding large pieces of metal to her needs. When she finished, she attached them to her robot's arms, and stood back to admire the results. Goliath's minigun now had a cylindrical sheath for stabilization, and the sheath had a set of mace-like spikes around the collar, allowing Goliath to bash foes who got close. His missile launcher arm had been given a battle ax blade and a large pike on the other side for the same purpose.

With her new friend finally set for battle, Emma yawned and went over to the table, pulling out some canned black beans and some frozen cheese, as well as some tortilla wraps from the little freezer she had. She had bought them from the market yesterday, and she wanted to cook her lover a nice dinner of cheese quesadillas and black beans. As she cooked, the lupine looked over at her lover to see what she was up to.

Clockwork smiled and nodded, and he took another sip of his wine and spoke as he poured each of them some more. "So, did you parents ever mention anywhere specific? Like, repeatedly? We might try looking there. Or perhaps a place they were fond of. Maybe someone would have seen them. Do you know of any such places?" He didn't want to bring up bad memories, but it was their only lead right now, and he wanted to do whatever he could to reunite his mare with her parents.

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Thorn was curled up on the center of the bed, with her eyes closed, and her muzzle buried in the tip of her tail. Her chest rose and fell peacefully as she slept, and occasionally mumbled something in her sleep. Occasionally a look of pain would come to her face, and she would whimper softly. Judging by the way that she was shaking at the sight of that giant ghoul, she was probably having nightmares.

Midnight took the last sip of her wine, and then she poured herself another glass. "Dad occasionally mentioned Manehattan while we were down here." She leaned down, and took a bite of her mashed potatoes, and then she wiped her mouth with a hoof. "He kept saying how the big generals probably just wanted to make nice with the ponies there, so that they could get their hooves on Tenpony."

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Emma frowned and turned off the hotplates, then went over to the bed and gently scooped Thorn up in her arms, cradling her like a little foal. She rested her lover's head against her breasts, hoping the softness and scent and warmth wiuld help her marefriend relax. She never expected to see something so horrific today, but she was still here, and she was going to keep Thorn safe, both physically and emotionally.

[Where's Tenpny Tower in FoE? In Fallout 3, it's on the other side of the map from the DC ruins, away from any city or tight clusters of buildings.]

Clockwork frowned and nodded, sipping his wine with a thoughtful expression. "Okay... Hmm... If we're going to explore the Manehattan ruins, we need a few more ponies, for sure, and some good armor and weapons. I don't want to be caught out there at night. Anything else he mention?" He asked as he sipped his wine, then took another bite of his steak.

[What if in Manehattan, they find evidence that her father and/or mother had fled to Germaneigh?]

Group Admin

3042312 (I love making characters have authentic reactions like Thorn's. The drama it creates is the good kind, and it's so fun.)

Thorn's expression of fear melted into one of peace, and then she lazily nuzzled her lover's chest. "Emma..." She mumbled as she took in Emma's scent. She seemed to be much more calm than she was before, and a faint smile formed on her lips. Now that Emma had eased her pain, the only sounds coming from Thorn were the quiet sounds of her breathing.

(I think it's just inside the outer edge of Manehattan. The Four Stars monorail line runs next to it and through part of the tower. Therefore, elevated rails will be their landmark.)

Midnight tilted her head and looked off to the side for a moment as she pondered Clockwork's question, and then she looked back to him with hopeful eyes. "Dad mentioned that the Enclave wanted the Germane technology, but it's so advanced that they don't quite understand it." Her eyes looked down at the floor as she let out a quiet sigh, and then she took a sip of her wine. "Sometimes he'd rant that the military had more schemes than it did ponies. Maybe he got caught up in something that he couldn't get out of."


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Emma smiled lovingly and held Thorn with one arm, slowly rocking her and keeping her to her chest as she used her other paw to stir the beans and flip the quesadillas as they cooked. The lupine's ears perked as she heard someone in another room shout "MOTHERFUCKER", and a loud slam was heard a few seconds later. With a shrug, Emma kept cradling her marefriend and cooking their dinner, humming softly to herself. She was quite pleased with everything that's happened today. They now have two new robots to the group, and they had staled a claim on one of the biggest weapon stashes in the local area, heavily guarded by military robots. Once dinner was done, Emma gently sat her sleeping lover in a chair and shook her shoulder. "Thorn, sweetie, dinner time." The lupine served each of them a quesadilla and some black beans, and she sat down and cut a piece of her quesadilla with her fork and took a bite, savoring the flavorful cheese.

Clockwork smiled and nodded as he finished off his steak, and he took a bite of his corn. "Well, we can certainly head to Germaneigh, but again, I think we should have at least some better weapons and armor, as well as supplies. We also need a better form of transportation than walking, and we should also get some more aggressive security for the Stable. Maybe the RobCo facility has some turrets we can salvage, or perhaps a couple of security robots or cyberdogs to keep watch while we're gone, or heck, maybe even both."

