The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

[.... Considering Maria ahrunk away just from being talked to, an arm around the shoulders won't be very comforting if she still only sees Fossil as a generous mare.]

2851796 [Fossil is a blunt mare, but she means well, she is trying to make her feel welcome and cared for]

Group Admin

[Well? I'm waiting for you to make her less blunt.]

2853520 [Sorry, distracted.]

Fossil sat by Maria, yawning softly. "Storm's coming. Is Lucy okay with storms? Or will she be afraid?" She asks, concerned. "Also, what is your favorite type of food?" She asks, planning on making her something if she had the ingredients.

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Lucy puffed her chest out and meowed, showing her answer to Fossil's question. Maria giggled softly and stroked her cat's back. "Um... Actually, my favorite food is a recipe that you probably don't know. It comes from my homeland. It's what my mother cooked for dinner sometimes. Anything you feel like cooking will be fine, though. I'm not picky."

2854033 "Salad, Maybe ribs..." She pauses. "You hear that?" There was a thump. She perks up her ears. "Saber! If that's you, I'll stop giving those steaks you love!" The sounds vanished, and the soft padding of paws down a flight of stairs was heard. "Hope you aren't afraid of Big Cats." Fossil says nervously as a tan-furred Saber-tooth tiger stalks into view, barely as tall as a German shepard, but it's fangs were six inches each. "Saber, meet Maria and Lucy, Maria and Lucy, Saber..." She takes a deep breath.

"Saber is an experiment, I brought him to life using the DNA extracted from some bones and mixed it with DNA from a lion." She smiles and starts scratching the beast's ears. "Who's a cutie? You are, you are the cutie." She coos lightly, giggling as Saber paws at her hand.

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Maria eeped and shrunk back at first, but when she saw that it was just another snuggly kitty, she smiled and giggled softly. Lucy hopped over in front of Saber and meowed, pawing gently at the larger cat's muzzle in a playful manner. She then dropped her front and raised her backside in the air, wriggling it before pouncing and landing on Saber's back. "Awwwww...." Maria said as she watched her kitty play.

2854197 Saber let out a playful little "Rawr." And started to spin around, before flopping onto his side and Shaking slightly to dislodge Lucy so he could play.

Fossil giggles softly. "Seems Saber has made a new friend..." She looks to Maria. "Wonder if I have a new friend as well?"

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Lucy hopped off Saber's back and snuggled up into the large cat's fluffy tummy, purring happily and nuzzling the soft fur.

Maria smiled at Fossil warmly, still curled up in her blanket. "I would like to call you my friend. I don't have any friends. Lucy's my only company most of the time..."

2854403 "Well, now you have Saber and Me to call friends." She smiles. "And if there is anything you need, and I mean anything, come to me, and I'll help to the best of my ability." She smiles and scoots a bit closer, holding out a hand. "Deal?"

Saber purrs thunderously, pawing at Lucy gently.

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Lucy licked at Saber's paw, purring along with the larger cat and nuzzling his paw.

Maria smiled and shook Fossil's hand sheepishly, then went back to watching their pets play, her eyes sparkling with joy. If Fossil wished to ask something, now would be a good time.

2854714 "M-Maria...I have to ask you...Umm..." She sighs and scoots closer. "What's your preference?" She asks gently, placing a hand on the other mare's thigh, looking into her eyes, something glinting in Fossil's, either attraction or concern, or both.

Saber picked Lucy up gently by the nape of her neck and placed her in Maria's lap, butting his head against the smaller cat's ever so gently.

Group Admin

Lucy licked Saber's muzzle affectionately before going back to resting in Maria's lap. Maria's leg twitched away at the unexpected contact, and she smiled and tilted her head curiously. "Preference? What do you mean?"

[She's spent twenty years mostly alone. Have fun.]

2855062 "Please don't freak out when I do this but..." She hesitates, then moves closer and kisses Maria softly on the lips before backing away, moving to the other side of the couch, blushing furiously, expression embarrassed and hopeful.

Saber laid his head in Maria's lap, staring up at her quietly, still purring thunderously.

Group Admin

[Hold up, now. And Lucy is already occupying Maria's lap. No space for the big kitty.]

When Fossil started leaning in, Maria started leaning back at an equal pace, her cheeks flushed and her expression somewhere between flustered and confused. "W-what are you doing?" She asked, her hand gently pressing into Fossil's shoulder to stop the mare from leaning in further.

2855119 "Showing you what I meant." She backs off. "S-sorry..." She looks away, embarrassed.

Saber senses Fossil's embarrassment and buffs his head against her knee, and she absently scratched his ear.

