The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Chernobyl kept his pace steady and held his mare tightly, and he reached back and pulled the blankets over them, keeping them snug and warm together. "Mmmm.... I love you...." He whispered, placing soft kisses on his lover's cheeks and lips as he slowly thrust into his beautiful marefriend's womb.

Dawn held Steel's hand as she walked along with him, smiling from behind her mask. A romantic dinner with her wonderful lover sounded great, but she felt old, horrible memories resurfacing at the notion of getting more intimate with her lover. It was something she escape from, and she still bore the scars of her escape...

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Eagle moaned softly at the kisses, still smiling blissfully, and then she placed a deep, passionate kiss on Chernobyl's lips. "I love you, Cherry. I'll always love you." She said softly.

Steel looked over to Dawn for a brief moment and smiled. It felt great to be acting as a lover for someone, to make someone happy beyond just friendship. In the past, all he had was his music and the machines that helped him play it. He could never maintain any sort of relationship long enough to take things to another level. With a quiet sigh he turned away, and he decided to keep their pace slow to enjoy just being with his lover.

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Chernobyl moaned and began thrusting a bit faster, passionately kissing Eagle back and holding her tightly beneath the bedcovers. He could feel his release coming soon, and he wanted to make sure his lover was satisfied before he stopped. He wanted to show her how much he loved her; in a world like this, he may not get another chance...

Dawn let her head rest on Steel's shoulder, feeling content with herself as they walked down the empty streets. "How much further?" She asked her lover, glancing up at him curiously.

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Eagle began to pant into Chernobyl's mouth, and every thrust would bring a small, pleasured whimper from her. She loved how willing Chernobyl was to pleasure her, and she was just as willing to pleasure him in return. She could feel a strong orgasm building in her loins.

(Could you take care of the romantic music for the stadium? I'm not good with that sort of thing. I'll skip us there.)

Steel glanced down at Dawn with a warm smile. "Should only be a mile or so into the city." He said softly. He looked down the road with a content sigh, and he continued leading them to their destination. It was in the afternoon when they finally arrived at the massive stadium, and Steel led them inside and to one of the eating areas. To his surprise, the building was relatively clean, and things were somewhat quiet. He found them a table, and he asked Dawn to sit down while he took care of some business. He returned a few moments later, and he sat down at table with a warm grin. He had somehow persuaded those in charge of managing the bands to switch the schedule around so that one of the calmer bands would play.

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After a few more minutes, Chernobyl gave a few fast, hard thrusts and groaned loudly as his seed pumped into Eagle's womb, seemingly adding several liters to what was already there. He slowly pulled out, then collapsed atop his mare, panting heavily with a large grin. "Mmm.... Good night, my love...."

Dawn marveled at the size of the place from her spot at her table, taking off her mask and pulling her hood down. A few minutes later, a spotlight was shone on the massive center stage, and a quartet of stallions began singing a calm, romantic song. Dawn's smile widened, and she sat and intently listened to the band, enraptured in the music.

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Eagle moaned softly as she was brought to a gentle orgasm, and then she nuzzled Chernobyl's cheek after he had laid down atop her. "Good night, sweetie." She purred softly as she closed her eyes. She drifted off to sleep within a few minutes. When she awoke the next morning, she was confused and worried to find that Chernobyl was gone. It wasn't until a month later that he came back, and she had been extremely aroused for some reason during that time. The couch cushions were disorganized, some tossed into the floor. The bed was a complete wreck, with the sheets wrinkled and tossed about. Eagle was beneath a blanket on the bed, and loud moans and gasps came from her as she moved around beneath the sheets.

Steel, who was sitting beside Dawn, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. "I persuaded them to make a few changes as to who was singing when. I figured you might like that." He said softly.

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When Chernobyl finally came back from the strange, but familiar land of the Mojave he had been in for a month, he slowly opened the door, adjusting the helmet of his Sierra Madre Reinforced Security Armor. "Um... Eagle? I'm home..." He called out as he tentatively stepped inside, making sure he had his plasma defender at the ready. He wasn't sure why his home was in such disarray, but he was worried nonetheless.

