The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Chernobyl groaned as he watched his lover's erotic display, his hands laying by his sides and a wide smile on his lips. A few minutes later, his massive balls clenched and filled Eagle with more of his musky seed, causing him to moan and hum pleasantly. "Oh, sweetheart... Ohhh.... That was... Ohhh...." He smiled lovingly at his marefriend, feeling blessed to have this mare as his own. This sweet, kind, sensual, loving, beautiful mare.

Dawn smiled and yawned as she slowly sat up, but she felt something on her back this morning. A sort of tightness, like where her wing muscles were, but they were a bit lower. Curious, she reached back and let out a gasp. She felt another set of wings below the first, identical to the first as well. She slowly stood up and spread all four of her incredibly large wings, looking at them with wide eyes. "Whoa... This is... Wow...." She smiled hopefully at Steel, hoping this change didn't freak him out. If he let her, she could literally cocoon them in her soft wings now, head to toe.

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Eagle threw her head back abruptly and shouted loudly as a powerful orgasm wracked her body. She grinned with satisfaction and panted lightly as she laid herself down on top of Chernobyl. "Oh...I love being naughty for you. It's so...rewarding..." She purred softly.

Steel seemed to be dumbstruck as he looked at Dawn's wings for a moment, but his look of confusion eventually turned into a happy smile. He slowly stood up and stretched, and then wrapped his arms around Dawn's waist. "You look beautiful." He said softly.

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Chernobyl chuckled to himself and stroked Eagle's mane, then kissed her cheek. "Mmm... I'll make sure it's plenty rewarding in the future, baby... But didn't you want to get to building those new weapons?" He said as he slowly sat up, still hugging Eagle and kissing her cheeks. "Mmm... I can't get enough of you..."

Dawn squeed and held Steel in her arms, then wrapped them up in her four wings. Anyone looking at them from the outside would only see a mass of feathers the size of two ponies. She laid down on the bedroll with him again and began snuggling him tightly, the wings around their bodies seemed to rub them all over with softness and warmth. "Mmmmm..... Oh, this is so nice.... I can keep us warm together no matter what, and we have privacy whenever we want...."

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Eagle reluctantly pulled herself off of Chernobyl with a soft moan, and then rolled onto the bed. "Yeah, that sounds fun." She said softly. She got up off of the bed, and then put her bra and tank top back on. She rushed downstairs to where she had stripped off her panties, and she quickly put them back on before hunting down her pants, wherever they were. Eventually she found them in one of the corners of the living room, and she quickly put them back on.

Steel chuckled quietly, and then kissed Dawn passionately. "Even better, I get to hold you close to me." He said softly. He let one of his hands reach down and gently fondle her rump as the other went up to the middle of her back. "I'm so glad to have you."

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Chernobyl followed after putting his own clothed back on, and he then went over to the basement door and opened it. With a flick of a switch on the wall, the light bulbs on the ceiling of the basement lit up to reveal a workbench, several crates full of random items, some spare ammo boxes, and a leather bag full of what looked like schematics and blueprints. "Ready when you are, my love." He went down into the cellar and looked about at the different items, bending over and rummaging through the crates.

Dawn moaned and hummed softly as her large, toned, curvy rump was fondled, and her hands held Steel across his lower back. "I'm the lucky one... Nnn... You make me feel beautiful and loved... I thought I was going to be alone forever..." Her eyes slid shut, and her head rested on Steel's shoulder as she relaxed.

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Eagle giggled excitedly at the sight of so many materials, and she adjusted her stance as she felt some warm feelings make themselves known. "Oh, I am so ready for this." She said softly. She went down into the cellar after Chernobyl, and then began eagerly yet carefully going through the supplies.

Steel gently nuzzled Dawn with a loving smile, and he continued to fondle her rump tenderly. "I kinda thought the same about myself after a while. When you agreed to go out with me, part of me wanted to celebrate right then and there." He said softly. "I'm so glad I met you, you sweet, kind, beautiful mare..."

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Cheenobyl set aside a fission battery, some scrap metal, pipes, a steam gauge assembly, and several other things out onto the workbench. "Okay.... Let's see... Not sure what I wanna do with these... Any ideas, sweetie? Maybe something based off of electrocity? Um... Perhaps some kind of air-based weapon?"

