The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Emma shifted herself and gently lifted Thorn onto her fluffy chest, laying the mare's head down on her huge bosom. "Love you, too." She whispered back as she pulled the covers up, then wrapped her arms around Thorn and buried her muzzle in the mare's mane, breathing in her scent. When morning came, Emma was still fast asleep, cuddling Thorn and keeping the mare's head inside her warm, furry cleavage.

Clockwork's magic held the can of beans as he peeled it open, and his magic heated the can until the bean sauce was bubbling softly. He poured the beans into a bowl and put a spoon in it, then slowly and reluctantly pulled Midnight off of his member and set her beside him on the warm metal floor. He floated over the bowl of beans and the box of Dandy Boy Apples, and he put a big, strong, fluffy arm around Midnight's shoulders, wanting to hold her close as she ate. "Would you like anything to drink?" He asked in a caring, almost loving tone.

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Thorn slowly awoke with a soft yawn, and then her eyes fluttered open a few seconds later. She stretched out her rear legs and, a little more awkwardly, her front legs, careful to not disturb Emma as she slept. She adjusted her head between her lover's cleavage, and then she sighed quietly and happily. A morning like this was something that was more than she could ask for out here in the wasteland. Emma's warmth made her feel like everything would be alright.

Midnight found herself blushing softly at Clockwork's question, and she turned to him with a warm smile. "Yes, please. Do you have any cola?" She didn't like to eat or drink things that weren't readily accessible, because she was afraid that she would start to like them too well for her own good. However, tonight seemed like a good exception to her rule.

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Emma murred softly as she slept, and she buried her muzzle into Thorn's mane, breathing in her scent. "Mmm.... Thorn..." She mumbled, dreaming about the beautiful mare. Her arms still held her lover around her back, feeling her marefriend soft fur under her paws. A little while later, the lupine yawned and nuzzled her lover, her eyes fluttering open. "Morning, my love..." She whispered.

Clockwork's loving gaze never left Midnight as he floated over a bottle of cola, popping it open and giving it to the pegasus. He had a sort of dreamy look in his eyes, looking over the mare's soft fur, her beautiful curves, but her face... Her face was like a work of art. Everything, from her cheekbones to her smile to her well-groomed mane, and her eyes were like two sapphires. "Does anyone ever tell you that you make eyes and minds wander with your beauty?" He said with a wistful tone, unaware he was speaking aloud his toughts.

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Thorn leaned forward and kissed Emma on the cheek, and then she nuzzled the side of her face. "Good morning." She then laid her head back down between Emma's breasts, and then she hummed softly to herself as she nuzzled the mounds of fur and flesh. "I almost don't want to move. You feel too good..."

Midnight had brought the bottle to her lips just as Clockwork spoke, but she hesitated to take a drink. She was blushing softly, and she seemed almost flabbergasted as she looked up to Clockwork's face. "No, but I sometimes catch ponies staring at my rump." She smiled up at her friend. "You're really sweet, you know. That's more than I can say for a lot of stallions."

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Emma murred and nuzzled Thorn's cheek, stroking the beautiful mare's mane. "Mmm... I wouldn't mind if you just rested there for a while." The lupine laid her head back and let out a soft sigh. "Hey, sweetheart? I want to see if we can find somewhere more defensible, or make this cabin better defended. Raider activity has been picking up recently, and I've seen some super mutants and members of the Steel Rangers roaming around a few miles away from Ponyville. At least, I think it's the Steel Rangers. Their squads had sentry bots, and their armor had a different set of colors. Dark grey with red. Speaking of sentry bots, I wanna see if I can get my paws on one, or at least a Securitron or two. They'd be invaluable in helping defend our home, wherever we choose to have it."

Clockwork's cheeks flushed red beneath his fur as he looked away. "I did not just say that out loud..." The werewolf sighed and put his paw around Midnight's shoulders, holding him close to his warm, fluffy body while allowing the pegasus to continue eating. "I'm surprised someone has not snatched you up for their own yet. You're beautiful and kind and sensual enough to make any stallion's heart flutter." He took a deep breath and let it out. "And... If you don't mind me saying..." He leaned down and placed a soft, passionate kiss on Midnight's lips. "You make this old dog's heart warm again, and I would like to find purpose again as... well... your lover... if you'll have me..." He spoke softly, looking at Midnight with hopeful, old eyes.

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Thorn perked her ears at mention of moving, and then she raised her head up slightly. "Maybe we should move to a town. I know that you and your robot are good in fights, but I think raiders would be more likely to attack one house than an entire town. We'd scare em off with our numbers. Plus, we'd have walls, and they'd be out in the open. They wouldn't wanna risk that."

Midnight had moaned sensually as she was kissed, and she found herself wishing that it had lasted longer. She smiled up at Clockwork, and then she stood up on her hind legs, careful to not spill her food, and she put a deep, passionate kiss on his lips. She moaned almost lewdly as she held the kiss for a good ten seconds, and then she pulled away with a grin. "I'd be happy to have you. You're a big sweetheart and a gentlecolt, and a lot of mares would kill to have you." Her grin widened as she leaned in a little more, putting her mouth teasingly close to his mouth, and letting her hot breath roll over his face. "Besides, you're the best I've ever had." She purred. She pulled away with a mischievous chuckle, and then she laid down and began eating.