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Thorn opened her mouth widely as she let out a long yawn, and then she swayed drunkenly before rolling out of her chair and into the floor with a soft thump. She slowly got up from the floor with a groan, and then she casually climbed back into her chair. Thorn lifted her quesadilla to her mouth with her magic, and then took a bite of it with a soft moan. "Mmm...Thanks, honey."

Midnight finished off her mashed potatoes, and then she took a long pull of her wine. "I've got plenty of firepower with my power armor, sweetie, but we should take some explosives along. From what I've seen firsthoof, the Germane are pretty fond of heavy military hardware, and there's a lot of it still working." She closed her eyes for a moment, and then shuddered as she thought about the past. "I still remember hearing those machines roaring when I was filly..." She took another bite of her food, and another sip of her wine. It seemed that what she had experienced in Germaneigh bothered her quite a bit. "As for transportation, we could probably get skywagon working with our skills. That would let me fly you to the nearest Germane city."

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Emma smiled and took a bite of her beans. She planned to finish her dinner quickly and get to bed, so she would have a good, long rest so she was ready for tomorrow. "So, what do you think of the Tenpony offer? I mean, while I don't want to pass it up, we should still make sure we know who these ponies are. If we end up not taking the job there, maybe we could find work here in Friendship city."

Clockwork nodded and finished off his corn, quickly working on his mashed potatoes. "Where can we find a skywagon? And not to sound rude, but as protected as you are with your power armor and plasma weapons, I still need something for myself. If we can find or make armor and weapons big enough for my werewolf form, that would be best. I can only be in my pony form for a couple of days at most before it starts to get really bad."

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Thorn took another bite of her food before looking to Emma with big, hopeful eyes. "Tenpony is full of rich snobs who are racist towards ghouls, from what I hear. They're harmless, though. They don't deal with slavers or raiders." She took another bite of her food, and then slowly turned back to Emma. "So...can we take the job? Please?" She gave Emma her best pout, along with big puppy dog eyes.

Midnight took a long pull of her wine as she thought about their options, and she stared down at the table for a long moment before turning her gaze to Clockwork. "We'd have to get a bunch of combat armor together to turn into a bigger suit for you, that would have to do until we get to Germaneigh. The Germane would probably have much better stuff than anything we have here. As for weapons, we might have the stuff here to make you a gun that's comfortable enough for you."

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Emma sighed and leaned across the table, smooching her lover on the cheek. "Well, I don't know. I know the caps are tempting, but if they're that racist, i really don't know why I would defend them. Hmmm..." Emma chuckled as she finished her food, and set the dirty plates in the little sink on the wall. "What if i program the robots to be friendly to ghouls? Heh..." The lupine let out a sigh as she shed her clothes, climbing under the blankets and snuggling into bed. "I just don't want to leave anyone out in the cold, you know? And I certainly don't want to be known as the engineer who helped enforce the home of racist snobs."

Clockwork smiled and nodded as he finished his food and his wine, and he sat down on the couch and waited for his mare. "The Stable's Armory should have plenty of what we need. If I can take a look at the aiming systems for your armor, maybe I can replicate it for myself, if I need to. I was thinking we could use several of the energy weapons to create some larger ones, and as for explosives, there should be a good stash of grenades and mines in the armory as well."

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Thorn smiled warmly, and then she took another bite of her food. "Well, they're not just a bunch of racist snobs that no one seems to like. That's also where DJ-PON3 does his broadcasts, and a lot of people listen to his station. He brings a lot of people joy and entertainment with what he does, things would be a lot different for people without him around." She put a hoof on Emma's shoulder, and then looked at her lovingly. "So, if you're not doing it for them, do it for the ponies who need the DJ. It's a good thing to do."

Midnight brought her glass to her lips, and then she slowly leaned her head back as she quickly finished off what she had left of her wine. When it was all gone, she sat the glass on the table and hopped down from her chair, and then she walked over to the couch and laid down beside Clockwork. "You can look at my armor if you want, just please be careful. That's my dad's armor."

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Emma smiled and gently pulled Thorn into bed with her, pulled the blankets over their bodies and resting her lover's head down on her huge bosom. "Okay, sweetie. I'll do it. Morale is important in times like these." Emma closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Thorn, holding the curvaceous mare close. "But I'm bringing Goliath with us, just to make sure no one will bother us." The lupine quickly fell asleep, cuddling her lover to her chest.

Clockwork smiled and held his mare close, snuggling her lovingly and breathing in her scent. "Mmm... Don't worry, baby. I don't plan to do anything crazy with it. I might open up a panel or two, but that's it. Mmm... I love you, Midnight..." His horn lit up, and from behind a lazy chair, a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates floated out and into Midnight's hooves.

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Thorn mentally cheered to herself as she snuggled up to Emma, and she sighed to tiredly to herself as she closed her eyes. She felt good about herself knowing that she had convinced her lover to do the right thing, and even better was that they would be paid for their effort. Soon, Thorn drifted off to sleep, and she dreamed about making sweet love to Emma.