Dawn said nothing, simply leaning into Steel's chest and listening to the music, resting in his strong embrace. Her head laid down on his shoulder, her eyes closed and a soft smile on her lips. This was nice and relaxing, something they both needed right now.

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Eagle's ears perked as she heard the familiar sound of Chernobyl's voice, and she abruptly threw off the covers, revealing that she was in her tank top and panties. She had a wide, mischievous grin on her face, and drool was running from her lips. She growled lustfully, then quickly made her way down the stairs. She poked her head around the doorway of the kitchen, and her chest was heaving with excitement. "Cherry..." She purred lecherously.

Steel nuzzled the top of Dawn's head, then went back to listening to the music. Once the song was over, he would go fetch them both some food. He was eager to have a nice, peaceful, romantic dinner with his lover.

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Chernobyl gave a few nervous laughs, not setting his gear down and very slowly moving towards the front door. "Emm... Sorry for being gone for so long... Don't know what happened... Um... Why is the house a mess?" He looked around the room, then to his lover, drawing a few conclusions of his own. And he was sure that he would need to run very soon.

Atomic! perk energized. 25% speed increase. 25% strength increase.

When Steel came back with spaghetti and meatballs, Dawn licked her lips and eagerly dug into her dinner, slurping up noodles with a childlike grin as she ate. "Mmmm.... Thanks, sweetheart. Thank you for all of this. I'm glad we met. You've been wonderful, and I hope I've been the same to you."

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Eagle sauntered into the living room, swinging her wide hips as she walked, and her eyes flicked back and forth between Chernobyl's face and his groin. "Let's just say I got a little...excited, while you were away." She said in a seductive tone. She had a nearly feral look in her eyes, mixed with overwhelming lust.

Steel grinned and placed a kiss on Dawn's cheek. "You have. You've been a dream come true for me, you took my breath away the moment I first saw your face." He said softly. He then turned to his plate of food, and eagerly began eating.

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Chernobyl slowly set down his gear and slipped out of his armor, letting the massive bulge of his testes into full view, as he was wearing his usual turtleneck sweater and sweatpants. "Right... It's been a long... month... so, I'm going to make myself some dinner..." He moved to walk into the kitchen, warily eyeing his marefriend. He wouldn't mind if, say, she held onto him and used him to pleasure herself as he cooked. But damn it, he was hungry for some homecooked food, and he just spent a month away from home.

As Dawn ate, she thought about what she and her lover would do when they got home. She wasn't sure if she wanted to get more intimate with him than they were now, but at the same time, she didn't want him to feel like she was holding out on him. With a confused and concerned expression, she went back to eating her dinner.

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Eagle quickly walked over to Chernobyl, then wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his shoulder. "I can be your dinner. I'm already prepared, and I'm still hot." She purred lecherously. She had been unable to satisfy herself for the past month, and her lust had grown to outrageous levels. She grinned and licked her lips; she had every intention of wearing Chernobyl out.

Steel glanced over at Dawn with a smile, then back to his food, and then back to her once he took notice of the look on her face. "What's wrong?" He asked softly. He didn't want Dawn to be uncomfortable with something. His mind began to race with what he could have done wrong.

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At the contact of Eagle's skin against Chernobyl's own, and the scent of her supercharged lust, the ghoul's adaptive body initiated another change. He groaned as his balls swelled up in size by another four inches each, and from the brim of his pants came two massive, throbbing members, each thirty inches long and seven wide, one sitting atop the other. However, he could feel inside his sheath that they could move side-by-side, if he positioned them so. "Well.... That's new... Em... You're free to stay on them all you want... I just... need to make dinner..." He said, still a little dizzy from such a sudden alteration.