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Emma nodded and nuzzled Thorn's cheek, stroking the mare's mane and letting out a soft sigh. "Do you know any towns around here, sweetie? I've been in this hut for a while, and I only go out to scavenge from abandoned buildings. I haven't been in any towns for a while. I haven't traded with anyone in at least a month, though I have a big stash of supplies and caps. If we find a town we can settle in, I can trade some stuff, maybe get new parts for my robots. I have a Protectron I modded with some crates and stuff on his back and in his hands. I named him Luggy. He'll carry the extra stuff."

The werewolf gave a big smile and laid himself down beside Midnight, smiling and contenting himself with watching his new lover eat. "Thank you. This means a lot to me. And... You're welcome to stay here in this Stable with me and take whatever you need. I have a huge amount of supplies, the faucets run clean water, and I hunt other animals for food at night. Also, I heard that bottle caps are the new currency, so I've been saving them. Normally, I would have just tossed the caps into the trash cans, until a century or so ago. I won't force you to, but the caps I threw away over the years are still there." He thought for a second. "Actually, it should be alright. I only threw anything nasty down into a trashcan in the cafeteria. Food cans and stuff. I threw empty cola bottles and the caps away in the trash can inside the small holotape library. That's where I spent a lot of time, just sipping cola and reading the tapes."

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Thorn smiled warmly at Emma. "There's New Appleloosa, they're the closest to where we are. It's a big town with walls made of train cars, raiders won't be smashing it down anytime soon." She blushed slightly as another thought came to mind. "And...well, I might actually have an audience to play for, even if it's only a few people."

Midnight gasped with surprise, and then she grinned widely. "That is the second best thing I've heard in my entire life..." She said quietly. She squealed happily, and then nuzzled Clockwork's side. "My job puts me in danger on a regular basis. The less I get shot at, the better." She moved back to her spot, and then she looked up at his face. "Though, I should probably tell them that I'm leaving. I'm New Appleloosa's best guard, they'll be kinda peeved if I leave without saying anything." She turned back to her food and began eating, and she occasionally took a sip of her cola.

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Emma nodded and looked around her modest shack, still stroking Thorn's mane. "Sounds good. Perhaps my robots could help with town security or something. I just want us to be safe." She placed a smooch on her marefriend's cheek and smiled. "And I'd love to hear you play. So let's pack up after breakfast and be on our way. How long of a journey is it?" The lupine asked as she slowly got out of bed, stretching her back and getting a few satisfying pops. She also shook her massive bum a little for Thorn's viewing pleasure, bringing a blush to her own cheeks, and then she slid into her clothes. She pulled out some Fancy Lads snack cakes and a couple apples, along with some Dandy Boy apples and a couple of water bottles. She sat down on the edge of the bed and gave her lover an apple, the Dandy Boy apples, and a water, then began munching on the snack cakes.

Clockwork smiled and nuzzled Midnight, then blushed and said "I know it's soon, but... You're welcome to move in. The Stable has most, if not all, of what you'll need to survive, and the front door can be shut and locked at any time, if we need to stay inside for something. I mostly use the bedroom next to the holotape library, and you're free to pick any room you'd like. There's also the armory, though I haven't actually had to use any." He sighed and said "You should also know that I don't always look like this. My condition of lycanthropy allows me to change back and forth at will, but the longer I am not in this form, the more I feel an urge to be. So, with no one around, I usually just stay in this form unless I want to go explore the Stable a bit. I won't fit through the hallways like this."

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Thorn took the food in her magic, and then eagerly bit into her apple. She chewed up and swallowed the bite before turning to Emma. "It should only be a few hours' walk from here, if that. Though, I'm still kinda worried about being out in the open after what happened." She let out a quiet sigh as she turned back to her apple. "I know that you and your robot will protect me, but there's still those worries." With a frown, Thorn took another bite of her apple.

Midnight grinned mischievously at Clockwork. "I bet that form looks sexy, too." She extended one of her wings and used it to caress his side, and then she shoved a spoonful of beans into her mouth before chewing and swallowing them with a loud gulp. "If you don't mind, I'd like to stay with you. You're really cuddly."

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Emma smiled and nuzzled Thorn's cheek, then took a sip of her water. "We'll be alright, sweetheart. You can be in the middle of the group, okay? Aegis will lead, I'll be right beside you, Luggy will be behind us, and my third robot will be on the other side. My third bot was another Protectron I found, and I replaced a damaged laser hand with a submachine gun, and gave it a belt feed to an ammo box on the hip. I named him Rover. He and Luggy were my first two creations, back before I left Germaneigh. I found them inside a trash chute, with parts missing. I fixed them up and reprogrammed them, and they've been part of my family ever since." The lupine licked her lover's cheek and smiled affectionately. "Robots were all I had for company before you came along."

Clockwork smiled widely and nodded, rubbing Midnight's back with his paw. "Oh, yes please. And I'd love to be your bedwarmer, so to speak. Or your bed." He rubbed his other paw across his big, fluffy tummy. "I'm big enough to do that." He gave another smile and a soft bark, his tail wagging. "Oh, i'm so happy... Thank you, Midnight, for everything... I'll make this Stable a home for you, I promise. Food, water, shelter, company, and whatever else you desire."