Dawn squeed and held Steel even tighter, resting comfortably with her lover with them both wrapped in her cocoon of feathers. "I love you, Steel. I wasn't sure at first if we were going to connect, but... I'm so glad we did. You've kept me loved and fed and happy when I could only see myself as ugly and alone... I'm not ever going to leave you... You might as well marry me now... I don't want to ever leave you, my wonderful stallion...."

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Eagle thought for a moment, and then she grinned widely as an idea came to mind. "We could make a rifle that shoots metal spikes. It'd be cheap and powerful depending on what we use to make it." She said excitedly. She loved it when she got to tinker with things.

Steel's smile widened into a grin as he pulled back and looked Dawn in the eyes. "We can get married. I mean, we probably won't find anyone who can officially marry us in this day and age, but I can definitely put a ring on your finger." He said softly. "I will gladly take you as my wife."

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Chernobyl smiled and nodded, looking over the crates and taking out a few more things. "Hmmm.... Air tank. Definitely need an air tank. Perhaps we could electrify the spikes, or make them carry explosives? I could think of of several things we could do to modify the spikes. Perhaps we could use railroad spikes? They're fairly common around Marelin, and we could always fashion more out of scrap metal."

Dawn squealed in joy and stood up, gently pulling her lover along and leading him through the door into the core area, over into the shower area. She turned on the hot water, then began washing herself with a grin. "Oh, yes! Me, your wife... Oh, I love the thought... Married... To the most wonderful stallion in the world!" She exclaimed as she leaned over and deeply kissed Steel on the lips, fluttering her four huge wings.

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Eagle stared long and hard at the steam gauge assembly for a few seconds. "Hmm...Railroad spikes would work, but explosives won't. From my experience, explosive shells only start to become practical at 25 mm. If we make this gun that big, we won't be able to carry it properly."

Steel eagerly kissed back with a huge grin, and he moaned happily into her mouth. He was so unbelievably happy that Dawn actually said yes to marrying him. When the kiss broke he gave her a loving smile, and he reached up and lovingly caressed her golden curls. "This by far the best day of my life..." He said softly.

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Chernobyl nodded as he began setting items into piles, intending to use the piles for each individual schematic. "Alright. Perhaps something to launch actual explosives? Something like a slingshot and a crossbow mixed together? Perhaps something like a skeet shooter to launch land mines far away. What about that survival rifle? Any ideas? I have a bunch of actual gun parts in a few of these crates, if that will help."

Dawn leaned into Steel's hand and happily let him stroke her curly golden mane. Her mane and tail cascaded like rays of sunshine, sparkling in the water and shimmering in the light. "Perhaps we could find some rings in an old jewelry store somewhere. Preferably a wing-based one instead of a finger, since I need to wear my suit. I'd wear it every day with pride, though. It'd be my source of joy." She leaned over and snuggled into Steel, kissing him passionately. "It will remind me how wonderful of a husband I have."

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Eagle began looking over the piles of parts with a gleam of curiosity in her eyes. "No ideas for the survival rifle yet, but we could probably make that crossbow-mine-launching thing to be capable of launching stick bombs. That's similar to how they used to hurl grenades before mortars and launchers were invented."

"Guh..." Steel mumbled dumbly, feeling as if he was about to melt at Dawn's words and beauty. "Wow, it's hard to believe that I'm already going to be a husband..." He mused. He then kissed her on the cheek, and smiled at her lovingly. "Anyway, we could definitely do that. I'll get myself a horn-based ring to keep my hands free." He moved his hand back down to her waist, and then looked her in the eyes. "It'll remind me that I'm the luckiest stallion alive."

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Chernobyl grinned and sat down at the workbench, pulling out a fresh piece paper and a pencil and beginning to sketch something. "I like these ideas. How did they make sticky bombs? Was it an actual adhesive, or was there a spike or something that stuck into the target?" Chernobyl always loved to brainstorm, and doing it with his lover was incredibly satisfying.