Dawn glanced up and gave a loving smile. "Oh, don't worry, sweetie. You haven't done anything wrong. I'm just...." She looked down and away, rubbing a hand over the burn patch on her left bicep. "I'm just nervous about taking our relationship further. You've been wonderful and sweet. I.... I've just got bad memories..."

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Eagle stared lustfully at Chernobyl's endowments with an open mouth, and she felt something warm run down her inner thigh. She wasted no more time ogling her lover, she pulled down her panties and then carefully climbed onto him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and used one arm to support herself as she reached down and guided both members one at a time into her holes. She bit her lip and squealed softly as Chernobyl's members pushed past her red, swollen lips and her tight plot hole, and she began grinding herself lightly. "Need bad..." She moaned as she rested her head on his shoulder, and clung to him tightly.

Steel smiled softly at Dawn, and then kissed her lovingly on the cheek. "I understand, Dawn. I won't push you to do something that you're not ready for." He said softly.

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Chernobyl groaned at the double stimulation, gently holding his lover's hips and sliding Eagle down to the bases of his members, feeling them throb deep inside her womb and plot hole. He let Eagle move and grind herself as she pleased while he slowly went into the kitchen and began pulling out ingredients for stew, moaning softly all the while.

Dawn smiled thankfully as she took another bite of spaghetti, staring down at the table in thought. "I... I suppose I should tell you. Do you remember the big fire that happened in the old supermarket in west Marelin, the one that was a raider camp, and the fire burnt the building to the ground a few years ago? I would think news of that had spread."

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Eagle clenched her jaw and squealed through grit teeth as the twin members stretched her tight, swollen, needing flesh. When she climaxed from this, it would be the most powerful one that she had ever had at that point. She began grinding herself hard and slowly into his members, and she growled with intense pleasure.

Steel gave her a curious albeit worried look. "That was you?" He asked with slight surprise. He turned to his food and took a quick bite, then turned back to Dawn. He was intent on helping his lover through this however possible.

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Chernobyl moaned and held onto the counter to make sure he didn't stumble from the dizzying pleasure of his lover's hot, tight flesh around his shafts. He put in some cubed meat, then cut up some potatoes, celery, and added those into a big pot along with some onions and garlic, and flour to thicken it, then water to it all. He set it to boil on the stove, then leaned back against the counter, smiling blissfully as his hand idly reached down and fondled Eagle's large rump, the other bracing him against the counter.

Dawn gave a sheepish nod, twirling her spaghetti in her fork. "Yeah. I was a prisoner in that camp. The raiders there loved raping any captured mares, but since I was still a virgin, apparently they wanted to save me for the boss, and when they came to grab me, I pulled a pin on one of their grenades and kicked it over towards their ammunition and fuel supplies, in the far corner. The whole place was scattered with explosives and gasoline, and I had to run naked through the fire and jump through a glass window to get out. And... the fire didn't hurt. I mean, it still was there, but... It marked me, but didn't harm me." She said softly as she looked down at her body. "The reason I hate cold so much is because they would torture disobedient mares by leaving them out in the cold. And I was very disobedient." She said, almost with a hint of pride. "And... I'm still a maiden mare, after all that."

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Eagle let out a deep, shuddering breath as she clenched her eyes shut, and she clung tightly to Chernobyl. "Yes...Yes...Yes!" She moaned out, her voice becoming higher in pitch with each word. She had already reached her peak, and she couldn't hold back any longer. She was too sensitive after being so aroused for so long. She grit her teeth and let out a squeal, which quickly turned into a growl as her juices gushed out onto Chernobyl's groin. She took a moment to catch her breath, and then she began grinding herself into his shafts again, feeling even more sensitive than before.

Steel frowned as he felt his heart break for Dawn, and then he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll always be here to keep you warm, to comfort you when you're afraid or sad, and I'll never let anyone hurt you again." He said softly.