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Thorn grinned happily, and then she placed a loving kiss on Emma's cheek. "I'll keep you company all you want, honey." She said in a sweet tone. She gave a sly wink and giggled before returning to her food. She felt her playful side coming out a bit more now that she was in a relationship.

Midnight let out a sensual moan as she leaned over and nuzzled Clockwork's side, and then she gave him a sly grin. "All I want from you is your love, sweetie." She briefly raised her eyebrows, hoping that he caught the double meaning of her words. Though she already found herself deeply caring for Clockwork, he also made her loins feel as if they were on fire.

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Emma blushed and gave Thorn a smooch on the cheek, then began munching on another snack cake and sipping her water. "Do you need any weapons, sweetie? I have a few lying somewhere around here you can use." The lupine finished off her water and snack cakes, then quickly munched through her apples. She took out the seeds from the core and put them in her pocket before using her string teeth and jaws to easily devour the core as well. Emma then went over to the cellar door and opened it, going down into her workshop.

She powered up Luggy, which looked like a standard Protectron, save for that it had a set of large backpacks on its back and several large pockets lining the front, and the legs seemed to have a set of external braces, likely to help the machine cope with the weight. The other one was a standard Protectron as well, except the left forearm was replaced with a 10mm submachine gun, and the gun's magazine was replaced with a belt feed to an ammo backpack strapped to the robot's back, similar to what a minigun uses. Aegis was powered up and ready to go, and he rumbled out into the cabin and out the front door, waiting by the front door for everyone to be ready. Now that the robots were side by side, one could easily notice that they had been painted in swaths of brown, grey and black, the colors of Emma's fur. It also acted as an effective camouflage.

The Protectron twins walked up out of the basement after Emma had loaded Luggy's packs down with her engineering equipment, leaving nothing in the cellar, and Emma began lo load down the Protectron's packs further with her food and water and medicine supplies, as well as her extra ammo. Sitting beside the food crate was a crate with a small mismatched collection of firearms, consisting of whatever Emma had picked up and kept recently.

Clockwork blushed, but smiled and placed a soft lick on Midnight's cheek. "I'll make sure you receive all the love you can handle." He said softly, grinning a little to himself. The werewolf rolled his neck and laid his head down on his paws, contenting himself with watching Midnight eat and fetching whatever else she needed. He found purpose again in being a lover, and that was more than he could have ever asked for.

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Thorn shook her head. "Nope, I got a few off of those raiders. I'm not that great with a gun, but it's better than nothing." She wanted to leave the fighting to Emma and her robots, but she didn't want to be cowering while her lover put her life on the line for them. She would stand and fight if she must.

Midnight quivered with a faint gasp at Clockwork's words, and she thought back to the incredibly passionate lovemaking from earlier. "I'll need a lot of your love for a little while, at least until I'm out of heat." She gave her lover a lecherous grin. "Don't worry, I'll make it as good for you as possible. Anything special you want me to do, I'll do it." She winked at Clockwork, and then she went back to eating.

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Emma smiled as she kept packing up Luggy's bags, making sure to also pack up her generators and the small electric fireplace. She seemed to have built Luggy well, for the robot was still standing tall and ready to go once everything was packed. "Can i see what guns you have? I'm not sure what condition they're in, and I could give you a better gun from my little stash here, if you need it. I might also have something that's easier to use for you, since you mentioned not having much firearms experience. That, and, I can train you to use a gun a bit better, if you find a particular one you like." Emma smiled lovingly as she continued packing. She wanted her lover not only to be safe, but to feel safe as well. She deserved that.

Clockwork blushed and smiled, and his magic pulled several huge blankets from a door on the upper level. He had been using the room as a storage closet. The blankets were made of other blankets stitched together, and he laid them down on the floor in a makeshift bed and crawled onto it. The werewolf smiled lovingly at Midnight and rested his head down. "Perhaps we could relax together on this for a while? I use it for a bed whenever I want to sleep out here."

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Thorn lit her horn and floated out a wide array of weapons, which included pistols in 10 mm, .45 , and 9 mm, and a few 5.56 varmint rifles. "I think I'll take the 10 mm for now, it seems like I find more ammo for those than anything else." She smiled warmly at Emma. "Thanks for taking a look at these."

Midnight finished off her can of beans, and then looked to Clockwork with an almost shy smile. "Sure. By the way, could you, uh, lick me out? Those feelings are creeping up on me again." She moved her leftover food to the side, and then she moved onto the blanket and laid down on her side. While she wanted to keep the intensity of her heat to a minimum, she also wanted to know what it was like to have such a large, powerful tongue lick her out. In her mind, it was probably like being rutted by a well-endowed stallion.

Group Admin

[Wait, where'd she float out the weapons from?]

[Edit: Never mind, I'm stupid. I reread Emma's offer in my own post. I'll add in a reply here in a minute.]

Clockwork smiled and eagerly laid down on his back on the blankets, then used his magic to lay Midnight down on his fluffy chest. He wasted no time gently holding her hips and diving his large tongue inside, licking about with passionate fervor as he tasted Midnight's juices. They were like the sweetest nectar to the werewolf, and the taste only made him begin licking faster and harder. He remembered what Midnight's beautiful moans sounded like before, and he wanted to hear them again.

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2984722 (Don't call yourself that.)