Dawn squeed and smooched Steel on the cheek, then grabbed the washcloth and began washing her body over. She let out a soft, sad sigh when she began washing her bare patches. She still didn't like them. She loved Steel, but she couldn't look at her scars without being reminded that fire already tried to claim her, and it succeeded in marking her.

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"You know, I never really did find out." Eagle said softly as she continued to look over the parts. "I always focused on trying to make my explosives cheaper and more efficient, but I could never figure out how they made the explosives adhere to the target."

Steel's loving smile drooped a little as he saw Dawn's face as she washed herself. He wasn't sure how to make her feel better about her scars. To him, she was still incredibly beautiful despite them. With a soft sigh he took another washcloth and began cleaning himself off.

Group Admin

[I've been unable to get over how useful tin cans are to the post-apocalyptic tinkerer. :derpytongue2:]

Chernobyl hummed in thought as he looked over the pieces, still sketching out a basic mine layer. "Hmmm... Perhaps something like a big dart? we give the explosive a spiked tip, and maybe even rifle the barrel to it spins for more accuracy. As for the mine layer, we could launch basic frag mines like frisbees, thanks to their shape. If you have any ideas for a homemade mine, I'd love to hear it. The super mutants have been getting a bit rowdy as of late, and I want to make sure I have a fence of some sort around the house."

[Show those scars some luvins. :pinkiehappy:]

Dawn sighed as she finished washing herself, then moved onto her mane and tail, getting the dirt out of all the tangles and curls. Her four wings fluttered on her back, showing her unease as she washed her body. She looked to Steel with a soft smile, though it quickly faded.

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2697357 (And to the post-apocalyptic thinkerer. :rainbowlaugh:)

Eagle picked up a tin can and looked it over with a thoughtful hum. "I don't know how well an explosive dart would fly. However, I do know that your mine launcher idea should work. We just need a powerful enough system to fling them."

Steel smiled lovingly at Dawn, then gently took one of her arms and raised it up. He lowered himself down a little, and then began gently licking at the scar on her arm. He wanted her to feel better about her body, and he was going to make sure that she felt sexy.

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Chernobyl looked at the can Eagle was holding, his mind almost audibly grinding gears. ".... Is is possible to turn a tin can into an explosive we can launch? There are pipes and cans and a bunch of other things around here. I'm sure we can get creative with what goes in the cans."

Dawn leaned back against the wall with a soft shudder. That felt... quite good, actually. "Oh, honey..." She closed her eyes and let her lover lick her arm's bare patch. She didn't think her scars could be loved by anyone. She thought her lover was just tolerating them because he loved her. She didn't ever think that he might like them.

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Eagle quickly looked to Chernobyl with a small grin. "It's definitely possible if we a use crossbow-like system. It won't go really far, but it'll be a lot farther than throwing it." She said with a hint of excitement. "If we can find some tuna cans or something like that, we can make grenades that fly even better than this." She said as she held up the can in her hand.

(I admit that there's some sexiness to scars in some cases. They're kinda like tattoos; they tell where you've been, what you've done, and who you've met.)

Steel firmly and slowly ran his tongue around the outer edge of the scar, and then did the same with the rest of it. He then moved down and did the same to one of the scars on her leg. He traced his tongue over her flesh with a soft moan, and then briefly nuzzled the mark. "You're beautiful, every part of you." He said softly.

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Chernobyl pointed to a crate beside Eagle. "Check in that crate there. There should be a bunch of cans and such, some full, some empty. And if there's no empty tuna cans, then I guess we're gonna have tuna for dinner tomorrow night." He said with a chuckle.

Dawn shuddered and shed tears of joy, fluttering her four wings and bracing herself against the wall. "Ohhhh.... My love... Please... keep going...." She wanted to feel her bare patches, the source of her shame, loved like any other part of her. She needed to feel that love.

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Eagle immediately sat the can down and went over to the crate, and then bent over and began digging around furiously inside. She soon pulled out a few stacks of empty tuna and dog food cans from the crate, and then raised back up and deposited them onto the table. "This is going to be so much fun..." She said in a faint voice full of excitement.