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Chernobyl groaned and grinned happily as he stumbled into the living room, quickly putting the cushions back on and laying down atop Eagle on the couch. "The stew's gonna be a little while... Let your stallion take care of you, my love..." The ghoul began thrusting fast and hard into his mare's folds and tight plot, panting and moaning as he pushed his lips onto Eagle's own, kissing her passionately. He didn't know why he had been in that strange world for a month, but he was back, and he had his beautiful mare to tend to.

Dawn smiled thankfully with a soft blush. "Thank you. I just.... I fought for my life and my virginity, because I wanted to find someone I loved and could trust to take my virginity from me. I... I just want to be sure. I want to be sure we can move forward in our relationship like that."

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Eagle had taken to bucking her hips hard and fast into Chernobyl's thrusts, and she moaned loudly into his mouth. She needed Chernobyl, she wanted him to satisfy her needs. She wanted them to rut like animals until the sun set, and perhaps then some.

Steel set his fork down, and then turned to Dawn and gave her a loving hug. "I understand, Dawn." He said softly. He held the hug for a few more seconds before slowly letting go, and then he returned to his food and resumed eating.

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Chernobyl let out a breath and broke the kiss, his tireless muscles continuing to thrust into his lover without pause. He wanted to satisfy his wonderful lover. He felt lucky, in a way; she literally pounced him for sex. This must be every stallion's dream, and part of him was glad he was a Glowing One. He couldn't have the energy to satisfy Eagle otherwise.

Dawn smiled as a tear of joy rolled down her cheek, and she began eating her spaghetti with a new fervor. She wanted to have some fun with her lover tonight. Whether or not he took her virginity, and he most certainly deserved to, she would make him feel like a young, healthy, proud stallion.

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Eagle firmly squeezed one of her perky breasts as she forcefully threw her head back and let out a loud squeal of pleasure. She then gently wrapped her strong arms around his shoulders and clung to him tightly, wanting to give her lover the full experience of what it felt like to completely satisfy a mare of her incredible libido.

Steel smiled softly as he calmly ate his food, savoring the taste. He was glad that Dawn had opened up to him, and he felt closer to her now because of that. It didn't matter to him what they did when they got home, but if she chose to take things up a notch, then so be it.

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Chernobyl grunted as he kept thrusting even faster and harder, making the couch squeak with the force of their bodies. He could hold onto his orgasm for a long while, but he wanted to release when his lover did, to make her feel as good as possible. He would check on the stew once she hit her peak. "Mmmm..... This is amazing...."

Dawn smiled as she finished up her plate of food, and she drank down her water and smiled lovingly at Steel. "Thank you for the wonderful night, baby. Can we get going soon? It's nearly sundown..." The mare frowned as she began putting her hood and mask back on. "It's cold at night..."

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Eagle lightly bit her lip and whimpered loudly as she was rutted intensely, and her breathing had become much heavier. She growled out an "Oh, yeah" as she let her head roll back, and she began eagerly slamming herself down onto Chernobyl's shafts, shouting with each thrust. After a few minutes she slammed herself down even harder and clenched her teeth as she screamed with pleasure. Her juices gushed out onto Chernobyl's groin, and she moaned lewdly as she felt her nerves become flooded with ecstasy.

Steel took the last bite of his food, and then gulped down a drink of water from his canteen. He gave Dawn a warm smile as he stood up, and then he held his hand out to her so that she could hold it as they walked. "Then let's get back to our warm home, shall we?" He said a loving smile.

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Chernobyl grinned and let his peak hit, moaning as he pumped both his mare's holes full of his seed, until it leaked out a bit onto the couch. And he still had much, much more to give. He slowly stood up and let Eagle hold onto him, walking into the kitchen and stirring the stew on the stove to make sure nothing burned. "Mmm... This is smelling good... Hungry, sweetheart?" He asked softly, nuzzling her cheek.

Dawn eagerly took Steel's hand and walked with him back home, and once they were home, she shut the door behind them and sat down in front of the heater, shedding her suit and sliding her clothes back on, letting her burned body out in the open. The burned angel laid on her back on a blanket, warming herself in front of the heaters. "Mmm.... Thanks for dinner, sweetie..."