Midnight let out a long, deep and powerful moan as her marehood was stretched a familiar amount, and her breathing was heavy. Her wings were erect and throbbing at her sides as she quivered on top of Clockwork, and she was loudly whimpering at the pleasure. "S-slower...harder...please..." She wanted to savor this unique feeling for as long as possible, because this was better than any pleasure that a regular stallion could provide.

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Emma took the weapons in her hands and set them down on the table, a lightweight collapsable table that was the last thing to be packed up. She gave Thorn back the other guns, then took the 10mm pistols and a tool belt from Luggy's side pocket. "The N99 ten millimeter pistol. Love this gun. It's very easy to repair." The lupine began swapping out parts from one gun to another, switching out the better parts and springs as she reassembled both guns. Emma also used a small sodder to weld shut any cracks she saw. The whole process only took a few minutes. She took a rag and wiped down the gun one last time to make sure everything was polished, then smiled and offered the pistol to Thorn, with the metal gleaming as if new. If Thorn pulled the slide of the gun, she would find it to move much more smoothly than before.

The pile of bad parts sat on the table, which Emma scooped into Luggy's pockets. "There you go. And if you need more ammo, I keep 10mm rounds in Luggy's top left chest pocket." The lupine folded up the table into a little flat square, about a foot and a half length wise and a couple inches thick. She slid it into Luggy's backpack and smiled at her lover, then put on her own armor, sliding down her welder's mask. She slid on her backpack, packed with everything she wanted readily accessible, then strapped her grenade launcher to her back and held her revolver in her hand, her large wrench strapped to her waist on the tool belt.

Clockwork slowed down his licking, and began making long, slow, hard licks across the insides of Midnight's folds, making sure to stimulate every little ridge and bump he could feel while his thumbs massaged the mare's supple rump. The werewolf's massive shaft rose up from its sheath, though it was a bit far from Midnight's muzzle, thanks to their size difference. He didn't care, though. Being able to pleasure Midnight so fully was incredibly satisfying on its own.

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[Edit: Never mind, I'm stupid.

(I don't want to see or hear that again. You are not stupid.)

Thorn took her pistol, and then put it in her saddlebag before leading the way to New Appleloosa. As predicted, the trip took a few hours, but there was still daylight left. The guards let them into the gates after Thorn convinced them that they weren't threats, and then she led them to the inn. She looked to Emma with a sheepish smile, she didn't have the caps to pay for a room. It was only ten caps, but she didn't have any money on her.

Midnight continued to moan without restraint as she felt Clockwork sate the burning lust between her legs, and she had closed her eyes as she focused on the wonderful experience. She cracked her eyes open a few seconds later, and then allowed herself a grin. "I'll...take care of you after...sweetie..." She moaned out.

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[Can we skype? I'd like to talk.]

Emma smiled at her lover as she payed for the room, and she led Thorn and her robots up into their room. The three robots sat themselves along the wall and powered down to take up minimal space, and Emma smiled at her lover as she sat down on the bed, using a paw to lift her mask up. "I'm glad the trip here was quiet. So, did you want to look at a house tomorrow? I'm open for most anything. We're definitely in a safer place, that's for sure. Those train cars outside make good walls."

Clockwork began licking just a little faster, but no less hard as he lapped up his lover's sweet juices. He was able and willing to do continue pleasuring Midnight all night long, and he was eager to let her use his, no, their home as needed. She was wonderful, and he was glad he didn't strike at her when she came into the Stable earlier. He was thinking about asking Midnight if she could color her armor differently, though, just so he could tell her apart from other Enclave and other power armor wearers in general.

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Thorn had laid down on the bed with her lover, and she was currently sprawled out with her head on the sheets. "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan." She said quietly as she closed her eyes. She was a little sore and tired from their journey, and she just wanted to rest for the time being.

Midnight's cries of pleasure abruptly raised in pitch as Clockwork licked faster, and she moaned even more deeply. Her heart was pounding, sweat was beading down her brow, and there was an incredible pressure in her loins that made her feel wonderfully tight. It wasn't long before she hit her peak, and she let out a small shout as the tension between her legs was released. She looked back at Clockwork with a blissful and almost pleading expression. "Put me on you, I need you..."

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Emma shed her armor and clothing, and she crawled over to her lover and put her paws on Thorn's shoulders, firmly and slowly massaging her lover. "How does this feel?" She asked softly, licking her marefriend's cheek as she continued the massage. She was ready to go to bed herself, but not before she made sure Thorn was comfortable and relaxed.

Clockwork licked his lips as he slurped up the delicious juices, then he rolled onto his stomach and pushed his member into Midnight's folds, holding her to his chest as he rutted her senseless. His male instincts were awakened and was ready to go, and he was going to give Midnight the best rutting she had ever gotten. And he would be willing to tend to her as many times as she wanted. The pleasure was reward enough, and it was wonderful to know that it was helping the pegasus with her heat.

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Thorn moaned sensually as she felt the tension in her shoulders gradually melt away. "That feels great, sweetie. A little lower, please." She loved how Emma's paws felt on her body, and she could fall asleep to this given time. She grinned as her mind drifted to Emma's canine tongue licking at her horn, slowly and firmly, until she climaxed. She looked back at her lover with a naughty grin. "Sweetie, I wanna try something new. Can you lick my horn? Please?"

