The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Eagle closed her eyes and began to lightly grind herself into Rose's tail the moment it parted her hot folds, and she moaned softly at the gentle pleasure. "I love you too, Rose..." She breathed with a wide grin. She reached a hoof down to her own clit and began gently rubbing at it, which made her moans slightly increase in pitch.

(I've got a bit of a neck fetish, so I've always pictured Eagle and Thorn as having long necks, and being built somewhat like alicorns.)

Thorn slowly pulled off for a moment and caught her breath, and then she looked up at Maria with a sly smile. "Go ahead." She said with a soft blush. She took a deep breath, and then wrapped her lips around Maria's tip once again, although this time her mouth was pressed to it far more firmly than before. She quickly took it into her mouth and all the way to the base. She moaned as she felt her loins quiver at the feeling of Maria's medial ring being forced past her tight lips.

Midnight's grin turned from lecherous to overjoyed, and a few tears of joy rolled down her cheeks. She wrapped Dawn in a tight hug, then buried her face in her shoulder and sobbed quietly. "Thank you...I love you, Dawn..." She said softly. Her loneliness had at times put her on the verge of breaking down into tears, and a few times it actually happened. She hated being alone because of

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Rose kissed her lover deeply and thrust her tail faster, looking down at her lover. "Baby...rub my clit... Please..." The succubus was feeling hot and bothered from all the fun they were having, and she needed some loving, too.

Maria squealed as she carefully mounted Thorn's head and held it gently between her hooves, then thrust fast and deep into her lover's throat, moaning loudly the whole time and careful not to hurt her marefriend's snout. "Yes... Yes... Yes..."

Dawn held Midnight tightly in her hooves, letting her lover cry out her sorrows in the hot bathwater, caressing and relaxing the both of them. "Shhh.... It's okay, my love... I'm here now, and you'll never be alone again...." After a pause, Dawn asked "Would you like it if I moved in with you? If you don't mind the place being very warm, I'd love to live with you. To wake up to those beautiful blue eyes every morning..."

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Eagle immediately reached her hoof up to Rose's clit and rubbed at it firmly and furiously, then pressed her lips strongly against Rose's and kissed her deeply and passionately. "Please moan for me like you're in heat. It'd make me so aroused to hear that beautiful voice cry out for my touch." She purred.

Thorn's eyes went half-lidded as she moaned lewdly and loudly into Maria's shaft, and she was panting lightly through her nose. She was starting to drool around Maria's stallionhood; this was like the ultimate teasing. It felt a lot like being furiously rutted by a lustful stallion, but she got no true pleasure from it. It made her loins quiver and burn powerfully with need. She clenched her throat and lips as tightly as she could around Maria's shaft, and she arched her tongue so that her lover's tip would rub against it.

Midnight slowly moved her head from Dawn's shoulder, and then pressed her lips firmly to Dawn's in a deep, passionate kiss. When the kiss broke she looked deep into Dawn's eyes, and she smiled lovingly. "I would love it if you moved in with me. I'll cook us breakfast every morning..." She said softly.

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Rose let out a long, soft moan of her ecstasy, her tail thrusting faster and harder. "Yesssss..... I want your love, Eagle... If y-you trust me with your soul...." The succubus licked Eagle across the cheek. "You will never be lonely again... I'm your succubus, my love... I moan only for you...."

Maria quickly pulled out after a minute or two, and she panted and stroked herself softly. "Turn around, my love. Let me pleasure you like you deserve to be. Let me make you feel desirable." She panted out, feeling precum leak down her huge shaft, ready to shoot out her seed soon.

Dawn nuzzled Midnight lovingly and stroked her back, feeling the vampiress' luxuriously soft fur. "And I'll keep you so very warm and loved. You're so wonderful, my love. I'll cook and clean as well. We'll never be lonely again..."

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Eagle quivered softly as she moaned even louder, and she moved her hoof from Rose's clit and swiftly shoved it into her hot marehood. "I...I-I trust you with my soul, I l-love you..." She said with a whimper. She began thrusting her hoof hard and fast into Rose's folds, and her movements made lewd squelches.

Thorn whimpered loudly and blushed furiously as she quickly turned around, and she was sweating lightly from her excitement. She eagerly stuck her large, heart-shaped rump into the air so that Maria could mount her. "R-Rut me harrrd!..." She cried out softly. She was feeling incredibly horny and sensual at the moment, and she couldn't think of anything else but Maria going to town on her.

Midnight's sensual and confident grin returned at those words, and she slowly nuzzled Dawn in return. "Oh, I'll make sure that you stay very warm. You'll always be nice and toasty around me." She purred softly.

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Rose moaned and squealed under the wonderful pleasure her marefriend brought her. She wanted to do it. She had to. "Eagle... Ohhh.... I can make you... mine... let my blood... into your body.... We'll be t-together forever..." The succubus offered her hoof to the mare, intending for her to bite and drink of her black blood. Eagle would be made to have a body like Rose's, and she would always live so long as the succubus was with her.

Maria wasted no time shoving her shaft into Thorn's marehood, into her womb, thrusting fast and hard into her mare's folds and squealing in bliss, making lewd, wet slaps with each thrust. "Ahhhh! I love you! I love you, Thorn!" She yelled out, her hooves holding her lover's large rump and squeezing it firmly.

Dawn smiled and laid her head back against the edge of the tub, feeling completely relaxed. "Mmm... Perhaps we should get out and get some breakfast... Baker and Spell were planning to have breakfast ready for everyone by the time they got downstairs..."

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Eagle opened her eyes and stared down at Rose's hoof for a few seconds. The idea of spending forever Rose greatly appealed to her, but it was quite a step up. It actually intimidated her slightly. She took a a deep breath to calm herself, and then bit down hard on Rose's hoof, breaking the skin and drawing out her demonic blood. She drank of the black fluid as it oozed out of the wound, and she could already feel the changes happening.

Thorn's mouth hung open in a blissful smile as she squealed and shouted softly with pleasure. She was panting heavily like an animal, and she slammed her hips into every thrust. Gentle shivers went down her spine every time Maria's medial ring was forced past her red and swollen lips, and she could feel a powerful orgasm building deep inside her body. "I love you...Maria!" She squealed out.