Midnight blushed furiously with a surprised gasp, and her eyes were wide like dinner plates as she beheld Clockwork's gift. She silently mouthed the words "For me", seeming to be in a state of shock. She was silent for several seconds, but then she suddenly leaned over and locked Clockwork in a powerful kiss, one that was fueled by both love and lust. She moaned lewdly into his mouth as she held the kiss for a few seconds, and then she grinned slyly as she looked him in the eye. "Since you know how to treat a mare, I think you deserve an extra special night..." She purred.

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When morning came, Emma slowly woke up and climbed out of bed, taking a quick shower and grabbing an apple and some sugar bombs for breakfast. The lupine idly thought to herself as she ate the dry cereal. Perhaps she could stand to pay a unicorn to enhance her breasts, not just for Thorn's enjoyment, but also to produce her own milk. A fresh, nutritious, radiation-free source of hydration is something not many ponies have, and to have it anywhere in an extra soft and sexy package would be something nice to have. With a soft smile, the lupine slipped into her clothes and went out the door, going about the market and discreetly asking around for some help.

A little bit later, she came back into her room, also carrying a riot shotgun that she bought from the market on her way back. Her breasts were now at least twice their original size, at least a good JJ-cup, stretching and even slightly tearing her shirt out and still perfectly round and perky. She also got her rump and hips enhanced a sizable amount, and they strained her overalls and threatened to tear them with every movement. Emma blushed as she thought to herself about how she went a bit overboard, but her massive bosom and massive backside felt simply too good to care, and they didn't even feel very heavy. She had not only gotten them bigger, but they would produce milk at a much faster rate. The lupine went about checking on the robots and powering them up, waiting idly for Thorn to wake up while she worked. She decided to bring Goliath, Aegis, and Rover, and have Thorn bring Sunburst, as they were her best creations. Luggy was going to stay behind. She quickly equipped Rover's left arm with the shotgun, replacing his laser emitter, and she modified the drum barrel to hold a very large amount of extra rounds. When she loaded it into the riot shotgun, it appeared to be a cylinder beneath the shotgun that was the width of its normal drum, extending backwards and forwards a bit and almost the length of the gun in total. With a shrug, Emma used some leftover metal plating to create a removable armor covering around Rover's arm, to make it look simply like a thick shotgun arm with no exposed machinery, thpugh she left a slot for spent shells to fly out of.

Clockwork set the roses and chocolates on the coffee table and smiled lovingly up at Midnight, stroking her mane affectionately. "I would love to have a special night with you, sweetheart. We can start preparing tomorrow. For now..." Clockwork placed a soft kiss on his mare's cheek and whispered in her ear. "I want to do... Whatever you'd like... I want to make you happy..."

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Thorn stirred in her sleep as she heard Emma work, and she eventually awoke from her deep sleep. She yawned widely and stretched out, and then looked to Emma with a tired smile. "Morning swee-" That was when she noticed Emma's improved assets, and a furious blush appeared on her cheeks. "Oh, wow..."

Midnight chuckled mischievously, and then she lightly caressed Clockwork's cheek with her hoof. "I'm going to make us both very, very happy sweetie. You'll be grinning from ear to ear when I'm done with you." She purred naughtily. She wrapped both arms around Clockwork, and then she pulled him on top of herself as she laid down on her back. She pressed her lips to his with a deep moan, and then she slipped her tongue into his mouth.

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Emma blushed a bit, but smiled lovingly back as she bent over and shook her giant rump, then stood up and turned around, running her paws across the tops of her mammoth mammaries. "Do you like them?" She asked with a shy tone. "I got them because, well... I hoped you would like them... And so we would have more milk to drink..." The lupine smiled lovingly and kept working on the robots, making sure Goliath had a fully loaded missile chamber, and making sure Sunburst's batteries had enough charge. The robots ran on fission and microfusion power sources, but it never hurt to check.

Clockwork moaned softly and smiled as he rolled them over so he was on bottom, and he gave a sensual grin. "Perhaps we might use our mouths in.... other ways?" He asked as his hoof went down and gently squeezed Midnight's large, supple rump, drawing a soft moan from his lips and causing his member to start rising from its sheath.

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"I love them!" Thorn then blushed even more hotly at her outburst, and then she cleared her throat. "I mean, they're really...great..." She said, her voice gradually trailing off. Her face seemed to turn even more red as she put her head between her hooves, and her eyes were fixed on Emma's chest.

Midnight's wings immediately sprung out to her sides with a loud 'pomf', and she was already starting to pant a little. "I couldn't agree more, sweetie." She said before she carefully turned herself around on top of him. Now in full view, her marehood was so aroused that the normally pink flesh was now mostly red, and it had swollen almost completely shut. Her marely scent of arousal was intense, showing even more how much she wanted him. Midnight brought her muzzle down to Clockwork's groin, and then she slowly took his member into her mouth, letting it gradually force her lips apart.