Midnight bit her lip, and then she moaned loudly through her clenched mouth as Clockwork pushed his huge shaft into her folds. She was stretched so tightly that the sheer fullness made her loins quiver, and her mind run wild with kinky fantasies. To her incredible delight, his girth was pressing up against her g-spot, which ensured that she would have a double orgasm of incredible proportions. The thought alone of experiencing such pleasure made her mouth water.

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Emma smiled with a fierce blush on her cheeks, and her pas began massaging below Thorn's shoulders, and she bent forward and licked her long tongue across her lover's horn as she did so. After a minute or so, she gently rolled Thorn onto her back and laid down atop her, then rolled so Thorn was atop Emma with her head in the diamond dog's deep cleavage. The lupine continued to massage the mare's back while, in her better position, took the first inch of Thorn's horn in her mouth, sucking and licking on it gently to relax her marefriend.

Clockwork gave a few soft barks of delight as he panted and continued to rut his lover. The incredible pleasure was making his mind fuzzy, and he felt his huge balls clenching up. He hoped Midnight was getting close, because he was eager to fill her up with his seed again, and he didn't know how long he could hold out. The werewolf thrust ever faster and harder, hoping to give his marefriend as much pleasure as he possibly could.

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Thorn quivered and moaned as intense feelings of pleasure sent shivers down her spine, and she could already feel a small pressure build in her loins. "Please, more. I'll take care of you." This would possibly be the most intense orgasm that she had ever experienced, and the fact that it was Emma's doing made it even better.

Midnight had went from moaning and straight to shouting with pure joy and bliss. The speed and intensity of how she was being stretched made her loins burn with lust, almost as if they were screaming for more. She deeply enjoyed feeling Clockwork's knot pound her rump. It drove through the fact that she was being pressed to the body of a huge, healthy stallion who was on top of her, a stallion who desired her carnally and wanted to claim her as his own. She suddenly let out a loud squeal, and then she looked to her lover's face as best as she could. "Oh, Clockwork...I want you...I need you...I love you!" She cried out. A few seconds later, she grunted and growled as the pressure in her loins became too great to hold back. She screamed powerfully at the top of her lugs as the most powerful orgasm of her entire life filled her with mind-numbing ecstasy. She let the world know that she was Clockwork's, and that her intense lust was for he and he alone.

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Emma moaned as she took more of Thorn's horn into her mouth, licking across the bony substance with passionate fervor. Her paw went down and gently groped the mare's large rump, and her other paw went down and slipped two fingers into the mare's folds, thrusting in and out at a moderate pace. Emma wanted Thorn to sleep well tonight, and hearing her moans of pleasure was like hearing the most beautiful of music.

Clcokwork thrust one last time and pushed his knot into Midnight's marehood, throwing his head back and howling as he pumped his lover full of his seed. He howled his claim to Midnight to the world, proclaiming her as his one and only mare, the sole object of his carnal and romantic desires. He laid down on his side and curled up around Midnight once more, panting and keeping her cocooned in his soft, warm, fluffy fur. "Ohhh Midnight... I love you...." He whispered between panting. The werewolf laid his head down and closed his eyes, letting his mind ride out the afterglow of his orgasm.

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Thorn quivered powerfully, and she moaned even louder at the double stimulation. She was panting lightly from her excitement, and she was sweating as if she had just run a marathon. Having her horn touched in such an erotic fashion excited her to no end, and it made every nerve down her back tingle. "It's so good...I love you..." She said in a voice just above a whisper.

Midnight grinned as she moaned and cooed softly with delight, and she sensually nuzzled his soft fur. She chuckled faintly as she felt Clockwork's excess seed run down her rear and inner thighs. Knowing that she had made a male have such a powerful orgasm made her feel like sex on legs. "I love you.." She mumbled.

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Emma moaned and took more of her lover's horn into her mouth, licking and sucking faster while her fingers thrust faster and deeper. The lupine also kept groping Thorn's supple rump, wanting to pleasure and lavish the beautiful mare as much as she could. She waited for her lover's climax, which she hoped would come soon; her own loins burned and pleaded for attention, which grew stronger every second.

Clockwork let out a deep sigh and used his magic to turn off the lights, letting him hold his lover tightly to his chest as he fell into a deep sleep.

When morning came, the werewolf slowly opened his eyes and let out a deep, rumbling yawn, still holding Midnight to his fluffy chest. He slowly slid his member out and let it go flaccid, then rolled onto his back and let his mare rest atop him. In this world, a sanctuary and a good rest are things that many ponies don't have, and he was glad to be able to provide his lover with them. The werewolf waited patiently for Midnight to awaken, and he used his magic to turn on the speaker system, playing a soft song over the intercom.

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Thorn's breathing began to shudder as she was brought to the edge of ecstasy, and then she let out a low, deep moan of pleasure. Her marely juices gushed out onto Emma's fingers with great force, and Thorn was left with a grin of satisfaction. She pulled herself off of Emma's fingers, and then she carefully turned herself around and laid down facing the opposite direction. With a sensual moan to excite her lover, Thorn pressed her muzzle to Emma's folds, and then she dove her tongue inside, and she began to lick furiously.

Midnight's ears perked at the sound of the music, and then she let out a long yawn. Her eyes fluttered open a few seconds later, and then she smiled warmly at Clockwork's face. "Good morning, lover." She purred. She crawled forward, and then placed a loving kiss on his lips.