Midnight's stomach growled loudly at the mention of food, and she slowly raised up off of Dawn with a sheepish smile. "Food sounds good right now." She said softly. She carefully got out of the tub and dried off, then trotted out of the bathroom and went downstairs and into the kitchen.

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Rose purred and nuzzeld Eagle's cheek, her voice loving and affectionate as it spoke softly in the mare's ear. "Don't worry, my love... You won't regret this decision... Just drink for another minute or so, and that will be enough..." The succubus looked down at her lover's body, rubbing her other hoof across Eagle's hips and rump. They would look just like her own within a couple hours, and they would always be together. Neither of them would ever be lonely again.

Maria panted and grunted as she slammed her hips over and over again into Thorn's rump, feeling her lustful instincts take over. She wanted to be Thorn's, to belong to this mare and vice versa. She would always feel loved in her marefriend's presence, and nothing could sway her loyalty to her.

Dawn followed her lover down the stairs after drying off, making sure to slip on a turtleneck sweater and sweatpants over her athletic body to keep warm. Spell and Baker were finishing up the waffles and haybacon, and had set the two heaping stacks of food on the main dinner table, and the table was even set with plates and forks, as well as butter and a large jug of maple syrup. Spell turned and smiled at her friends. "Hey, girls. Take what you'd like. We made more than enough for everyone."

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Eagle lovingly stared up at Rose's beautiful eyes as she slowly drank of her blood, and she slowed down the pace of her hoof to savor the intimacy of the moment. "I love you, Rose." She said softly, before going back to drinking her lover's blood.

Thorn's moans became louder and more forceful as time passed, and her body was visibly quivering from the pleasure as she lay nearly limp on the bed. She shouted with every thrust, and her powerful cries of pleasure were approaching screams. Unable to hold back her primal urges any longer, she lit her horn and used her magic to smash her clit hard and fast. Thorn's eyes fluttered open, and she smiled blissfully as the sheer pleasure of the moment sent her into a state of euphoria. She quickly grabbed one of the pillows and pulled it over to herself, then bit down on it and screamed like a mare crazed with lust. After a minute or two, she went tense and screamed into the pillow at the top of her lungs as her climax hit her like a freight train, and her juices gushed out onto Maria's groin.

Midnight's stomach once again growled at the mention of food, prompting her to look down in surprise. "Hey, settle down in there." She remarked. She then quickly sat down at the table and fixed herself a feast of what was there, and then eagerly dug into it. She moaned almost sexually at the taste with a wide grin. "Wow...This is incredible..."

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Rose sighed softly and stroked Eagle's mane, whispering sweet words into the mare's ear as she let her drink. "I will never let you feel lonely, my love. You will always feel loved with me, and I will help rid you of all your sorrows... I am yours forever, and yours alone..."

Maria grunted as she pumped Thorn's womb full of a massive amount of seed. She felt satisfied like she had never had before, and she had never felt such an amount of euphoria flooding her system. The little mare slowly pulled out, then collapsed on the bed, her eyes closed and a large grin on her face. "Wow...."

Dawn moaned her agreement as she dug into the food, and Baker giggled and sat down next to Spell, the two of them serving themselves. "This has been so wonderful." Spell mused as she poured syrup on her waffles. "We're all friends, and we all have lovers. I don't think I've ever been this happy in my whole life..." Baker leaned over and nuzzled her marefriend, prompting Spell's violet cheeks to turn a shade of pink.

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Eagle soon drank all she could hold of Rose's blood, and she pulled her muzzle back with a small sigh. She then leaned up and pressed her lips firmly to Rose's, intent on passionately making out with her as they made love. She momentarily broke the kiss, and then looked into Rose's eyes. "I love you, and I'll always stay loyal to you. You deserve the best, and I'll do my best to give it to you." She said softly. Without further ado, Eagle once again locked lips with Rose, and she slipped her tongue into her mouth with a deep moan.

Thorn grinned and panted lightly as she slowly moved over to Maria, and then she began to eagerly kiss at the white mare's exposed neck. "You satisfy me...You satisfy me so well..." She cooed as she parted Maria's fur with her tongue. "I love you, Maria..."

Midnight smiled warmly over at Baker and Spell. "I know what you mean. Dawn is the ray of sunshine that I needed in my life." She said in an uncharacteristically soft voice. She looked over at Dawn with her eyes full of pure love and affection, and her eyes shimmered with small tears of joy. "I don't know what I'd do without her now." She said with a small sob. She quickly turned back to her food, and she awkwardly shuffled her wings as she took a bite of her hay bacon. "Sorry, I'm...just a little emotional right now..." She said softly.

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Rose moaned and smiled as she slowly stood up. "Come, my love. Let's get some breakfast. My blood doesn't compared to a home cooked meal, and Baker and Spell cooked for us this morning." The succubus dried herself off, then slowly strutted out of the bathroom, swinging her unnaturally wide hips and massive, plush, perky, heart-shaped rump, the same endowments Eagle herself would soon have.

Maria cooed and slowly sat up, stretching herself out like a cat and shedding her pajamas, then stumbling into the bathroom and into the shower. She turned on the hot water and began quickly washing herself up. She could smell the food downstairs, and she was hungry after such a passionate session this morning.

Dawn's large wing wrapped around Midnight's shoulders, and the pegasus kissed her beautiful black-furred marefriend on the cheek. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here. Don't cry, baby." Spell and Baker smiled and gave each other a quick kiss before going back to eating, the former speaking to the pegasi. "We know what you mean. Baker and I have our businesses, and they're successful and all, but..." Baker leaned over and gave her marefriend a hug and said "Money can't buy you happiness. We learned that last night, and we're very happy together."

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Eagle quickly dried herself off, and then happily trotted downstairs with Rose. She walked into the kitchen with a wide grin. "Hey, girls!" She said cheerily before sitting down at the table and fixing herself a plate. She bit into her waffles with a soft moan, and then tried the haybacon.

Thorn rolled off of the bed, and then trotted into the bathroom after Maria. She carefully stepped into the shower, and then gave her marefriend a loving nuzzle before getting washed up herself. She was quite hungry after everything they had done.