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Eagle abruptly moved her head back with a surprised look as her stomach growled loudly at the mention of fresh food, and she gave him a sheepish smile. "Yeah. I...uh, I kinda forgot to eat earlier. I got into a bit of a frenzy." She said with a hint of embarrassment.

Steel smiled lovingly at Dawn as he quickly shed his trench coat. "You deserved something nice, and I wanted you to have it." He said as he tossed his coat by the desk. He then carefully laid himself down beside Dawn, and he offered her a gentle smile. "Want me to hold you?" He asked softly.

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Chernobyl smiled and nuzzled Eagle's cheek. "Well, sorry to say, but unless you want me to spoon-feed you, you're going to have to get of my shafts." He winked at her and whispered in her ear. "Don't worry. They'll still be there after dinner." He figured he should try teasing his lover once in a while, since she was keen on doing it frequently to him.

Dawn nodded and turned to her side, wrapping her arms and huge wings around Steel's back, keeping him warm. "Mmm.... Thank you..." After a few minutes, she looked up to her lover's face with a blush. "Steel, honey? I've been thinking... And.... I want to make you feel good tonight. Maybe not take my virginity, but I want you to feel good. You deserve to, and I want you to know how much I love you." Her hands slowly slid down to his waist, wanting to love him and cuddle with him in bed and make him feel like a stallion.

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Eagle put a lewd and sloppy lick on Chernobyl's cheek before climbing off of him, and she made sure to put some swing into her hips as she walked over to her seat at the table. She sat down and scooted up to the table, then rested her elbows on its top and rested her chin on her hands with a smile.

Steel's face went blank for a microsecond as his pants suddenly got tighter, and his cheeks turned pink. "...I know of a way to make you feel good without taking your virginity." He said softy, forcing himself to look her in the eyes.

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Chernobyl filled two bowls with food and set one in front of Eagle, then sat down across from her, smiling lovingly at her. "I missed you, sweetheart. I'm sorry I was away. I don't know what happened..." He mused as he took spoonfuls of his stew, smiling at the flavor.

Dawn smiled and nodded, sitting back on the bedroll and sheepishly taking off her shirt, revraling her hefty and perky bosom. "I-I'm willing to try whatever you'd like, sweetheart." She said softly. She reached out and gently took Steel's hand, and gently laid it upon her left breast.

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Eagle took a bite of her stew, and then looked up to Chernobyl with a smile. "You don't have to apologize if it wasn't your fault, Cherry. I'm just glad that you're home." She said softly. She took another bite of her stew, and moaned softly at the flavor.

Steel leaned back and used his magic to carefully remove his top, and then he tossed it behind himself. His upper body was lean and chiseled, with toned abs and biceps. "I just want to make you as happy as you make me." He said softly. He then leaned in and pressed his lips to Dawn's in a deep, passionate kiss, and he gently fondled her left breast.

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Chernobyl smiled and let put a long sigh, looking out the window of the house at the dark night, lit by the dim stars and full moon. "I'm glad we have a house to live in, with working faculties. I could never imagine us out in the cold. I mean, I could, but... I don't want to. We're so fortunate..." He mused, and after a pause, he smiled at Eagle lovingly and went back to eating. He appreciated every good thing he had, including his wonderful marefriend.

Dawn sighed into Steel's mouth and relaxed under the gentle pleasure radiating from her bosom. "Mmm... Oh, honey... Let's make love... I don't care how... Just let me make you feel good... You make me feel so loved and safe..."

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Eagle took another bite of her stew, and she took a moment to savor the taste before look up to Chernobyl. "Yeah, we are. I feel so fortunate to have a house like this, and to have a coltfriend like you." She said softly.

Steel looked into Dawn's eyes with a concerned frown. "Are you sure you're ready for...uh, that? I don't want you to do something you're not comfortable with." He said softly. His male urges were driving parts of his mind up the wall, but he wasn't about to push for anything that would make Dawn feel uneasy.