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Emma moaned and gave a soft bark of satisfaction, and she laid her head back and licked her fingers clean, moaning softly at the sweetness of her lover's juices. She leaned forward a little and pressed her cheek to Thorn's rump. "Ohhhh..... Goodness, you have an amazing rump..." She mumbled softly. The lupine placed a kiss on each rump cheek before laying her head back and letting her paws wander over her lover's beautiful body, feeling her enticing curves and moaning with every lick of her marefriend's tongue.

Clockwork happily returned the kiss and stroked Midnight's mane with his paw, his eyes closed as he tasted her in his mouth. "Mmm...." He broke the kiss after a few more seconds, smiling lovingly at Midnight and continuing to stroke her mane. "Do you have anything you need to do today, sweetheart? You mentioned a town earlier?" He quipped. While he loved having Midnight around, he didn't want to stop her from doing what she needed to do.

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Thorn grinned at the attention her backside received as she continued to lick at Emma's folds. About a minute later, she began licking and sucking on her lover's clit, and she moaned softly as she rolled the engorged nub around with her lips. Hearing Emma's moans was almost as good as getting to taste her sweet juices.

Midnight sighed as she laid her head down on Clockwork's chest. "I need to go tell the guards and the mayor that I'm leaving. I'm the only one with power armor and energy weapons, so they might not take that too lightly." She idly wondered what she would tell the townsponies about her leave. Perhaps it would be better if she was just vague about the whole thing.

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Emma's moans sharply rose in volume, and her legs squirmed a little under the intense stimulation. She let her paws wrap around Thorn's waist, holding her lover close. "Ohhhh yes! Yes! R-right there!" She cried out, her eyes clenched shut and her mouth open in an almost constant moan. After a minute or so more, the lupine squealed as her wet folds sprayed their juices all over Thorn's muzzle, and she panted happily as she turned her marefriend around and laid the mare's head down on her soft, furry breasts, then pulled the blankets over them. "Oh, my love... Ohhh... Mmm...." Emma quickly fell asleep as she cuddled her lover, her arms wrapped tightly around the unicorn's waist.

Clockwork nodded and nuzzled his mare's cheek, stroking her back with his paw. "Well, i think it might be best to make sure you have a replacement first before you leave. While I don't think they should keep you from leaving, it would be courteous to make sure they're not left defenseless." The werewolf licked his lover's cheek and looked towards the hallway that led to the armory. "You could supply them with a couple guns. There should also be a good bunch of plasma and laser rifles around here somewhere."

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Thorn licked off the remnants of Emma's juices before closing her eyes, and she soon fell asleep. Her lover's furry body felt better than any bed that she had slept in. It kept her warm even when the air was cold, and it was soft like a cloud. As she slept, Thorn wore a goofy grin as she dreamed of the naughty things that she could do with Emma.

Midnight looked up at Clockwork's face with a concerned frown. "They'll be wondering where and how I got such advanced weaponry, and they know I can't afford to buy stuff like this." She smiled as she nuzzled her lover's chest, though it was clear that her smile was hiding worry. "I shouldn't take those unless we're prepared to explain the situation here."

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When the morning came once more, Emma's eyes fluttered open, and she yawned widely and licked Thorn's cheek. "Morning, honey." She said softly, smiling down at the sleeping form of her lover. She stroked her marefriend's mane affectionately, waiting patiently for her to wake up. The lupine was a little eager to get settled into a new home with her beautiful lover, feeling safer now that they were in a more protected area.

Clockwork nodded and sighed, curling around Midnight and cocooning her in his warm, fluffy body. "Okay, sweetheart... I just want you to be safe. Take or do whatever you need. I think it would be best if we stay under the radar as best as possible. I don't want to have to seal ourselves inside the Stable because too many ponies found out about it."

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Thorn stirred at Emma's words, and then she let out a long, quiet yawn. Her eyes fluttered opened a second later, and then she smiled up at her lover's face. "Morning, sweetie." She leaned forward and kissed Emma on the cheek, and then she carefully moved off of her and onto the bed. "Where did you put the food? I'm starving." Her stomach growled loudly, and she gave her lover a sheepish smile.

Midnight leaned forward and put a deep, passionate kiss on Clockwork's lips, and she moaned sensually into his mouth. She broke the kiss a moment later, and then she grinned at him. "This will go well. I promise." She reluctantly moved out of Clockwork's embrace, and then she walked over to her power armor and began to put it on. "I'm going to leave as soon as possible. The sooner I get this done, the better."

(Skip to when she gets back?)

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Emma giggled and reached over to her backpack that was by the bed, pulling out a bottle of water, a bottle of cola, and a box of sugar bombs and a box of Dandy Boy apples. She gave the DB apples and the cola to her lover, then began munching on the cereal, washing down her food with some water every now and then. "Mmm... So, do you know of any good houses around here? I don't need something too big, but I do need some sort of spacious area where I can set up my workshop."

[Sure. Just have Midnight recount what happened. Clockwork is going to be in the holotape library in his normal form.]