Midnight turned and gave Dawn a smile of pure love, and then kissed her on the cheek. "Love you." She said softly. Feeling happier than she had ever been before, Midnight returned to eating her food. She was still quite hungry.

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Rose took a serving of food for herself, but she ate much more slowly, only focusing on the wonderful taste and wanting to savor it for as long as possible. She let out a soft, almost sensual moan, and she snuggled up to Eagle's side as she ate. "Mmm... Thank you, Baker, Spell...." She mumbled, very relaxed with the wonderful morning.

Once Maria was clean, she put Lucy on her shoulder, packed up her cloak and bags, and moved it all downstairs before sitting at the table and digging into breakfast. Baker poured a bowl of sweet cream for Lucy, who meowed in approval as she sat on the table and lapped at the bowl.

Dawn giggled as she watched her friends, and she leaned over and licked some syrup off of Midnight's cheek. "We are so going to have some fun with the maple syrup later." She whispered with a sly tone, nuzzling Midnight's cheek and going back to her breakfast.

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Eagle looked over at Spell and Baker with a warm smile. "Yeah, thanks for the food." She said cheerily before returning to her breakfast. She shoved another waffle into her mouth with a moan and savored the taste for a few moments, then swallowed it. She turned to Rose and leaned over to her with a grin. "I can make you really moan after breakfast." She purred quietly.

Thorn quickly dried herself off, and then hurried downstairs after Maria. She wore a wide grin as she entered the kitchen and sat down. It wasn't her normal "I'm happy to see you" grin, but Eagle's "I just had sex" grin. She fixed herself a plate, and then stuffed her face with haybacon and chewed it with a soft moan.

Midnight's eyes went wide for a millisecond at Dawn's comment, but then she turned and leaned over to her marefriend with a mischievous grin. "You might be surprised what I can up with for some fun. As a vampire, I had to brainstorm to amuse myself." She whispered sensually before going back to eating.

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Rose giggled and smooched Eagle's cheek. "Let's get home first, okay, sweetie?" Rose didn't say it, but she was eager to move into Eagle's home; her own home wasn't.... well... she didn't have any personal possessions she wanted to keep. She was fine with just letting the shabby old one-room apartment she had fade into memory.

Maria bore a blush and a similar smile, stuffing her cheeks with food like a squirrel collecting nuts for winter. The little mare had a talent of making everything she did incredibly adorable, and the smile she bore with her cheeks stuffed made sure this was no exception.

Dawn grinned and giggled, kissing Midnight's cheek lovingly. "We'll do that after breakfast, baby. Once everyone has left." She leaned in and whispered "We're going to get very, very loud with it."

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Eagle smiled and blushed softly at the kiss, and then went back to eating. She would be glad to finally get back home with Rose; it would be the first time that she had someone actually stay with her for longer than a day or two. As fun as it was, she was tired of her life being just meaningless sex. She wanted to know someone emotionally, rather than just physically.

Thorn looked over to Maria with a loving smile. She loved how adorable Maria was, it made her want to melt. She wanted to hug the little mare and never let her go. She turned back to her food with a happy sigh, and then stuffed her mouth with a waffle.

Midnight's grin widened as she quivered with anticipation, and she let out a quiet sigh of happiness. Dawn's words evoked her kinkiest, most sensual and primal fantasies that she had ever conceived, and it made her excited like nothing else. She turned to Dawn and whispered in her ear. "I guarantee that you'll make noises that you didn't even know you could, and at volumes that you didn't know you could reach." If one could bottle the sheer amount of seduction and lust in Midnight's words, the resulting product would probably be enough to make a small town horny.

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Rose slowly ate her haybacon, wanting to enjoy every little bite of the delicious food. Her large leathery wing draped itself over Eagle's back like a blanket, providing warmth to the mare as the succubus smiled at her lover.

Maria giggled as she saw Lucy twitch her whiskers and try to clean them of some cream, and she wiped her kitty's face gently with a napkin. Lucy meowed and went back to lapping at her bowl, while the little mare continued to eat, watching her cute cat with a look of pure affection.

Dawn grinned and excitedly began eating a little faster, her mind spinning with all the possibilities of the fun she and her lover could have. Midnight brought out her sensual side, something she usually never got to do, and it made her so happy to find someone who was as loving and sensual as she was.

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Eagle sighed happily as she felt the wing on her back, and then she leaned over and kissed Rose on the cheek. "I love you." She said softly, with a look of pure affection. She then went back to eating her food with a soft moan. She decided to combine the haybacon and a waffle into one bite, and surprisingly it turned out to be pretty good.

Thorn curiously looked down at Lucy, and then giggled softly at the cute little cat. "She's adorable, Maria." She said softly. She looked back to her lover, and then leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. She then turned back to her plate and shoved another waffle into her mouth with a soft moan.

Midnight's wings shuffled anxiously at her sides as she ate, and she could already feel herself start to get aroused just from her fantasies. Having someone like herself for a lover was going to be fun and interesting, and it was even better that it was Dawn. The athletic mare had always shown herself to be sweet and kind, which were traits that a mare like Midnight could appreciate.

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Rose tried the same thing, giving a soft moan at the wonderful flavor. She was grateful for what she had now, and for who she had in her life. Her heart soared knowing that Eagle would spend eternity with her. She couldn't bear to be so alone while the world faded away around her....

Maria looked to Thorn with a smile, nuzzling her lover's cheek. "Do you have any pets, sweetie? I just should check before I bring Lucy into the house. She's... tenacious." Lucy looked up and meowed, then went back to lapping up her cream, seeming to be unaware of the conversation.

Dawn giggled as she saw her lover's arousal, and she set down her fork and turned in her seat, beginning to massage Midnight's shoulders. "Relax, baby. We still have guests, you know." She said softly with a giggle, gently kissing her cheek.

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Eagle was glad to have Rose in her life after being alone for so long. She finally had someone to share her life with, and to care for. She finally had some meaning in her life, and she was grateful that Rose had chosen her to love. With a happy sigh, she shoved a few pieces of haybacon into her mouth, and she took a few moments to savor the flavor.

"Nope, no pets." Thorn said softly. She looked down to the cat with a soft smile. "Lucy is going to be right at home." She was excited about having Maria move in with her, she was tired of being lonely in her home. She never had a pet because she didn't want the responsibility to detract from her music.