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[Call me please :3 ]

Emma smiled sensually as she sauntered towards the bed, slowly shedding her clothes and staring at her lover. "We have plenty of time for a quickie, sweetie pie. Let's have a little fun." The lupine laid down on the bed and gently laid Thorn down atop her, letting the mare's head sink into the plush flesh of her left breast. "Mmm... Wanna drink, baby? All this milk is so you can stay strong and healthy...."

Clockwork groaned and buried his muzzle into the tight, wet, swollen folds, licking slow and hard as his hooves gently groped and fondled his mare's wonderful rump. Her arousal tasted sweet and delicious, and he planned to drink up as much as he could tonight. It would be all work tomorrow with getting things prepared for their trip, so he wanted to make sure they rested well tonight. "Mmmm.... Mmm...."

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Thorn stared at Emma's left breast as she used a hoof to lightly fondle the plump flesh, and her blush seemed to be growing brighter. "Y-yes..." She mumbled quietly. She moved her head towards the front of Emma's breast, and then she placed her lips around it and began to gently suckle. Thorn moaned softly as warm, creamy milk poured into her mouth, and she closed her eyes for the time being.

Midnight clenched her eyes shut, and she squealed loudly and then shouted into Clockwork's member. Her wings were rock hard as they stood erect at her sides, and they were visibly pulsating with arousal. Every lick sent a powerful tingling sensation rocketing from her lower half, and she wanted more. She needed more. With shuddering breaths, Midnight locked her lips as and squished the sides of her mouth on Clockwork's member as comfortably and as tightly as she could do so, and then she began slowly moving her head back and forth. Occasionally she would tease his flared tip with her tongue, which only made her desire his hot seed even more. Eventually, she began to swirl her tongue around his tip roughly and slowly.

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Emma smiled and reached a paw down to Thorn's rump, gently rubbing her fingers across her marefriend's slit. She then slowly pushed two fingers into Thorn's folds, thrusting slowly back and forth and going a little deeper each time. "Mmm.... I hope you're enjoying this, baby... I want you to drink until you're nice and full..." She purred sensually. Emma placed a soft kiss on the top of her lover's head and stroked her mane with her free paw, wanting to make Thorn feel like she was in a safe place.

Clockwork moaned and panted into Midnight's marehood, and as he licked, he began rubbing his hoof firmly against his mare's engorged clit. His licks also grew faster and harder, showing off his werewolf strength even in his tongue. He rubbed his free hoof across Midnight's lower back in a loving gesture, feeling blessed to have this beautiful, sensual angel as his devoted lover.

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Thorn quivered with a soft moan of delight at Emma's touch, and then she slowed her pace. Her breathing became a little heavier as a gentle orgasm built in her loins, and she began timidly moving her hips in time with Emma's thrusts. She looked up to Emma's face with a loving smile, her eyes half-lidded. "I love you..."

Midnight's shouts of pleasure abruptly rose in pitch as she felt a surge of pleasure shoot through her loins, and she was now crying out with muffled screams of ecstasy. Her wings were throbbing with even more speed and intensity now, and she was panting heavily. She pulled off of Clockwork's shaft to take a deep breath, and then she took him entirely into her mouth. She gulped on his tip loudly, and she used her tongue to lick hard and fast at his medial ring. She hungered intensely for her lover's seed, and feeling his shaft throb as it quenched her thirst might possibly make her feel the peak of feminine lust.

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Emma smiled and began thrusting a little harder and faster, still stroking her lover's mane as she pushed a third finger inside. "I love you, too. Just enjoy yourself, my love. Just relax and let me take care of you." The lupine felt heat growing between her thunderous thighs, though she could hold out until Thorn was tended to. After they were both nice and relaxed, they would head off to Tenpony. But for now, her marefriend was her sole focus.

Clockwork moaned loudly and began licking faster and harder, his hoof rubbing and grinding Midnight's clot harder and faster, alternating between motions and stopping to flick it rapidly once in a while. The stallion's huge shaft throbbed inside Midnight's throat, and his lust rose more and more as he pleasured and was pleasured in return. It wasn't more than a few minutes later when he shouted and reached his climax, pumping large amounts of his hot, sticky seed down his mare's throat. He gave her clit a hard squeeze, hoping to push Midnight over the edge.

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Thorn quivered as she returned her lips to Emma's breast, and then she once again began suckling her nipple. She let out soft moans and whimpers as her lover thrust into her, and then after a while she gave a small shout as she reached a gentle climax. She gently pulled herself off of her lover's fingers, and released her nipple, and then she carefully turned herself around to put her muzzle between Emma's legs. She dove her tongue into her lover's slit, and then began lavishing her with hard and slow licks.

(Have Emma mess with Thorn's clit, it's ultra-sensitive. :rainbowwild:)

Midnight had pulled her mouth off of Clockwork's shaft just before he mashed her clit, and then she grit her teeth and screamed her lover's name as she had an explosive orgasm. Her juices gushed out in a thick shower onto Clockwork's face, matting his fur with the results of her ecstasy. Midnight carefully turned herself around on top of him, and then she licked part of her juices off of his cheek. "Rub my wings, baby, as hard as you can, and then take me like an animal. I promise you'll be satisfied." She breathed out.