Group Admin

Maria was blushing furiously as she held Lucy in her arms, looking at Fossil with uncertainty. "Y-you could just tell me..." She said softly. She didn't usually like ponies being blunt, but this was one of those moments where a bit of bluntness might help.

2856125 "If you'll let me...I'd rather show you." She says nervously. Loneliness was apparent in her eyes, for she was always alone, people ignoring and avoiding her due to her pet...and her secret, something which everyone always somehow figures it out.

Group Admin

Maria looked up and gave a soft smile. "I won't be upset if you tell me, but you can show me, if you feel more comfrtable." Maria herself knew what it was like to keep a secret, and she was willing to let Fossil do as she needed, now that she knew at least somewhat to expect.

2856226 Fossil smiles and slowly leans towards Maria before pausing. "I hope you don't mind me just..." She kisses Maria.

Group Admin

[One, detail. Two, Maria said she was okay with Fossil showing her because she thought she wasn't going to do the exact same thing that made her uncomfortable the first time.]

2856573 [Actually, I got something funnier planned now]

Fossil smiles and gets up, running upstairs quickly and coming down with a box. " ya go, take a look." She sets it down. Inside were toys of all shapes and sizes, and rope, and even a few toys for male parts. "Th-this is why people avoid me...Th-the male toys...I, uhh...I like to experiment..." She takes a few steps back, expecting rejection as always.

Group Admin

[Wait, why does she have toys for male parts?]

2859520 [Spells to give a mare that part, the reason why she is always alone, she's into interspecies and the more 'unusual' things.]

Group Admin

[Can you have her just say that aloud instead of having Maria trying to interpret odd physical gestures?]

Group Admin

Maria's eyes widened at the sight of the toys, but after a few seconds, she sheepishly smiled up at Fossil. "That's alright. I'm not going to judge you for what you do in your private time. But, um... why are you telling me this?" She asked softly.

2868259 She shifts nervously. " might as well...know because..." She was whispering now. "I like you..."

Group Admin

Maria's cheeks seemed to catch fire, and she huddled up tightly in the blanket, her ears flat to her head. "Oh... Um... oh, my...." She whimpered and held Lucy tightly in her arms for comfort in this strange situation.

2871673 Fossil blushes as well, then grabs the box hurriedly and starts towards the stairs quickly. Idiot! Why the buck would you say that!? She's obviously shy, so why did you say that!?

Group Admin

Maria took a few deep breaths to relax, then slowly stood up, walking upstairs a bit and timidly calling out, still holding Lucy in her arms. "Fossil? I'm sorry for my reaction. You're the first pony to ever say that to me..."

2872737 Fossil appeared in the doorway at the end of the hall. "R-really? I'd say you would have a metric ton of stallions after you." She says nervously, laughing in the same way.

Saber had followed Maria upstairs and he butted his head against Fossil's thigh, pushing her closer to Maria.

Group Admin

Maria whimpered and shook her head, looking away with flattened ears. "No... I... N-no one likes me after they find out my secret..." The little mare felt a tear roll down her cheek as she leaned against the wall. "I.... I'm a... mixed gender...."

2874871 Fossil's eyes go wide. She moves closer and wipes the tear away. "Hey, it's okay..." She takes a deep breath, then smiles and pulls the smaller mare in a gentle embrace. "I don't mind, hell, I use spells to give me a little extra so I can have some fun." She smiles at Maria gently. "And I think it just makes you more beautiful in my eyes."

Group Admin

Maria trembled and sobbed and shed tears into Fossiil's shoulder fur, clinging tightly to the taller mare and letting out years of stress and insults and self-loathing. "Th-thank you...." She sputtered out. "B-bless y-you... bless y-you..." The little mare held onto Fossil and eventually stopped crying, but she didn't let go. She didn't want to let go of this wonderful, kind mare.

2876085 Fossil smiles warmly, holding Maria closely to herself. She slowly pulled back enough so she could see the smaller mare. She lifted her chin slowly, their noses almost touching. "Eventually I want to meet him, though. And if he ever gives you trouble, I'll calm him down." She smiles, probably thinking she made a funny joke, but it was obvious she meant it.

Group Admin

Maria blushed after a few seconds of figuring out what Fossil meant, and she looked away sheepishly and twiddled her fingers. "Oh... Um... I d-don't usually let ponies see it... I.... I don't like it..." She said softly, looking down to her groin and curling her cloak around her body a bit more, still embarrassed about her strange endowment. Only one person has ever truly loved her for who she was, and Maria had spent her life looking for her.