Midnight quivered at Dawn's touch, and she let out a soft, shuddering breath. Dawn's hooves were so close to her wings. Those were two of the most sensitive spots on her body, and just having her sensual marefriend's hooves so close to them excited her even more.

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Rose looked to her beautiful lover as she casually munched on some haybacon, still keeping Eagle wrapped in her wing. "So, honey, do you have to get to work today? I'd like to just spend time with you, if that's alright." With a pause, she added "I wouldn't mind staying home and cleaning and cooking for you. I'm not the most comfortable in big places with lots of ponies..."

Maria smiled and reached a hoof out, petting her kitty with a loving smile. "Good. She's so special to me. You and Lucy are the two closest things I have to a family, and... I don't ever want to lose either of you."

Dawn rolled her eyes and removed her hooves. "Come on, baby. Just relax. We can have fun later." The pegasus draped her wing across Midnight's back and continued eating breakfast, smiling at the wonderful flavor.

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Eagle looked over to Rose with a soft smile. "Actually, I have today off. We won't have another project for a while, so we have some downtime." She leaned over and kissed Rose on the cheek, and then went back to eating. She wasn't sure if it was her gradual changes from drinking her lover's demonic blood, or something else, but she flet extremely hungry.

Thorn blushed as she leaned over and lightly kissed Maria on the cheek. "You're such a sweet little mare, Maria. I don't want to loose you two, either. You and Lucy are really all I have besides my music." She said softly. With a happy sigh she went back to her plate, and she ate the last of her waffles before getting another helping. This food was too good to pass up.

Midnight closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself, and then she let it out and opened her eyes. "Sorry. Being alone for so long just gets a little...frustrating, if you catch my drift." She said softly. She shoved another waffle into her mouth with a soft moan.

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Rose smiled as she looked over her lover's body, noticing some slight changes. The mare had gotten a little leaner and curvier over the past half hour, and her rump had swelled in size a bit. In a few hours, the changes would be complete, and the two mares would have near-identical body shapes. Both unnaturally curvy and endowed. "Mmm.... Looking good, baby..."

Maria was also wolfing down her food, getting her third plateful of haybacon and waffles without a hitch. She had quite the appetite for her size, probably because of her previous nomadic lifestyle. She was, in reality, a bit underweight, and she had some pounds to put on before she would be at a healthy weight again.

Dawn smiled and nuzzled Midnight's cheek. "I understand. I know what you mean. Don't worry, my love, you won't be alone again." Her wing tightened around Midnight's shoulders, drawing her a bit closer to the pegasus.

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Eagle turned to Rose and grinned as she gave her bedroom eyes. "I like what I see too, sexy." She purred sensually. With a soft giggle she went back to her food, and she stuffed her mouth with a waffle. She let out a moan that was dangerously close to sensual at the taste, and she took a moment to savor the flavor. She was feelng even more sensual than usual.

Thorn looked over to Maria, and she frowned as she noticed how underweight she was. She would never let Maria be so mistreated and malnourished ever again. She would make sure that she had a warm place to sleep every night, and a warm meal to eat when she was hungry. With a soft sigh, she turned back to her food and stuffed her face with haybacon.

Midnight turned to Dawn, and then kissed her passionately on the lips. When the kiss broke she pulled back and smiled, then wrapped her own wing around Dawn's shoulders. "I love you so much, Dawn. Thank you for loving me." She said softly.

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Rose couldn't help but smile at Eagle's increasing sensuality. The succubus was going to make sure her lover had a lot of fun in her future. She quietly munched on the waffles, enjoying the sweetness and texture one bite at a time. It wasn't like she would gain any calories to burn off, that was for sure.

Maria was stuffing her face at vacuum cleaner-like speeds, when she stopped and frowned in concern as she noticed Thorn's frown. "Is something wrong, sweetie?" She asked in her soft, angelic voice, unsure of what was making Thorn seem sad.

Dawn squeed and snuggled up to Midnight, smooching her cheek again. "Thank you for loving me back, you sweet, sexy thing, you. I'll gladly be your sunshine..." She whispered softly into Midnight's ear. "And, I also asked Rose a favor, and she set up a particularly cool enchantment in one of the guest bedrooms. I know you'll like it." Her tone wasn't sensual, but excited. She had asked her friend to do something very special for the vampiress eariler that morning while Midnight slept, something she was sure she would love.

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Eagle finally swallowed the waffle after she had savored it to the point of turning it into mush, and then she stuffed her face with more haybacon. Her stomach was probably going to feel bloated later, but she wasn't concerned. The incredible taste of the food was worth it.

Thorn looked back over to Maria with a concerned frown. "I'm never going to let you go hungry again, Maria. I'm going to make sure that you have plenty of food, and that no one ever mistreats you." She said in her soft, whispering voice. She couldn't bear the idea of Maria being malnourished any longer. She began to realize just what Maria had gone through during her travels.

Midnight's grin became even wider and more excited, almost like a happy foal. She looked over to Dawn and then pressed their lips together in a deep, passionate embrace, and she held it for several seconds. When the kiss broke she looked into Dawn's eyes with a loving expression. "You're the best." She said softly.

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Rose began rubbing Eagle's back with her wing, smiling at her lovingly and munching on her haybacon as she looked about the group of eight. Baker and Spell had taken to feeding each other bits of strawberries and making out while they ate them, with Spell sitting on Baker's lap.

Maria quickly turned to Thorn and pulled her into a hug. "I know. Thank you, my love." She said softly. "Life has been hard for Lucy and I. She's a bit underweight, as well. It's why I'm letting her have so much cream right now. She needs it." She placed a soft kiss on Thorn's lips, then leaned back into her seat with a smile. "How about, when we get home, I'll make us a recipe my mother taught me. A traditional recipe from my homeland, passed through my family line."

Dawn eagerly kissed Midnight back, tightening her wing around her lover's shoulders before letting go. "Mm... Thank you, sweetheart. It was something we talked about, and.... I felt like you needed to have it. It would make you happier. When would you like to go see it?"

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2697146 (I've gotten around to listening to Megadeth. It's like I'm having a metalgasm.)