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Emma moaned out her approval and wrapped her lips around Thorn's clit, sucking on it and making sure her lover's rump rested comfortably on her massive breasts. The lupine kept thrusting her fingers as she sucked and licked her lover's pleasure button, hoping to bring her marefriend another climax before they left. She herself was coming close to a climax already, and it wouldn't be long before she hit her peak.

Clockwork panted and licked Midnight's cheek, tasting her sweat and musk. "Your werewolf lusts for you, my angel. He will bring you the pleasure you crave." The stallion scooped Midnight onto his back and carried her out to the bed of blankets in the main chamber, and as soon as he set her down, he groaned as his bones shifted and his body grew, until he was in his werewolf form once again. His giant member throbbed between his legs, and his massive balls swelled up with seed. He scooped Midnight up and held her chest to his owm, then thrust his shaft into her plot, moaning and growling as he rocked his hips and slowly worked it inside. "Mmm... I remember you wanted this... Is it as good as you had hoped?" He asked between grunte and moans, pushing his member deeper and deeper into his mare's body, claiming her as his own and silently daring anyone else to try to take her.

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A sudden surge of pleasure forced Thorn to stop licking for a moment, and she squealed loudly as she trembled from the intensity. She lightly ground her marehood into Emma's muzzle with slow, circular motions, and she let out several cries of "Yes!" She slowly pressed her muzzle back to her lover's folds, and then she began licking fast and hard, occasionally sucking on Emma's clit. Soon, she gave a small scream into her lover's folds as she hit her orgasm.

Midnight shouted with pleasure as she clung tightly to Clockwork's chest, letting the feeling of his powerful muscles against her body push her lust even farther. "Better...Take me, I'm yours..." Her wings were still stiff like ramrods, and Clockwork's shaft rubbed against her intensely swollen g-spot. Even better, she had a slight submission fetish, which was satisfied by her lover's lupine form. To be made the mare of such a large, powerful creature turned her on more than anything else except Clockwork's romance.

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Emma squealed as she hit her own climax a few seconds later, and she slowly withdrew her fingers as she licked her muzzle clean, then licked her fingers clean and let out a content sigh. "Mmm... That was wonderful, baby...." The lupine slowly climbed out of bed and quickly packed some food into their bags for the day, and she took out a pair of empty bottles and filled them with her breast milk, smiling slyly at Thorn as she put one in the mare's bag, then put the other bottle in her own backpack. She slipped into her clothes and her armor, then put on her backpack and shouldered her rifle. "Ready when you are, sweetie."

Clockwork barked and moaned as he began thrusting in and out of his lover's plot, feeling his knot slightly smack into his mare's supple rump with every thrust. He felt good knowing that he could please such a beautiful mare and make her want to be his. It made him feel powerful. "Mmmm.... I'll take good care of you, my mare..." He rumbled as he held Midnight to his chest. "I am your beast... Only yours..."

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Thorn smiled happily as she slowly got up from the bed, and she quickly stretched her body. After the tension was out of her body, she put on her saddlebags, and then she checked her bags to make sure that she had enough ammo and caps for an emergency. When she was satisfied she turned to her lover, and then smiled warmly. "Ready." She chirped. She then led her lover out of their room and Friendship City. It was an hour or two before they arrived at the monorail station of Tenpony.

The guards pointed their guns at Thorn and Emma as they approached, and a slit on the main gate opened. "What's your business here?" Said a stallion from the other side.

Thorn smiled nervously at the guard behind the door. "We're here on contract. We were brought here to build some robots to help you guard he place."

The guard stared at them long and hard for a moment. "Leave your robots and ammunition with the guards. They'll take care of it while you're inside."

(I had to do a lot of skipping around, because it was just now that I realized that I don't remember a lot about Tenpony in the story.)

Midnight buried her face in Clockwork's chest as she squealed with pleasure, and she was panting heavily from the sheer intensity of the moment. Her heart felt like it would beat out of her chest from her excitement, and sweat was pouring down her body. Within a few minutes' time, she had an explosive orgasm, and she screamed into her lover's chest. She looked up to him with big, loving eyes, and a blissful smile. "Please, put it into the other one..." She said softly. Her marehood was so aroused that it was beyond vice-like tightness, and the skin was feverish. Midnight knew that they would both be howling in ecstasy when they both came.

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Emma narrowed her eyes and tilted her massively wide hips at an angle, shouldering her rifle in the process. "Name's Emma. You guys sent someone to get me, said you needed an engineer. Well, here I am." The lupine made sure her robots were active and looking about at the armed guards. Emma was able and ready to pull her rifle or pistol and just gun down these guards before they could even lift their rifles, or maybe just motion to her robots and have them turn them into bullet-ridden meat bags. By the way Emma carried herself and handled her guns, it was clear it would be very hard to part them from her.