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Thorn eagerly took the food and drink in her magic, and she used the cola to clear an unpleasant feeling from her throat. After she took a drink, she looked to Emma with a thoughtful expression. "There's a vacant train car towards the middle of town. Would that be big enough to put all of your stuff?" As she waited for her lover's response, she eagerly opened up the sugar bombs and dug into them.

Midnight flew into the residential area of the stable, and she looked around for her lover. When she didn't see him, she checked her EFS, and then she smiled when she saw the only other blue bar on her compass. She followed the halls as she moved towards the blip, which eventually led her to a holotape library. She knocked on the wall outside, and then she casually strolled inside. "Hey, sexy." She purred.

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[Emma has the sugar bombs, silly filly. Thorn has the Dandy boy apples.]

Emma put her paw to her chin as she reached for more of her cereal. "Hmmm... Well, yes and no. If we can move the train car onto our property, that would be perfect. I just don't want it in the middle of town where I can't keep an eye on it. I'm going to be putting my robots in there, and they're my family, y'know? I'm just worried. I saw how ponies looked at me and my robots when we walked into town. I don't know what they were thinking about, but I don't like it, either way. If there was a nice big basement in our home, that would be spectacular."

The holotaope library was a larger room, about the size of a Stable's cafeteria, with shelves of holotapes lining the walls. Clockwork was laying on a couch that was in front of a simulation fireplace. It produced heat, but the flames were holographic and an audio loop produced the crackling sounds, but it was very realistic. He had in his hooves a holotape reader, a tablet-like device that was made to read any holotape inserted into the slot at the top, and it had a small speaker to play any audio logs. Beside the couch was a small trash can and a half-full glass bottle of cola. As a stallion, he was lean and still strong, and he had a short, shaggy grey mane and tail, and his fur was a light bronze color, more like a platinum. His eyes were still the same piercing red as before. The stallion turned his head and gave a soft smile at his lover. "Hey, there. How'd it go?"

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3000382 (Or does she? :trixieshiftright: *dramatic music*)

Thorn gave Emma an uncertain look as she took a sip of her cola. "Maybe we can move it to our house, but I'm pretty sure that's gonna cost caps unless we can convince them to do it out of the kindness of their hearts." She took a bite of her food, and looked away with a thoughtful expression.

Midnight wore her trademark grin as she walked over to the couch, putting a little swing into her armored hips. "It went perfect." She took off her helmet and laid it to the side, letting her long mane fall to the floor, and then she gave Clockwork a seductive look. "I gave them the laser rifles, and they didn't ask any questions about my departure." She took off the rest of her armor, and then she gave her hips a few shakes as they were revealed. She sat laid down next to Clockwork, and then snuggled up to him. "I'm quite satisfied with myself." She seemed to be putting a little more sensuality into her voice, thought that was probably because she found her lover's normal form to be so cute.

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[Can you get on skype?]

Emma let out a sigh and sipped her water, and she let her head rest down on Thorn's shoulder. "I just want to be careful, honey. Can we see if we can find a home with a basement or some sort of big empty room? I really don't want to use the train car." The lupine nuzzled her lover's cheek and looked up at her face, her hazel eyes shining with worry. She wanted to protect the products of her years and hard work, and they were her history, too. On Rover's back, she had welded a liscence plate of a carriage from Marelin, where she had to pass through in order to leave Germaneigh. Other articats like that were on her Protectrons' bodies.

Clockwork wore the grin of astallion who just won the lottery as he set down his tablet and wrapped his hooves around Midnight's waist, holding her close. "Mmm.... I would think so..." The stallion buried his muzzle in his lover's mane, breathing in her wonderful scent. "Mmm... So... What did you wanna do for now...? Did you want to go anywhere, or.....?"

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Thorn's eyes widened slightly, and she turned to Emma with a hopeful smile. "I think I saw a stack of train cars on our way in, I think those are one big building. We could use that as our house and our workshop!" She giggled happily, and then she took a drink of her cola.

Midnight moaned happily at having Clockwork up against her body, and then she kissed him on the cheek. "I'm happy to just stay here with you. We can read or watch something...maybe have a romantic dinner." She wrapped a wing around Clockwork's back, and then she nuzzled his cheek. "I love a good roll in the sheets, but I want to know you, intellectually and emotionally." She purred.

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Emma squeed and placed a kiss on Thorn's cheek. "Oh, that's perfect! If we can make that our home, that would be wonderful." The lupine finished off her breakfast and put away the water bottle, then stood up and slipped her clothes on. She put her backpack on, activated her robots, and stood by and waited for Thorn to be ready. "Ready to go whenever you are, my love."

Clockwork smiled lovingly and nuzzled Midnight's cheek, and he looked into her eyes. "Well... What did you want to know? I've been alive for a very long time, and I've always tried to make sure I've done well to control my transformations. I've.... I've never had anyone love me before... Even before I was bitten..." He let out a sad sigh as his hooves wrapped a little tighter around Midnight, hinting at the supernatural strength his body possessed, even as a stallion.

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Thorn grinned at Emma, and then she got up off of the bed and put on her saddlebags. She led her lover and the robots out of their room and eventually out of the inn. When they entered the town proper, a loud chugging was heard as a train rumbled through one end of the town and out the other. As the train passed, ponies who looked as if they'd seen better days poked their heads out the windows, if only for a brief moment. Most had bomb collars on their necks, while others, who had their hooves out the window, wore only shackles.