Eagle closed her eyes for a moment, and she let herself enjoy being rubbed by Rose's wing. It was comforting, and it reminded her that someone loved her. With a soft and happy sigh she opened her eyes back and finished off what was left on her plate.

Thorn grinned happily at Maria, and then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "I'd be happy to try that recipe, sweetie. I promise that life will be a lot easier for you from now on." She said softly. She then turned back to her food and began eating the last of her breakfast.

Midnight quickly glanced around the table at her friends, and then looked back to Dawn with a loving smile. "I'd like to see it after everyone leaves." She said softly. She wanted to experience this with her lover, and to share in each other's joy.

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[Indeed, it is. I love the song Dread and the Fugitive Mind, and the song Rust in Peace Polaris. :pinkiehappy:]

Rose finished off what little she had on her plate and wiped her face with a napkin, then smiled at Eagle. "When do you wish to head home, my love?" She asked softly, still rubbing her back with her wing.

Maria wolfed down her third plateful, then grabbed a few more pieces of haybacon and scarfed those down, as well. "Okay, ready." She stood up from her chair and stretched out like a cat, then walked into the living room and slid on her cloak and saddlebags, and Lucy finished up her cream and climbed onto Maria's back again.

Dawn grinned and nodded, grabbing another waffle for herself. "Whenever you'd like, my love. It's not going anywhere, and it will last you forever." She glanced over to Spell with a thankful smile, who simply winked at the pegasus before continuing to mash faces with Baker.

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2697252 (I haven't heard much by them yet, so I can't play favorites with their tracks, but I really like Mechanix. Also, I've managed to add a few things to my Midnight Storm playlist.)

Eagle burped quietly after she swallowed the last bite of her food, and then she looked over to Rose with a soft smile. "I'm ready to go right now, actually." She said softly. She got up from her place and bid her friends goodbye, and then led Rose out of the house. Eagle's house was actually a large log cabin towards the edge of Everfree. There were wards around the place to keep the local wildlife away from her property, so it was actually quite safe. She brought out a set of keys from one of her saddlebags, then unlocked the door and went inside. The interior was quite spartan, much like Midnight's home. She went over to the fireplace in the living room, and then tossed a log onto the fire. She then took a match from a box on the mantle and lit it, then tossed it onto the fireplace. With a soft sigh, she went over to the couch and laid down.

Thorn had finished her plate and said farewell to her friends before going into the living room and telling Maria that she was ready. The guitarist led her lover out of Midnight's home and Everfree, and into the outskirts of Ponyville. Eventually, they arrived at a small, two-story home, and Thorn led them inside. It wasn't extravagant by any means, but it had all the comforts of a proper home. She went into the living room and started a fire in the fireplace, and then laid down on the couch and stretched out.

Midnight finished off the last of her food, and then got up from her place and gave her best wishes to Baker and Spell in their new relationship. She then turned to Dawn with an excited grin, and then bounded out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She was intensely curious as to what this surprise was.

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Rose laid herself down atop Eagle and pulled a blanket over them, nuzzling her cheek and wrapping her large bat wings around Eagle's body. "Your succubus is here to keep you warm." She said softly, her fiery mane providing a similar warmth to the fireplace, while her hooves wrapped around her lover's shoulders. "Have you checked out your body, my love?" She asked with a grin. Eagle was becoming increasingly well-endowed, and she would be like Rose very soon.

Maria hung her cloak on a hook by the door, then set her bags down next to the couch and eagerly crawled up next to her lover, snuggling into Thorn's fluffy chest. "Mmm... Let's relax, my love..." The little mare pulled a blanket over them as Lucy laid herself on the armrest and curled up. "I'll make you that recipe tonight... It was a favorite in my tribe..."

Dawn led Midnight to one of the guest rooms, and she grinned as she opened the door. Midnight was bathed in sunlight, but... it didn't burn. It only felt warm, and comforting, as sunlight should. The bedroom had been converted into a lounge room with a couple couches, end tables for drinks, and a big bookshelf against the wall with many of Midnight's books, neatly organized. But the real surprise was the large, basketball-sized orb hanging from the ceiling by a chain. It gave off what felt exactly like sunlight, illuminating the room. "Spell helped with this. A quartz gem enchanted to give off simulated sunlight. It feels exactly like the real thing, but it won't burn you. I also asked her to put an anti-gravity spell on it, so we won't have to ever worry about it falling and smashing. The chain is just to keep it in place." Dawn wrapped her hooves and wings around Midnight, holding her tight. "No one should be left in the dark." She said softly.

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"Mhmm..." Eagle replied softly as she lovingly nuzzled Rose on the cheek. "I saw myself in one of the mirrors as I passed by." She moaned softly as she licked and kissed at Rose's cheek. "I've been feeling more sensual, too. " She purred with a small grin. "It's like I have an urge to use my body for you."

Thorn smiled and sighed happily as she eagerly wrapped her arms around Maria's shoulders, and she gently pulled her into a loving embrace. "You know, it's nice having you and Lucy here. I got so lonely around the house..." She said quietly. For once in her life, her home actually felt right. It actually felt like a home.

Midnight shook lightly as she clung tightly to Dawn, and tears of joy streamed down her cheeks as she buried her face in Dawn's shoulder. "I'm...I-I'm so happy right now..." She said in a soft and shaky voice. "After a year with this curse, I'm no longer condemned to a world without light." She pulled back, and then pressed her lips firmly to Dawn's in a deep, passionate embrace. She wanted to make love to Dawn, and to show her how happy that she made her.

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Rose moaned softly and smiled as she held Eagle in her hooves. "That's a side effect, my love. It'll die down in a little while. Could you continue licking my horns, please? It feels so good." She smiled and tilted her head so her horns were closer to Eagle's muzzle.

Maria squeed and closed her eyes, snuggling happily into her lover's chest. "Yeah... I never had anyone but Lucy on the road... No one ever loved or accepted me like you do..." She nuzzled into Thorn's fluffy chest, slowly writhing against it and rubbing herself all over her fluffy soft lover. "Nnnn... So soft..."