Clockwork pulled out with a bark of exctiement and shoved his massive shaft into Midnight's swollen folds, down to his knot in one go. He began thrusting wildly, panting and holding his mare to his chest. If he was going to be a beast for his eternal life, then he would have a princess he would protect and tend to. He had actually started enjoying his werewolf form more and more as he interacted with Midnight. She always seemed to love it, and knowing that made him feel good about himself. He howled out his pleasure as he thrust even faster and harder, hoping to rut his mare's brains out and leave them both in a blissful sleep.

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The guard behind the door didn't seem to be fazed much. "Like I said, ammo and robots out here, or you can just stay out here for all I care." Suddenly, the guard got pulled to the side, and some indistinguishable mumbling was heard. The guard returned a minute later, grumbling to himself under his breath. "Come on in, please enjoy your stay." He said in a rather unhappy tone. The heavy door opened a moment later, and the burly stallion behind it stepped to the side. Thorn trotted in first, giving the guard her quiet thanks as she passed.

Midnight grunted, growled, and screamed into Clockwork's chest as she felt unbelievable tightness and pleasure in her loins, releasing her inner animal as her powerful lover renewed his claim. She tightened her grip around his body, and then looked up at his face with her big blue eyes. "I love you, Clockwork. I'm yours!" She cried out.

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Emma didn't even acknowledge the guard's presence, and the robots seemingly looked around at the guards with silent glares, though they were really just scanning for threats. Emma led the group into the main building itself, and some of the residents were either scared and scurried away by the intimidating machines, or seemed curious and even a bit awestruck by the masterful craftsmanship put into the robots. A couple stallions were looking Emma and Thorn over with lustful gazes, though they stayed their distance and kept quiet. The lupine looked around a bit and asked aloud her thoughts. "So, who do I talk to?"

Clockwork howled once again and bent his head down, pressing his lips to Midnight's and passionately kissing her, letting his large tongue slide into her mouth and lick at her gums and teeth. He held the kiss for a good fifteen seconds before pulling away, and he went back to panting as he thrust ever harder and faster, his mind muddling under the unbelievable, indescribable pleasure. A little bit later, he shoved his knot inside Midnight, threw his head back and howled as he pumped his seed into Midnight's womb, making her tummy swell up as he claimed her as his mare once again. He collapsed on his side onto the bed of blankets, panting and cuddling Midnight to his chest. "I love you..." He whispered between pants of exhaustion and satisfaction.

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Thorn blushed furiously as she saw the gazes of the stallions, and she flattened her ears against her head nervously before turning to Emma. "Well, since you're building robots for defense, maybe we should ask the head of security." She looked for anything that might look like an office, and then she smiled when she saw the security office. She then led Emma to the door, and then she knocked on it.

The door opened a moment later, and a stallion's head poked out. "What do you want?"

Midnight had let out a powerful scream of ecstasy when her explosive orgasm hit, and she was currently rubbing herself all over Clockwork. "I love you, my big stallion." She rubbed a hoof sensually over his side, and she smiled lovingly. "My big...strong stallion." She seemed to enjoy his strength quite a bit.

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Emma stood close to Thorn protectively, shooting glares at the staring stallions. Her strong gaze made at least a few turn away, and when the stallion poked his head out, the lupine shifted her hips and strained her overalls once again. "You called for an engineer? Name's Emma." Emma waved a hand back at the group of robots, wanting to make a powerful first impression.

Clockwork smiled and held Midnight to his chest with his strong arms, so she could feel his bulk and muscles underneath his fluffy fur. "I love you, Midnight... I love being your strong stallion, and I love having you as my beautiful mare...." The werewolf laid a big blanket over their bodies, and he held Midnight tightly under the blankets. He soon fell asleep, his muzzle buried in Midnight's mane and her wonderful scent filling his nostrils.

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The stallion smiled, and then whistled as he saw the robots. Though, to Thorn, it didn't seem seem like he was whistling at Emma's craftponyship, and she blushed once again as she laid her tail flat against her rump.

The stallion opened the door a little further and stepped out, and then he smiled at Emma and Thorn. "The name's Chief Grimstar, I'm the one who sent for ya. We here at Tenpony are willing to give you two lovely ladies 15,000 caps for some security robots of that sort of quality." He said with a motion towards the robots.

Midnight soon fell asleep with a big grin on her lips, and she buried her muzzle in Clockwork's fur. It felt so satisfying to have a big, strong, romantic stallion who desired her emotionally and physically. It was like her hellish life had been turned into one of her biggest fantasies.

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[Just saying, if Thorn got her rump and hips and thighs enhanced, Emma would pounce and bury her face into Thorn's butt cleavage... :heart:]

Emma gave a soft, controlled smile and nodded. "Just show me where to go." The lupine frowned as she saw Thorn's expression, and she leaned in to Grimstar and whispered "And if you can, I'd appreciate it if no one bothered us while we worked today. Some of the stallions have been staring at us, and not because of the robots, if you know what I mean." Emma leaned back and placed a hand on Thorn's cheek, bending down and whispering in her ear. "Don't worry, baby. We'll be alone in the workshop. You can be my assistant, and nopony will bother us."

