The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Maria let put a soft squeak of surprise as she felt her privates brushed against by Fossil's thigh, and she shifted herself to keep it from happening again. "Thank you, sweetie..." The little mare broke the hug after a few minutes and stepped out of the shower, drying herself off with a towel and letting out a soft sigh of content.

[Who's Blood? Is he the vampire? Why would he make a big deal out of Maria?]

2939460 [Blood is the Vamp, and she makes everyone's love life her business.]

Fossil followed after, using both a towel and a heating spell to dry herself. She smiles softly and kisses Maria as she goes back to her room. "I got extra clothes my sister left behind, they might fit you!" She calls back, getting dressed similarly to when they met, grey tank top, black cargo pants, and boots, always the boots. She gets out a pair of loose jeans and a t-shirt, checking them to see if they might fit Maria.

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Maria put on her bra and panties, and she put on the jeans and the tee shirt, finding them to fit her well enough, though her huge endowments made the clothes a little tight, but not unpleasantly so. It just made them hug her curves better. "Thank you." She said softly as she put on her socks and shoes, then put on her cloak and picked up her staff. She left her backpack where it was beside the bed, as she didn't need to carry around everything she owned at the moment.

2941226 Fossil smiles at Maria, then grabs a duffel bag and heads to the door. "Watch out for Titan, he's huge but he's a softie, and Blood's a flirty type." She grins.

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[.... Let's just skip to the worksite then. There's nothing for me to do at this point.]

2941583 Fossil led Maria there quickly, waving to the others within the clearing inside Whitetail Woods, there was a hole in the ground, a ladder sticking out slightly, a few tents were pitched nearby, each able to house two ponies except two, which had room for at least five each. There were tools scattered about, mostly shovels, chisels, and hammers, even some pickaxes. "Welcome to the dig site." Fossil grins.

A mare walked up to them. "Hullo Foss, who's the noob?"

"Her name is Maria, hands off." Fossil glares.

The mare grins. "Hey, it's fine, I won't touch." She pushes a strand of her fresh-blood colored mane out of her eyes, her fur was like dried blood, and her eyes were bright red. "I'm Blood Bath, glad to meet you, Maria."

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Maria eeped and stood behind Fossil, keeping her eyes averted from the intimidating vampiress. "H-hi..." She said quietly. The little mare didn't like it when ponies were so... intrusive. They just met. Blood didn't need to be so forward. "I'll just be going now..." Maria was starting to feel uncomfortable, and unless Blood were to give them space, she was considering going back home.

2946341 "Blood, back off, you're scaring her." Fossil growls at the vampony, clenching her fists. the unicorn seemed to really want Maria to be comfortable.

Blood nodded and flashed her fangs by grinning. "Alright, I just gotta tell Titan about this." She runs off.

"Don't you bucking dare!" Fossil shouted, then looked to Maria. "Please hide in that tent unless you want a literally bone-crushing hug." She points to one of the larger tents.

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Maria squeaked nervously and ducked into the tent, hiding herself behind some of the crates of supplies inside. She was quiet, incredibly quiet. Unless one saw her, it would be a miracle to actually hear her and find her.

2946486 She heard the lumbering of something big and Fossil's voice. "No, Titan, nonononono-Agh!" There was a heavy OOF! of air leaving someone's body, and Fossil's coughing. "" She wheezes weakly.

"Sorry, Blood said you wanted a hug." A gentle, masculine voice said to her, setting her down.

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Maria had slowly walked out of the tent, holding her staff close and walking with a defensive stance. Despite her timid nature, she sported dense, powerful muscles, especially in her legs, and could fend off another pony if she was truly provoked. "Um... Hi... I'm Maria..." She said softly, glancing to the one who hugged Fossil.

2946810 Fossil sat back hard, gasping for breath, but waving between the two. "Titan, maria. Maria, Titan. No hugs big guy."

Titan, as he was called, was a massive, ten foot tall Minotaur with absolutely massive muscles. He smiles softly, his fur was light brown, while his beard and hair was long, shaggy, and the color of rust. Part was braided at his left temple. "Hello, Maria, I am Titan." He smiles proudly. He was wearing a camo jacket and camo pants, but neither would help hide his bulk.

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[They're not in Ponyville, by the way. I left the town unspecified because it would allow it to grow as we needed it. Which means they're not in Whitetail Woods, but rather, an unnamed forest.]

Maria squeaked in fear as she laid eyes upon the massive minotaur, and she quickly began moving towards the path that led back to town. "Okay thank you nice meeting you gotta go now bye." She sputtered out. Titan's intimidating size and Blood's nosiness both made her uncomfortable. She was considering just going home now, to the quiet house and their pet cats.

2951744 [Okay, but I haz plans for the dig site]

Fossil rushes over and wraps her arms around Maria as gently as possible, stopping her. "Hey, don't be afraid of Titan, he's a complete softie and he has the IQ of a rock, seriously, he's more like a pet than a friend, give him a chance, and his innocence will most likely win you over." Fossil nuzzles her neck, hoping to calm her.

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Maria whimpered and shook her head, pressing herself to Fossil's chest and trembling in her arms. "I d-don't like them..." She said softly. Titan's intimidating stature and Blood's nosiness made her feel incredibly uncomfortable, and she very much just wanted to go back home and relax with her kitty.

Comment posted by AesNebula deleted Feb 28th, 2014
Group Admin

[That's not very reassuring. Sometimes, Maria needs to go home and not talk to anyone. It's how she's wired.]

2965766 [Oh, alright.]

Fossil holds her close. "Alright, if they're too much we can go back home, okay?" She nuzzles Maria's cheek. "We can just relax in my basement, I've got a hot tub down there, if you wanna try it out?" She smiles and takes Maria's hand, starting to lead her off back to the house.

Titan was standing where he was before they walked away, and he waved lightly. "Bye!" He bellowed, then lumbered away in search of something to do.

Blood stood a few yards away, checking some papers as she spoke to another worker, glancing at Fossil and Maria every few seconds. "Should have tried to tone down my fear factor." She muttered. Maria seemed nice enough, though I should distance myself, she is far too timid for my presence, I'd only scare her...But maybe I should apologize... She sighs and walks over. "Maria, I apologize for my earlier behavior, In all of my thousand years I have lost my respect for others' personal respect, and I will respect yours, but know that I am one of the few kind Vampires left, and if you have any questions, go ahead and ask." She smiles lightly and starts walking away.

Fossil looked very confused. "Did she say what I think she did? She is seriously gonna respect someone's personal space?"

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[Blood and Titan's actions? How do they react? And I'm sorry if Maria seems odd, but she's an introvert. I'm an introvert, and I need to do that myself sometimes.]

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[So... Neither of them would at least try to make Maria feel better? Wow. Okay. I really don't know where to go from here.]

2966064 [Blood feels she isn't wanted, Titan's too stupid to notice anything...And I, too, am lost...Back to the house for story time? Fossil would just want to snuggle.]

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[Well, can you at least show what Blood is thinking? Maybe she regrets being so nosy, or something? And we'll skip in a minute here.]

2966156 [Better, also you pausing like this helps with my skill as an RPer]

2966156 [Is it good now? I added a bit.]

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