Dawn smiled and grinned, and she stroked her lover's back soothingly. After she finished kissing her lover, she pulled out something from under her wing. A gold pendant necklace, the kind that opens up to reveal a picture. "I also had Spell's help in making this. She's really good with jewelry." Dawn opened up the oval pendant, revealing that one side held a picture of Dawn herself smiling at the camera, and the other side was a flat piece of gold with an inscription, and said inscription was surrounded by small sunstones embedded in the gold, miniature versions of the one hanging from the ceiling. It was like feeling sunlight on one's face whenever it was opened. The inscription, a beautiful, flowing cursive, read "Light the way for those lost in darkness." "It's yours forever, my love. I'm never going to leave you."

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Eagle grinned as she leaned forward and placed her lips on Rose's horn. With a soft moan she slowly licked the horn from base to just behind the tip, and then she placed a loving kiss on its surface. "Can you moan for me, baby? I love hearing your pleasure." She purred sensually.

Thorn giggled happily and then leaned forward and kissed Maria on the cheek. "You're so adorable, Maria. You're my adorable little mare." She said softly. Her smile suddenly turned more sensual, and she gave her marefriend bedroom eyes. "Would you like to go to my big, soft bed so we can snuggle to our hearts' desire?"

Midnight stared with her eyes wide at the necklace, and her mouth was open in disbelief. She shuddered lightly with joy as she took the piece in her hooves, and she cradled it in her embrace. She closed her eyes and smiled widely as tears once again flowed down her cheeks, and then she closed the pendant and held it to her chest. "I love you...I love you...I love you..." She chanted softly.

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Rose let out a long, soft moan, her eyes closed and her breathing slow and calm. "Mmmm.... Of course, baby... I moan only for you, now... I'm your mare..." Her hooves gently rubbed up and down Eagle's back. She was ecstatic and relaxed and loved and happy all at once, thanks to the wonderful mare she now called her own.

Maria wasted no time getting up from the couch, grinning and bouncing in place excitedly. She didn't even wait, she just ran up the stairs and, upon locating the bedroom, leapt onto the bed and slid under the covers, waiting for Thorn to join her so they could cuddle some more. She loved snuggles and cuddles. Nothing made the little happier.

Dawn gently put the necklace around Midnight's neck, then placed a soft kiss on her lips and licked away her tears. "Come on, now. Don't cry, sweetheart. Let's snuggle. We have eternal sunlight to ourselves, and I want to enjoy it with you." The mare laid herself down on one of the couches, holding her arms open to her beautiful lover.

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Eagle moaned softly as she tightly wrapped her tongue around the upper portion of Rose's horn, and then she gradually slid her tongue down its length. She reached one hoof back and began gently massaging the base of Rose's wing, and then she used her other hoof to tenderly caress her fiery mane. Eagle closed her eyes and gave the base of her lover's horn a small lick. "Your voice is so heavenly, I could listen to it all day..." She said softly. A small grin crept across her features as she gently kissed at the base of Rose's horn, "Mmm....Though, it sounds even better when you moan. You make me feel all kinds of things when you make your music..." She purred softly. She then firmly pressed her lips and tongue to Rose's horn, and slowly licked up its length.

Thorn quickly made her way up the stairs, and then confidently strutted into the bedroom. Maria's love made her feel empowered, like she could do anything. She fully intended to use her new-found abilities to please her lover. With a sensual grin, Thorn climbed onto the bed and slid underneath the covers, and then gently wrapped her arms around Maria and pulled her close. "I love it when you snuggle me." She said softly as she closed her eyes. "You make me feel beautiful..."

Midnight grinned widely as she wiped away the last of her tears with a small sob, and then she quickly went over to Dawn and laid down with her. She wrapped her arms around Dawn's shoulders and held her tightly, and then wrapped her free wing around her back. She nuzzled her lover's soft, blue cheek, and then laid her head on her shoulder with a quiet sigh. "I never thought that I could actually love someone, or that someone would love me, but you've shown me that I can love and be loved to levels that I never even dreamed of. You truly are the light of my life..."

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Rose began moaning and cooing in a very sensual, even erotic manner, and her spade tail began teasingly rubbing itself across Eagle's thighs. "Ohhhh Eagle... My beautiful mare... I love you...." She made sure to moan and groan with as much sensuality she could muster at the moment, wanting to please her mare with everything she could.

Maria laid down atop Thorn's fluffy tummy and snuggled into her chest, seeming to be purring. Actually, she was making a sound very similar to purring. After a moment, she blushed and stopped as her eyes opened. "Um... Sorry. I did that a lot to comfort Lucy when she was a kitten. It's a bit of a habit now."

Dawn stroked Midnight's mane, holding her tightly and nuzzling her cheek. "And I'll never leave you, my love. Never. You make me too happy to want to leave, and I don't ever want to live without you." After a pause, she asked "My love? I've been thinking... Is there a way I could... be a half-vampire? So to speak? I want to live with you forever. But I need to be able to go out during the day if I want to keep working with Baker. Don't get me wrong. I want to be with you, no matter what, and if I have to be a full vampire, then I'm fine with that. I just... I don't want to give up something If there's a better way...."

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Eagle gasped and shuddered softly at the feeling of Rose's tail brushing across her fur and flesh, and she let out a long, soft moan of pleasure. "I love you, Rose..." She said quietly. She was starting to pant lightly with excitement, and the warm feelings in her loins were getting even more powerful. She could feel her arousal running down her fur. Feeling a new rush of sensuality overtake every other thought in her mind, Eagle began sloppily licking and kissing at Rose's horn, and she massaged her wing a tiny bit more firmly.

Thorn grinned as she opened her eyes and placed a deep, passionate kiss on Maria's lips. "I think it's adorable, sweetie. You don't have to stop for me." She said softly. She gently nuzzled her lover's cheek, and then laid back down on the pillows with a soft smile.

Midnight's eyes shot open with a soft gasp of surprise, and she stared at Dawn's face for a few seconds. "You really..." She mumbled out, nearly unable to believe what she just heard. "Well, actually, there is. Vampirism is viral, and it's injected in set doses by our fangs. A full dose would make you like me, but I don't know what anything less than that would do."

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Rose moaned and eagerly pushed her tail into Eagle's needing folds, thrusting slowly in and out in an act of pure love and passion. "I love you... I love you, Eagle... so much...." She whispered as she let her lover lick her horns. She was finally happy with her life. She was never going to be alone again, and she would make sure Eagle never felt alone either.