When morning rose again, Clockwork slowly opened his eyes and yawned widely, looking down at Midnight's sleeping form. He considered pulling out, but she looked so peaceful, and her body was like a warm, wet, tight velvet sheath over his member. With a soft smile, he used his magic to tie a large blanket around his midsection, acting like a blanket for Midnight and to snugly hold her to his chest. The werewolf slowly began walking around and using his magic to pull out Midnight's armor, as well as several energy weapons, some saddlebags, food, water, ammo, some normal guns, and whatever else he could reach. He also carefully floated up several sets of Stable security armor from the security offices.

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3060218 (And then Thorn would be turned on, and she would ask Emma to please her. :rainbowwild: Also, Clockwork and Midnight may find some interesting and horrifying things in Germaneigh. For now, let's just say that XCOM is giving me ideas.)

Grimstar gave a soft nod, and then pointed at a hallway behind them. "Just go through that hall and enter the last door on the left. That's a storeroom where we keep some old robots that we can't get working."

Thorn smiled warmly at Emma, and then she lightly nuzzled her side.

Clockwork's activity caused Midnight to move around on his shaft, which brought forth soft moans from her mouth. " beast..." She mumbled as she nuzzled his chest with a big grin. It was clear that she deeply enjoyed Clockwork's wolf form, so much that she even dreamed of being rutted by him.

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[Sexcellent! :heart:]

Emma smiled and led her lover into the storeroom, with the robots standing guard outside, and when she saw the few sentry bots and some other assorted bots, she smiled and took out a small folding table from her backpack, since she saw no workbench inside. She set up her table with her tools, then went about the storeroom and collected some metal and spare parts from some scattered closets and toolboxes. The lupine went over to one of the sentry bots with her tools and opened up the back panels, quickly working on the machinery inside. These robots weren't all that damaged. Goliath was in a worse state when she found him. These robots just needed a few parts changed and a good reprogramming. As she worked, she smiled at Thorn and said "I'm just gonna work for a little while, baby. You can just relax."

[Skip to when she's done? She will have installed that failsafe that transfers control of the security bots to her, and it's a one-time use, so no one can reverse it. You can have Grimstar poke his head in to check on them a little while later, and Emma would be done by then.]

Clockwork murred as he felt his knot shift around inside Midnight, keeping her locked on his shaft. He began disassembling the armor with his magic, setting chest plates and helmets and shoulder plates aside in small piles, and keeping the cloth parts of the armors in a pile as well. As he did so, he slowly rocked his hips, not wanting to awaken his lover, but only add to her pleasure.

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A little while later, Chief Grimstar knocked on the door, and then it opened slightly as he poked his head inside the room. "How are you ladies-" He cut himself off mid-sentence when he saw the squad of fully operational robots in the room, and his mouth was agape with awe. "That answers that." He said before retreating from the room. He returned a few minutes later with three leather bags, which were heavy with caps. "As promised, 15,000 caps, as was agreed by the citizens of Tenpony." He entered the room, and then sat the bags down on the floor.

Midnight moaned again and nuzzled Clockwork's chest, and then she began unconsciously licking at his chest. "I want that big tongue all over my body..." She mumbled. She began lazily rocking herself on his shaft, which made her moan more frequently.

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Emma smiled and put the heavy bags into her own backpack, then put it on and led her lover and the security bots out into the main lobby, consisting of five type 2 sentry bots and several Mister Gutsies and Protectrons. "Mister Grimstar, as the head of Tenpony security, you are also the administrator of these robots. They will obey you as their first priority, so your word overrides all other commands. Use them as you please. They are also linked by direct wireless communication, so if one senses a security danger, they are all aware of it." Of course, Emma didn't tell him about her failsafe code that would make her the administrator of the robots, but she hoped she didn't have to use it, and that the Tenpony security would only use these powerful machines to defend their home and their residents, and not for something more sinister. She kept the code in her eidetic memory, where it will sit until it is needed to be used. With a silent nod and a neutral expression, Emma began leading Thorn and her own robots out the front gate, hoping she didn't regret performing this job. As they walked home, Emma's uncertainty was clear on her face.

Clockwork smiled and stroked his lover's mane with his paw, staring down at her lovingly. While she slept, he decided to look over her power armor. He only removed outer plates and studied the inside circuitry, replacing them once he was done. However, he noticed some hairline cracks and dirt inside the plates and circuitry, and with the masterful precision of a clockmaker, his magic carefully cleaned out the dirt with a soft rag, and he used a solder to seal the cracks, and he began work on polishing the highly advanced armor, taking note of the plasma weapons and their aiming systems. He was sure he could pull off something similar with miniguns or gatling lasers if he ever got his own set of armor and some parts to make a copy of Midnight's weapon system.

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Thorn's smile turned into a concerned frown as she saw the uncertainty on Emma's face. "Sweetie, you did the right thing. Even better is that we got paid for it. We won't have to work for years!" She said excitedly, offering her lover a warm smile. Honestly, she was glad that she didn't have to work. She wasn't good at much, in her opinion.