2876478 Fossil smiles softly, then touches her nose to Maria's, nuzzling her lightly. "Hey, I'll tell you right now. Don't. Be. Nervous." She smiles softly. "And I bet I will love him." Fossil pulls the mare closer, hugging her tightly before pulling away slightly enough so she could gauge Maria's reaction.

Group Admin

Maria took a deep breath and nodded slowly, still blushing and a bit nervous. "Okay... Just... please go slow with me... And... I must warm you... I-it's big... r-really big..." The little mare looked to Fossil curiously, unsure of what the taller mare wanted to do next.

2876558 Fossil's eyes lit up at the mention of it's size. "I bet I've had bigger." She teases, slowly leading the mare to the bedroom. "And as for slow...I'll let you take charge if you feel like it." She smiles. The room was large, a massive bed dominating half of it, a bookshelf on one wall, a desk on the other, the desk littered with tools and random pieces of ancient artifacts, the bookshelf was full of books.

Fossil sat down on the edge of the bed, smiling warmly. "Can I show you myself or do you want to show me first?" She asks gently, hoping it was okay.

Group Admin

Maria took a deep breath and said "M-me first." She wanted to get it over with as fast as possible. The little mare set aside her cloak, revealing her rough, baggy traveling clothes, and she sheepishly took those off as well, revealing her incredibly thick thighs and huge rump, the muscles large and firm from years of walking. She also had wonderfully wide hips, and her breasts were at least an E cup, seemingly even larger on her smaller body, and incredibly perky. And there, above her marehood, was a gargantuan sheath. It must have been seven or eight inches across. "S-so... Um... Yeah..." She crossed her arms in front of her breasts and sheepishly sat on the bed.

2876751 Fossil smiles warmly, then stands up and moves in front of her, slowly stripping down, making a show of it. She pulled away her tank top and her bra to reveal her D-cups, perky just like Maria's larger ones. She pulls down her pants to reveal her rather slender hips and thighs, then off went her slightly-wet panties. Her body was rather thin, but very well muscled from years of hard work. She was blushing slightly, staring at Maria's sheath as she sat next to the shorter mare, then she leans over and moves to kiss her, slowly enough for Maria to stop her if she gets uncomfortable. Her hand was on Maria's thigh as well.

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Maria slowly leaned back so Fossil could lay atop her, and she gently moved Fossil's hands so they were on her waist. She needed to just relax with her new marefriend and take things slow. Her cheeks turned pink as she felt their breasts squish together, though she also felt relaxed with the sensation of Fossil's weight and body heat atop her, and the kiss felt... nice. She couldn't quite describe it, but it was nice.

2877284 Fossil pressed into it softly, her hands slowly massaging Maria's hips, the taller mare obviously just trying to get her to relax. She laid a small bit more of her weight into Maria, and one of her hands instinctively went closer to the smaller mare's sheath.

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Maria squeaked and gently moved Fossil's hand away from hr sheath, but before she could stop it, her massive member began erecting, and she quickly scooted back and spread her legs, whimpering as she watched it grow. When it was fully erect, the giant mottled pink and grey, throbbing, twitching equine shaft was eight inches across, with a nine inch flared head, and a length of about forty inches. The little mare looked to Fossil with pure shame and embarrassment, looking at her massive endowment with sadness and resentment.

2878423 Fossil gasps in surprise. She gulps audibly. What did I get myself into? She smiles nervously and slowly reaches out to it, running a finger along the shaft from it's base to it's tip slowly. "How are you able to even walk around with a beautiful beast like this between your legs?" She asks with a smile.

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Maria whimpered and laid her head back, shuddering from the lit touch on the sensitive flesh. "Ahhhnnn.... I was b-born with it... It got easier over time..." The little mare breathed softly and closed her eyes, letting the gentle stimulation relax her.

2879541 "I severely hope something this big will fit." Fossil mutters, half to herself. She continues gently stroking the underside for a few seconds before she wraps both hands around the base and, slowly, with a tight grip, she slides her hands upwards. "How do you survive with the amount of blood this thing probably needs?"

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Maria gave a soft chuckle and cooed at the pleasure, her hands resting at her sides. "Heh... I dunno... My body's used to it, I guess... I got a strong heart, though... It helps..." The little mare smiled affectionately at Fossil, her blue eyes sparkling like sapphires.

2879926 Fossils returns the smile, then moves down and leans nearer to it. She slowly leans closer until she was nose-to-shaft with it, next to the base. She takes a deep whiff, getting it's scent before she tentatively reaches out with her tongue, planning on giving it a small lick.

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