Maria grinned and kept purring as she snuggle into Thorn's chest, and Lucy climbed up onto the bed and meowed before snuggling up to Thorn's side, purring happily and rubbing the unicorn with her cheek as a sign of acceptance. Maria giggled and purred back as she watched her little kitty. "Awwww, she likes you."

Dawn smiled and nodded determinedly. "Yes, I would. I said I would never let you be alone ever again, and I meant it." She slowly leaned her head back and smiled up at her lover. "Take me. Inject half of the virus, and make me your mare. I love you, Midnight Storm."

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Eagle let her mouth fall open in a wide, blissful grin as she moaned deeply and powerfully at her pleasure. Hearing Rose moan as they made love caused the fire in her loins to burn hotter, and her moist folds quivered around the spade tip. She moved her head, and then pressed her lips to Rose's with a long, deep moan, and she pushed her tongue into her mouth and briefly licked at her gums. She reluctantly pulled away a few seconds later, and then looked Rose in the eye. "Baby? How much more like you could I become without, uh, losing myself?" She asked. She wasn't sure how to put it, but she wasn't sure if she could end up becoming a complete demon, or nearly so, and she didn't know if doing so would cause something bad to happen to her.

Thorn giggled happily as she slowly turned to Lucy with a smile. "Hey, sweetie." She said softly before giving the little cat a nuzzle on the cheek. "You're so cute..." She said before turning back to Maria. "I'm so glad to have you both in my life. I actually have a family now."

Midnight closed her eyes and took a deep, shaky breath as she prepared to turn her lover. She then opened her eyes and kissed Dawn on the lips. "I love you, Golden Dawn." She said softly as she moved away. She opened her mouth and bared her fangs, then stabbed them into Dawn's jugular. She pulled them out a millisecond later, and she silently hoped that she was fast enough to keep from injecting her with the full does. A drop of her lover's blood dripped onto her tongue, and suddenly her vampiric instincts went wild. She shuddered violently as she clenched her eyes shut, and she tried to control herself.

Meanwhile, Dawn's DNA was being rewritten by the vampire virus. Materials were being rapidly drawn from any fat stores in her body, and the mass was being added to her musculature and bones. She would be stronger and faster than any mortal pony, and the sheer power behind her body would have muscle tone that most mares would kill for. She would be able to see in near pitch-black conditions, her sight would be sharpened, and her ears and nose would be more sensitive.

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Rose smiled and slowly ran her hooves down Eagle's curves, smiling seductively and withdrawing her tail. "Well, you've already got my body shape..." She reached down and squeezed Eagle's now colossal, unnaturally large, plush, heart-shaped rump. "And you can be like me as much as you want. You'll always still be you. I promise." She offered her hoof again for her lover to drink from. "If you drink more, you'll start to get sharper teeth, maybe a spade tail, perhaps a burning mane and horns as well."

Maria purred and licked Thorn's cheek, then went back to cuddling her chest fur. "I'm so happy you took us in, my love. I didn't want Lucy to have to live on what I could scrounge up any longer. Now, we'll both get the food we need." She smiled up at her lover with a big grin. "You've been a blessing to us, Thorn."

Dawn gasped and shuddered and squirmed a bit as she felt her body change, feeling her lean muscles bulk up and tone a bit more. She let out a sigh as the whole process cane to an end, and she ran her tongue over her new fangs. "Wow... Okay, here goes..." Dawn stood up and walked into another guest bedroom, and she pulled back the curtain a bit and let the sunlight stream onto her hoof. Nothing. It felt as it should. With a squeal of joy, Dawn ran unnaturally fast back into the Sunstone Lounge, as she had mentally taken to calling it, and leapt onto the couch and smooched her lover. "Omigosh it worked! I'm half vampire!" She held Midnight in her arms tightly, nuzzling her cheek. "And we can be together forever..."

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Eagle sighed quietly as she gently moved Rose's hoof away, and she offered her a loving smile. "I think I'll wait a bit on it. Changing my body is quite a step, and I want to be ready for it." She then planted a deep, passionate kiss on Rose's lips, and she broke the kiss a few seconds later. "Could you keep squeezing my rear? It really turns me on." She purred softly. She then leaned up and gently licked at Rose's horn.

Thorn blushed and shyly looked away, then slowly looked back to Maria's face with a loving smile. "You've been a blessing to me, too. I've been so lonely around here." She said quietly. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to Maria's with a soft moan, and she timidly slipped her tongue into her mouth.

Midnight closed her eyes and grinned widely as she eagerly hugged Dawn in return, and she let out a quiet sigh of happiness. "This is one of the best days of my life..." She said in a soft voice. She then slowly moved her hooves down to Dawn's rump, and then gave it a gentle squeeze. Midnight let out a soft moan as she felt her loins stir softly, and then she began gently fondling Dawn's rump. "Your body is even more appealing than before..." She purred playfully.

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Rose grinned and began fondling Eagle's magnificent rump in small circles, and her tail resumed thrusting in and out of her marehood. "That's okay, baby. I want you to be comfortable. I made a blood oath to you that I would love and comfort you for eternity, and I meant it." The succubus began rubbing Eagle's back with her wings, wanting her to feel as loved and relaxed as possible.

Maria purred into Thorn's mouth and gently slipped her tongue into her lover's mouth, slowly licking across her gums and teeth before pulling away with an affectionate smile. "I think we'll never be lonely again, now that we have each other, my love." She looked over at the window and the sun, which was just past the midday mark. "I can take up a job, if need be. I can find somewhere that I can work by myself." She smiled and said "It's much easier now that I don't have to worry about where I'm going to sleep at night."

Daw cooed and shifted her now larger and more toned rump in her lover's hooves, smiling lovingly at Midnight. "Oh, sweetie... Mmm... Anything you'd like to do?" Her grin turned a bit more sensual. "I can go get the whipped cream, if you'd like..."

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Eagle closed her eyes as she lightly bit her lip and took a deep breath, and then she let out a soft, shuddering moan. "Oh, yeah..." She cooed at the wonderful feelings in her loins. She began bucking her hips lightly into Rose's tail with every thrust, and she softly grunted with every movement of her hips. She opened her eyes, and then leaned up and began licking at Rose's horn. "I want make you feel good, Rose..." She purred softly.