Steel pressed his lips firmly to the scarred flesh and kissed it lovingly, then pulled away a few seconds later. He moved onto a patch of bare skin on the front of her abdomen, and he slowly traced his tongue from her stomach to her side. He wanted to make the pain of her years ago away.

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Chernobyl giggled at his marefriend's excitement, and he began sketching out a new set of launchers for the tuna and dog food cans. "Maybe we can add something to the sides of the cans to help them fly farther. We could easily stuff them with whatever kinds of things we want." He was already imagining what he could do with some microfusion cells and a fission battery, though that idea might have to be for the larger cans.

Dawn laid down on her back, exposing her body to her lover with shuddering breaths. "Ohhh.... Honey.... Please don't stop..." She panted out. It wasn't a sexual kind of pleasure, but it was wonderful, and her heart soared as her breath quivered in her lungs. The feeling of her lover's tongue on her bare skin was heavenly, and she wanted that feeling to continue for at least a little while.

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Eagle glanced over at Chernobyl with a small grin as she began examining the dimensions of the cans, wishing to know their measurements more intimately. "You mean like the fletching on an arrow? That could work for the normal cans, though we'd have to make a pointed tip so they'll be more aerodynamic. For all we know, just using the fletching alone could be like giving ourselves a series of rude gestures."

Steel grunted as he got down on his side next to Dawn, and then he once again began licking at the bare patch on her abdomen. He could feel the powerful muscles underneath her flesh, which made his member twitch slightly with excitement. He let out a soft moan and began kissing at the spot, and he threw in the occasional lick.

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Chernobyl raised an eyebrow. "Could you elaborate on that last part? I was thinking about making the normal tin cans sort of like rockets, yeah, but for the flat cans like the tuna cans, I was picturing something to help them spin flat in the air, like a frisbee, to help it travel further."

Dawn shuddered and breathed softly as her whole body relaxed, and a new kind of pleasure flooded her system, her senses muddled and her eyes closed. It was as if she was being pleasured by a hard rutting, but there was no actual stimulation at all. It was so relaxing, and she didn't want it to stop. "Nnnnn..... So good..." She mumbled, unable to move otherwise, her four wings splayed on the ground beside her.

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Eagle closed her eyes and giggled softly, and her shoulders bounced up and down with her laughter. "Sorry. I meant that it might not fly properly otherwise." She said through her giggling. She put a hand on her chest, and then took a deep breath. "I don't know how we'd make things work for the flat cans."

Steel reluctantly moved away from the spot on Dawn's abdomen, and then moved lower and began kissing the spot on her lower leg. He loved hearing his fiance's sounds of pleasure, and he was glad to know that he was making her feel better about her body.

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Chernobyl continued sketching out ideas on pieces of paper, and he shifted in his stool so his massive scrotum was sitting comfortably. "Hmmm.... Perhaps we could shape the normal cans with a rounded top, like how grenades in grenade launchers are shaped, and for the flat cans, maybe a set of wings on it positioned like fan blades, so it gets a little extra thrust when it spins."

Dawn shuddered and moaned as she felt ever more relaxed, her vision going blurry and her four wings twitching beside her on the shower floor. "Ohhhhh..... Honey.... Don't stop... please...." The mare slowly spread her legs, revealing her pink marehood against her blue fur. She wanted to be loved, to be lavished and comforted by her wonderful fiancé.

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Eagle leaned back and looked at the ceiling as she thought about the shape of the grenades in her weapon. "Well...I don't think so. On the first part I mean." She looked over to Chernobyl with a thoughtful expression. "Grenades don't fly very well compared to bullets, they just have a lot of power behind them. The pointed design would be better."

Steel raised up and looked back as he heard Dawn's legs spread, and then he glanced back to his lover's face. "Would you like me take things up a notch?" He said softly. He wanted to make sure of Dawn's wishes before he actually did anything. He didn't want any awkward situations.

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Chernobyl nodded and continued sketching things and writing down ideas. "Alrighty, then. Pointed design, it is. Anything else you wanna use the cans for? I'm thinking, for the survival thing, we might need to strip the gun itself down to the bare mechanism, then add parts we make that can store things like food, water, and tools. The gun itself, with all the stuff it's carrying, might be a bit heavy, but it'll be good to have. I'd hate for us to have to leave or something and not be prepared. And we can also build that concealable version, so we can keep some supplies on us if we get stripped of our things."