Midnight moaned softly as she came to a gentle orgasm, and then her eyes fluttered open almost a minute later. She smiled up at Clockwork, and then she nuzzled his chest lovingly. "Hey, sexy." She buried her face in his fur, and then she rubbed herself all over him as much as she could.

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Emma sighed and looked back at the tower as they walked away, still frowning even as the soft jingle of her caps made itself known from her backpack. "I hope so... I just hope they won't use those bots to kill a bunch of ghouls, or something. I mean, if they want to clear feral ghouls from an area to keep ponies safe, that's one thing. But against still-sentient ghouls, who want nothing more than a good home like everyone else?" The lupine sighed again as she looked back at the tower, feeling ane unsettling sensation in her gut.

[I'm tempted to have Tenpony do something that'll abuse Emma's trust and get Emma angry, and she'll likely end up taking the robots back and giving them to Friendship City security.]

Clockwork murred as he let his own gentle orgasm hit, though it only made his balls start churning harder and swelling with seed. "Mmm... Morning, hon." He sat down on his bed and held Midnight to his chest, untying the blanket as well. "Hey, honey? I hope you don't mind, but I did a little touch-up on your armor." He said as he floated over the mare's polished power armor, and he gave a hopeful smile.

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Thorn gave Emma's side a quick nuzzle, and then she looked up at her with a big smile. "Don't worry about it. From what I've heard, Tenpony is too worried about maintaing their high-society status to be hunting down ghouls. They're just cowards with their noses up in the air."

Midnight gasped softly as she saw how well-maintained her armor was, and then she hugged Clockwork's chest as tightly as she could. "You're getting another special night for this." She said playfully. She then nuzzled his chest lovingly with a big grin. "Best coltfriend ever."

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Emma sighed again, smiling thankfully at her lover's support and scratching Thorn behind the ears a bit. "I know. I just don't want them to get overzealous, now that they have two dozen armed robots to guard them. Grimstar seemed like a reasonable guy, so I think he'll keep things in line."

It was around sunset when the group got back, but as they did, a security officer ran up to them. The large, muscular had no helmet, and he looked down at the pair as they entered and walked with them as he talked. "Miss Emma, I'm Stone Skin, chief of Friendship City security. We could use your help." Emma groaned and shifted her heavy backpack. "I just got back from Tenpony doing the same thing." Stone Skin chuckled and patted her on the shoulder. "If you can impress those bastards, then all the more reason we could use your help. See, the bats in Manehattan have been getting more aggressive. We have supplies and lots of robots in the storage room, some working and some not." Emma nodded and raised a finger. "Get me something caffeinated, and meet me at our room in five minutes." Stone chuckled and said "Yes, ma'am" as he turned and went towards the market area.

Emma led her lover and group up to their room, then quickly went about getting sensor modules, grenades for grenade launchers, and several other tools and spare parts. She had a plan in mind, and she was getting what she needed to work on it. Five minutes later, almost on the dot, Stone opened the door and smiled as he held a thermos of hot coffee. "Hope you like black." Emma chuckled as she grabbed the bag of her things, then took the thermos with a thankful smile and took a long drink of it as she followed Stone Skin down to the storage area in the basement. Inside the large basement, crates of weapons sat about, as well as a pair of workbenches, and several disabled robots of all kinds lying about, and the working ones were lined up against the wall, consisting of two Mister Handy bots, four protectrons, and a trio of robobrains. Stone Skin nodded to the lupine and said "I'll be upstairs if you need anything.

Emma searched about the crates, looking through the weapons inside. She took out several pump-action, tube loaded grenade launchers. "Perfect." Emma took the grenade launcher ammo, sensor modules, and sat down at a workbench, then began disassembling the explosives, setting the grenades' warheads to the side and tinkering with the sensor modules. She was planning to essentially turn the grenade launchers into flak cannons, able to use the sensor modules to sense their position relative to the bats and explode when close enough.

Clockwork smiled and licked Midnight's cheek, then slowly stroked her back. "Well, I suppose we should get working." He reluctantly pulled Midnight off of his shaft, setting her aside him as his member retracted back into its sheath. He began sifting through the weapons, both conventional and energy weapons, looking for a way to perhaps combine them or their parts to make a larger weapon that he could use. "Hmmm... Any ideas, baby?"

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Thorn laid down a few feet away from Emma, and she quietly watched her work. She thought that she might learn something from watching what Emma did, which she desperately wanted to do. In her opinion, she wasn't of much use to anyone in the wasteland unless she was a slave, performer, or callfilly. She needed a useful skill that would allow her to have some worth.

Midnight looked up at Clockwork with a serious expression. "You'll want to bring an energy weapon with you. There's more than just ponies in Germaneigh, and bullets won't do much to them. Besides, they use different chamberings than we do." She turned her gaze to the assortment of weapons before them. "We could just upscale the same designs to fit you, making it just a giant laser or plasma. We just need some materials to build a bigger frame."

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