Thorn smiled as she used a hoof to gently stroke Maria's long, silky mane. "You don't have to take up a job if you don't want to, but it would be nice. I already work as a store clerk for a flower shop in Ponyville." She explained softly. She leaned forward, and then placed a light kiss on Maria's cheek.

Midnight grinned as she moaned softly at the fantasies playing out in her head. "Get the syrup too, baby. I'm going to lick every inch of those mouth-watering curves of yours, and then we can get loud." She purred lustfully. Her arousal was already starting to waft through the room.

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Rose cooed and grinned as she began thrusting her tail a bit faster, and her hooves began groping Eagle's huge rump a little harder and faster. "You make me happy just like this... Knowing you love me is the greatest feeling in the world, and I want to show you how much I love you..."

Maria sighed softly as her lover's touch relaxed her, and she laid her head down and closed her eyes. "Is there a quiet place I could work? A library or something? Just... Somewhere quiet where I don't have to... talk to anyone..." She said the last part softly, with embarrassment at her own timidity.

Dawn flew down the stairs and returned a few seconds later with a bowl of cherries, a can of whipped cream, and a jug of maple syrup in her hooves. She smiled sensually at her lover as she laid down on the carpeted floor. She put the nozzle of the can in her marehood, then filled her insides with the whipped cream. She then nestled a cherry between her nether lips, and then drizzled her very large, toned rump with maple syrup. The vampiress laid down on her stomach and spread her hind legs, presenting herself to her marefriend. "Come get your dessert, my love."

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Eagle scrunched her face as she grunted and bucked her hips harder and faster into Rose's tail, and she moaned more forcefully. "I love you so, s-so much, Rose..." She said quietly. She moved her hooves so that they rested a ways behind Rose's wings, and she held her lover tightly as she began to writhe her unnaturally beautiful body against her lover's. "P-please, go w-wild...Touch me, r-rut me..." She cooed. Rose's sensuality drove her wild, and she needed some relief. She needed to feel like a mare.

Thorn looked to the side with a soft, thoughtful hum, and then she looked back to Maria with an uncertain yet hopeful smile. "The only library here is Twilight's Library, but I don't know if she needs any help. She has a little dragon to help her out, but she might need you for work that she can't keep up with." She said softly.

Midnight grinned mischievously, and she licked her lips at the erotic sight before her. She quickly walked over to Dawn, and then sat down beside her. She leaned down to her ear, and then whispered softly. "I'm going to make you moan like you're in heat." She purred seductively, her deep alto voice oozing with lust, She then scooted herself a little ways towards Dawn's rump, and then laid down beside her perpendicularly. She stuck her tongue out and pressed it to her lover's cutie mark, and then firmly licked across the fur towards her rump with a deep, lewd moan, pouring every ounce of her sexuality into her voice. She reached a hoof over to Dawn's wing nearest to her, and then firmly rubbed at its base.

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Rose gently laid Eagle down on her stomach and lifted her lover's unnaturally large rump up with her hooves, then mounted her lover from behind and slid her tail through between her legs. The succubus stiffened her tail into a straight line, then thrust her hips forward, driving her spade tail deep into Eagle's wet folds. She held onto the mare's rump cheeks and began roughly thrusting in and out of her lover's folds. Rose was willing to do whatever it took to please Eagle, and a good rutting was something she could always provide.

Maria smiled and nodded as she purred and cuddled into Thorn's chest. "I'll ask her tomorrow... I don't want to do anything today but spend time with you..." The little mare nuzzled her lover's chest fur, looking absolutely adorable as she did it. She was trying to be adorable this time, and the universe might not be able to handle so much cuteness.

Dawn cooed and grinned lustfully at her lover, fluttering her great wings and looking back to her large rump, covered in syrup and her marehood filled with whipped cream and cherries. "Come on, sweetheart... I want you to eat your dessert... Please..." She said lustfully, panting softly and giving her backside a slow, enticing shake.

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Eagle moaned loudly and rested her head on the couch cushion as she went limp from the pleasure, and she began to pant lightly. "Yes!..." She cried out ecstatically. She definitely felt like a mare at the moment, and she was enjoying it more than she thought she would. She loved how she could feel every inch of her massive rump cheeks and flanks jiggle and bounce with every thrust. What she loved even more, however, was how tightly the tip of Rose's tail spread her walls. It was like being rutted by the largest of stallions, but better.

Thorn chuckled happily and smiled lovingly as she reached up and began stroking Maria's mane with one hoof, and her back with the other. "You're such a sweet little mare, Maria, and that's one reason I love you so much." She said softly.

Midnight gave a soft moan of desire as she quickly got onto her hooves, and then she moved herself so that she was directly behind Dawn. She lowered her head and leaned forward, and then quickly thrust her tongue into Dawn's marehood. She slowly wormed her tongue through the pink folds and underneath the cherry, then slowly pulled the fruit out and ate it. She needed it out of the way for what she was about to do next. Once she had swallowed the cherry, she pressed her lips firmly to Dawn's marehood, and then sucked on it long and hard.

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Rose grinned and kept her thick tail stiff as she thrust a bit faster and harder, and her hooves wrapped around Eagle's chest and held her close. "I love you..." The succubus said softly into her lover's ear. "I shall grant you your every desire..." With that, she began gently nibbling on Eagle's ear, still thrusting wildly.

Maria grinned and purred as she rolled onto her back, looking up at Thorn upside down with a cute smile. Lucy took the opportunity and leapt onto her mommy's exposed tummy, laying down on it and closing her eyes. Maria giggled and said "Snuggle pile! Yay!" The innocent, adorable little white mare rubbed her kitty's back, her eyes closed and her head laid back.

Dawn moaned lewdly as she felt the whipped cream, and her sweet, musky feminien juices, being sucked out into Midnight's mouth, and she looked back with a sensual grin. "Nnn.... Lick my rump, baby... Clean me up... I'm all sticky with syrup..." She moaned again and fluttered her wings, feeling her mind muddle with the pleasure she was receiving.

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