Dawn nodded and let out a soft shudder. "Lick me... please... lick my flower... I want to feel like a mare..." She looked at her lover with a soft, loving, affectionate gaze, and her heart fluttered with feelings of love and passion. She wanted to make Steel feel as loved as possible. She would gladly take care of him after this, if he desired.

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Eagle smiled excitedly as she gently leaned against the table. "Besides crude landmines, I can't think of anything else that we could use the cans for." Her smile faltered a little when she thought about the concealed version of the survival rifle. "I'm kinda worried about the little gun, though. It's not going to be capable of sustained fighting, but at least it's better than a knife."

Steel grinned warmly as he placed a soft kiss on Dawn's cheek, and then he quickly moved between her legs. He leaned down and gradually pressed his face to her hot marehood with a soft moan, and then gently pushed his tongue past her lips. He began to lick at her folds with slow and firm movements, and he moaned quietly at her taste. His member was already erect and throbbing madly, and precum was leaking from its tip.

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Chernobyl shrugged as he took a new piece of paper and began sketching something new. "I was planning on building the concealed weapon with an actual gun mechanism. It's not supposed to be a lot. It's supposed to be small enough to hide and enough to keep us alive. Me, especially, when it comes to food for myself. My metabolism is... finicky. I could see about making dehydrated food, if I could find or build a dehydrator." He thought for a moment. "That's another thing. Winter is coming up, and it's going to get even colder than it already is. We need to look at storing food and supplies for the winter, because it's going to be dangerous to leave the house by that point."

Dawn shuddered and moaned, and she looked down at her lover with a loving gaze. "Lay atop me, my love... Let me take care of you, too... I want you to feel good...." Dawn's four wings slowly rose, ready to embrace the two of them and wrap them up completely in soft, warm feathers.

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Eagle's eyes widened slightly in realization, and she gasped softly. "That's right, I forgot about winter..." She said quietly. "Maybe we should look around for a sunlamp or two, and some other things to start a small garden. It would act as an emergency food supply, and fresh food other than what we grow might be hard to come by unless its MRE's."

Steel gave Dawn's marehood a long, slow lick before he pulled away. Then he gently and carefully positioned himself so that he was laying on top of Dawn, and his throbbing member was just inches from her face. He slowly leaned his head back down, and then pressed his muzzle to her marehood. He let out a soft moan as he pushed his tongue past her hot lips, and then he began firmly and quickly licking at her folds.

Group Admin

Chernobyl nodded as he took a new paper, and began creating a list. "Right. I can easily set up a garden down here. Plenty of extra space. If we absolutely need to, we might try trading with the super mutants a couple miles east of here, though that's a last resort, considering they've been getting a bit rowdier as of late. If we find any fruits or veggies, I can fix up an old pressure cooker I have and can them in some masonry jars. I have a few jars in that crate there, and I'm sure we could find some if we searched around a couple old stores. I would like to take a run through the city tomorrow and collect as much non-perishable food as we can, and maybe do it a second time the day after. The more food we have that we can be sure won't spoil on us, the better. We'll also need to get some more fuel for the gas tank. Can't keep the place warm without it, unless I find the time to somehow power the heating system with microfusion cells. I haven't found a way to do that yet, though. I don't think I have the stuff to make such a drastic modification, but if it can be done, we won't have to worry about heat or power."

Dawn's wings wrapped tightly around Steel's body as well as her own, and she eagerly took her lover's member in her mouth and let it slide several inches down her throat. She licked and moaned around the thick piece of flesh in her mouth, slurping and dragging her tongue across the bottom and sides of the musky, intoxicating member of her lover. "Mmmm..... Mmm...."

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Eagle looked to the side, and lightly tapped on her chin as she thought about their future situation. She grinned with satisfaction, and then quickly looked back to Chernobyl. "We should try to get as much salt, sugar, red wine, vinegar, cooking oil, and syrup as we can. That way we can cure, pickle, jar, jug, and sugar any unspoiled food we come across."