Midnight gasped at Clockwork's grip, and then she gave him a sensual grin. "Oh, I like this..." She pressed her lips to his with a deep moan, and she held the embrace for a good ten seconds before moving away. "You have a sultry mare to love you now, sweetie, and I'll make sure that you feel the loving touch of a mare every night to remind you." She purred seductively. Her expression suddenly turned to one of eager, almost foal-like curiosity. "Now! What have you always wanted to do in life? I've always wanted to build stuff."

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Emma happily walked along with her lover and her robots, but she stopped to watch the train, her face expressing intense confusion at the sight of the thick collars and the shackles. However, her expression became one of horror as she heard Aegis speak. "Alert: Explosives detected. Activated by remote detonation. Explosions will kill bearers. Result: instant decapitation." Bomb collars. Emma was watching ponies with shackles and bomb collars in a train go through town, and nopony seemed to be batting an eye. "Thorn?" She asked with a quiet tone of despair, her eyes wide. "Why are there slaves on that train?"

Clockwork's eyes widened at the sudden change of his lover's tone, and he giggled and sighed as he remembered his past. "I was a tinkerer as a hobby, scholar by trade. I was born into the golden years of the Equestrian Renaissance, and my family was fairly wealthy. I was studying at the university when I was bitten, but I didn't know that I had been changed until a few nights later. I had one friend who knew of my condition, and he covered for me whenever I had to run off and take a break in the forest. I also took up a little more botany so I would have an excuse to go into the forest when I pleased. I had always wanted to write a book on lycanthropy to educate ponies on it, but I always feared it would either be dismissed as nonsense or bring an angry mob down on my head."

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Thorn looked to Emma with a worried frown, uncertain of what was about to happen. "I think New Appleloosa trades with the slavers in Old Appleloosa, but that's just what I've heard in my travels." She dared not move another muscle with as unbearably tense as the air was at the moment, and the fur on the back of her neck was standing straight up.

Midnight lovingly nuzzled Clockwork's cheek with a soft moan, and then she smiled warmly at him. "Maybe you can write that book now. Dangerous creatures are the norm nowadays, and you'll be treated like a normal pony since you are one part of the time. At the very least, people will be wary of you, but they won't go trying to run you out of your home."

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Emma's paws balled up into fists, and her breathing quickened a bit. After a minute or so, she slowly looked to Thorn and spoke with a low voice, one that hinted at restrained anger. "Thorn... I want to leave. I don't care to where, but I am not living in a town where slaves are traded." The lupine snorted and dug her armor out of her backpack, and she put it on and made sure her revolver and grenade launcher were strapped to her hip and back. "I don't care how far we have to go to find a good place, but my robots are not defending slavers."

Clockwork smiled and nodded gleefully, and he placed a deep kiss on Midnight's lips. "Mm... I'm so glad I met you..." He buried his muzzle in her mane and breathed in her scent, feeling relaxed by her mere presence. "You make me feel so wonderful... I think I'll start writing that book tomorrow. Maybe I could find other werewolves and help them, assuming any others still exist."

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Thorn gulped nervously, and then slowly nodded. "The nearest town that's, uh, decent is Friendship City. That's out by Manehattan, clear across the country. It'd take us a whole day of walking to get there." She wanted to make her lover happy, but she was also worried about making such a long journey.

Midnight grinned at Clockwork, who's actions made the naughty parts of her mind stir. "I think that's a great idea, and I'm willing to help you." She sensually nuzzled his cheek with a soft moan, greatly enjoying the feeling of his body against her own. "In the mean time, do you wanna have a little fun? We can lay together, breathing in each other's scents and letting our hot breath roll over each other's skin as we make slow, passionate love." She gave Clockwork a seductive grin, with her eyes full of desire.

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Emma nodded and checked her revolver, making sure that the gun was loaded. "Then let's leave sooner versus later. I have several weeks' worth of supplies in Luggy's packs, and we have five armed group members." The lupine let put a soft sigh and looked at Thorn with a frown. "I'm sorry if I sound so... intense, but I'm just really passionate about this. I hate slavery." She smiled and placed her paw on Thorn's cheek, and she placed a soft kiss on the mare's lips. "If it makes you feel any safer, we can give one of the robots a bigger gun or get another robot for the group. So long as we don't have to buy anything from here, that is." She added with a low, resentful tone.

Clockwork's cheeks were hot pink, and suddenly, his large shaft erected and prodded Midnight's rump, and he silently stammered with pure embarrassment. He glanced down at his groin, and he said "I... I remember it... being smaller before I was bitten...." He mumbled, his eyes still wide with nervousness and embarrassment. He did, however, very much want to just make slow, sensual love to his mare here in front of the fireplace.

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Thorn thought about where they could possibly find another robot in the wasteland, or another gun. "We'd have to go exploring to get another robot. If not, then we'd need to go to another town. I think the closest town would be Arbu, but...they're cannibals, from what I hear." She shuddered at the thought of lodging with such ponies, and then she gave Emma a pleading look. "Let's just go to Friendship City. Please? It's north of here."

Midnight quivered and moaned softly with a sensual grin, partly because she was excited, and partly to further excite her lover. She pressed her rump against Clockwork's groin, and then she began to lightly grind herself into him. "Wanna try my plot? I think you'd feel amazing in there."

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