Steel abruptly stopped for a moment to gasp and moan at the pleasure. and his massive stallionhood throbbed madly in Dawn's throat. He shuddered as he slowly leaned back down and pressed his muzzle to her marehood, and then he thrust his tongue back inside and began licking madly.

Group Admin

[Did you just look up a bunch of food preservation methods, or something? :rainbowwild:]

Chernobyl wrote down the items on the list, and he smiled as he looked at his lover. "The old supermarket might have some of these. I know the restaurant we met in has plenty of vinegar jugs and olive oil bottles in the kitchen. I think the salt would be in another restaurant, if we can find one. I'm sure there is one that hasn't been completely looted."

Dawn moaned and hummed around the member in her throat, and she slowly began moving her head back and forth, keeping the two of them completely covered up and warm in her four huge wings. Her hands went up and gently held her lover's waist, and her toned thighs gently pressed onto either side of Steel's head, wanting to hold him close in every way possible.

Group Admin

2721712 (Yesh. :twilightblush: Some of it I already knew, though. It's something that both of my parents used to do, so I decided to learn a bit about it.)

Eagle giggled happily, and then walked over to Chernobyl and gave him a loving hug. "This makes for one less thing to worry about." She said in a soft, joyous voice. She gave Chernobyl a kiss on the cheek, and then released him and walked back to the workbench and began looking over the cans.

Steel groaned loudly at the new and intense sensation as he licked Dawn out, and he began to move his tongue a little faster. He was so happy that he could make his fiance feel better about her scars, she deserved to be happy. She was the most beautiful mare that he had ever seen, and she needed to feel like it.

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Chernobyl giggled and kept writing more on the list. "I also wanna take a run through some convenience stores, make sure we grab any candy and stuff. It's a good, non-perishable source of glucose, and I'm fairly sure it couldn't hurt to have." The crate Eagle was looking in was full of glass masonry jars, intact with lids included.

Dawn eagerly slurped down every drop of her lover's musky pre, bobbing her head a little faster and moaning louder at the increased stimulation. She could feel her scars, still, but she only felt warmth from them, not the burning and the pain she usually felt. It was like her shame was being washed away by her fiancé's love, and she didn't want it to stop.

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Eagle grinned with satisfaction at her success, and then she began quickly and carefully pulling out the jars and lids. She gently set all of them on the workbench, and then turned to Chernobyl with a warm smile. "We should get as much whiskey as we can, preferably high-proof whiskey. We can run the gasoline engine on it if we need to."

(This actually does work in real life, it's just more expensive and risky depending on the type of whiskey. This can't be done with beer because that stuff is mostly water. Most whiskey will let a gas engine run, but not smoothly. Whiskey that's 200 proof and similar or higher will make it run normally, the only oddity being white smoke coming from the exhaust.)

Steel's body tensed a little as he felt Dawn move her head a little faster, and he let out a powerful moan of approval. He slowly pulled his tongue out from her marehood, and then wrapped his lips tightly around her clit. He then began sucking hard and fast on the small, fleshy nub.

Group Admin

[I can feel the redneckery coming off from this post.]

Chenrobyl nodded and added that to his list, flipping it over to write on the other side. "In that case, we should stop at a few gas stations. I'm sure that they'll have at least some of one or the other. Though, I really would like to see if we can't figure out an alternate power source with energy cells or microfusion cells or something. I have so freaking many of those, I don't think I'm ever going to run out."

Dawn squealed as she sucked harder on her lover's shaft, and she bobbed her head faster and licked as much as she could of Steel's member. Soon, she gasped and moaned loudly as she hit her climax, her juices squirting out onto Steels muzzle and the shower floor.

Group Admin

2729632 (*Banjo shredding initiates* YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-)

Eagle tiled her head and looked to the side with a soft hum as she thought for a moment. "We should probably make sure that the pipes don't freeze over, and that we have a few months supply of water in case we lose access to the plumbing." She then smiled sensually as she righted her head, and then she crossed her arms and leaned forward a short ways. "We could also pick up a few bottles of wine for some...romance." She purred softly. The way that she was standing gave Chernobyl a perfect view of her cleavage, and her arms being folded pushed them up and together a little.

Steel clenched his eyes shut, buried his face deep in Dawn's marehood, and moaned powerfully as he hit his own climax. His huge shaft throbbed powerfully in his lover's throat, and his hot, thick, musky seed was pumped down her throat in several bursts. He moaned quietly as he pulled his muzzle from Dawn's marehood, and he began to slowly lick up her juices.

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Chernobyl felt his glowing cheeks brighten a little in a sort of blush, and he shook his head with a soft smile. "Heh... Maybe. If we find any, sure. Also, I would like to look at setting up some sort of defense for the house. Just something to deter any unwanted guests that will last through the winter. Maybe some mines or something, if those'll last. I've never tried. Also, the pipes themselves should be fine, so long as the heat is going, but stockpiling water is a good idea. Also, if the pipes do crack or freeze, we need to have some materials on hand to fix them."

Dawn moaned and slowly lifted her head off of her lover's shaft, feeling her tummy warmed from the seed inside it. She turned him around and held onto him tightly, the two of them still completely cocooned in her huge wings. "Ohhhh, honey.... I love you... So very, very much..."

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Eagle chuckled playfully and satisfactorily as she changed to a more normal posture, and she let her arms fall to her sides. "Land mines should work fine, but it wouldn't hurt to put up a temporary wall of some kind to make things more difficult. Maybe some sharpened stakes and razor wire, if we can find it. Whatever will work." She said in a thoughtful tone. "We could raid the materials we need to fix the pipes from hardware stores and such."

Steel grinned happily as he slowly leaned forward and pressed his lips to Dawn's in a deep, passionate kiss. "I love you too, Dawn. I love you more than I've loved anything, and you've made me happier than I had ever thought possible." He said softly. He then gently rested his head on the crook of Dawn's neck, and he sighed contently. "I'm so glad that you love me..."

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Chernobyl nodded and took out a new sheet of paper, continuing the list on it. "Right. We should also see if we can't take parts from any automobiles in the streets. Hell, any sort of scrap metal would be useful. We might need it to fix something, or to make something." After a pause, Chernobyl took a third sheet and quickly sketched something on it, then went back to the list. "Just had an idea for a heat lamp powered by a microfusion cell. Alright, what else? Hmmmm....."

Dawn sighed softly and held her lover in her arms and wings. "Mmm.... So.... Should we get out of the shower soon? I'm kinda comfy... But this would feel better on our bed..." She looked up to him with a loving smile, nuzzling his chest.

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Eagle leaned against the wall and looked off to the side as she let her mind drift for the time being. She gasped softly, and then grinned excitedly as she got an idea. "What if we found a shut-down robot? Could we use the microfusion cells and fission batteries to power it? It could help keep us safe, and possibly help around the house."

Steel put a deep, passionate kiss on Dawn's lips, and then smiled at her lovingly as he looked into her beautiful green eyes. "Let's take this to the bed." He said softly. He carefully got up off of Dawn, and then turned off the water. He then walked over to the curtain and pulled it up, and then he walked out of the shower area and up the stairs. He opened the door to their makeshift bedroom and walked inside, then laid down back-first on the sleeping bag. He looked to Dawn with a small grin, and he held his arms open invitingly.

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Emma let out a gasp at the new feeling of something in her folds, and she breathed deeply and softly as she closed her eyes and laid her head back. The lupine could feel a wonderful new pleasure gently radiating from her groin, pulsing with every movement of her lover's tongue. She reached up and undid her bra, letting her huge bust free, and tossed it aside. "Ahhhn.... Ohh...." She could barely form words at the moment, though her hands slipped down and gently held Eagle's head, wanting her to go in deeper. "Please.... m-more..." Emma had said she wanted to go slow at first, but that was before she knew it would feel so good.

Amanda slurped up more of Ember's pre and began pushing her tongue firmly against the walls of his prostate, licking all around and massaging his scrotum in her hands a bit harder. She was preparing herself t drink down Ember's delicious essence, and to her slight embarrassment, she found herself thinking that she would like to drink it more often.

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