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Chernobyl ate down another few spoonfuls of stew, looking about the now-clean kitchen. "You know, I have crates of stuff I've collected over the years in the basement. Perhaps we could build something, or maybe there's a movie projector in the crates somewhere. I dunno. I would like to put all that junk to good use, though."

Dawn took a deep breath and let it out. "I'm sorry, my love. I got carried away. Um.... Can we try... anal? I think it would feel good, and it's safe." Sheepishly, the burned angel began slowly sliding down her pants, smiling lovingly at her wonderful knight.

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Eagle smiled slyly as she casually took another bite of her stew. "It would be nice to do a little tinkering, and I'd certainly love it if you held me while we watched a movie. Maybe a horror film..." She said with a bit of excitement.

Steel allowed himself to grin softly, and then he gently placed a hand on Dawn's cheek and kissed her passionately. "I'm all for it." He said with a hint of enthusiasm. He used his magic to quickly take off his pants and toss them to the side, revealing his huge member. It was at least a foot and a half long, and it was four inches wide. "Turn over, my love." He said softly.

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Chernobyl smiled lovingly at his marefriend and swallowed another spoonful. "I'd like to build something that isn't a laser or plasma based weapon, just to see if I can get creative with leftover parts. After all, there's only so many microfusion cells around here. If I can turn junk into weapons, then more things become more useful for longer periods of time."

Dawn shed her clothes and set them aside, revealing her naked body, her beautiful blue fur marred by several patches of bare skin. She rolled onto her stomach and lifted her large, toned rump in the air, smiling lovingly back at Steel. "Please be gentle, my love." She said softly, her body illuminated by the dim, flickering fire of the heaters.

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A gleam of excitement and curiosity appeared in Eagle's lust-red eyes as an idea came to mind. "We could make a few types of explosive weapons. An improvised grenade launcher for crude explosives and firebombs would work wonderfully."

Steel slowly got up and positioned himself behind Dawn, and he placed his hands on her large and curvaceous rump. "I'll be as gentle as possible, don't worry." He said softly. He lined his member up with her plot hole, and then gradually slid inside with a soft moan. He had never done this before, and he was nearly overwhelmed by the sensations. She felt so hot and tight against his member, and he could only imagine what doing things properly felt like. His male urges wanted him to rut her senseless, but he was going to take things slow for Dawn's sake. He wanted to show her how much he loved her.

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Chernobyl chuckled and looked over towards the basement door. "I did collect a few blueprints for weapons from merchants over the years, but I've never gotten around to messing with them." He smiled mischievously back at his lover as he swallowed another bite of stew. He was quite pleased with how this night was turning out.

Dawn felt her plot hole stretched open to fit her lover's huge shaft, and she groaned at the new, and rather pleasurable feeling. When she felt it slide deep into her plot hole, she let out a long moan. This felt very nice. It was such a good feeling of fullness, and she could feel her marehood grow a bit warmer as her g-spot was pressed on, and her lover's member throbbed inside her with his heartbeat. "Ohhh honey... That's so good..."

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Eagle grinned mischievously as she excitedly squirmed in her seat. "After we...finish up, I would love to go looking through that stuff with you." She purred with a bat of her eyes. She was getting fired up all over again just thinking about building a grenade launcher.

Steel stared down at Dawn's rump as he began slowly thrusting in and out of her plot hole, unable to look away from the sight. He could hardly believe that he was doing this with Dawn, she was so beautiful that he felt like melting whenever she smiled. He groaned softly as he began gently fondling her large rump with one hand, and his other hand lovingly explored the enticing curves of her lower half. "You're beautiful..." He said softly.

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Chernobyl blushed and smiled at his lover as he ate his stew. "I wouldn't mind. And I'm always ready if you need to be taken care of again." He said, giving a sly wink as he ate another spoonful. "Anything you wanted to build? I was thinking we could look through some blueprints and make a few of our own. I know we're very creative ponies." He said with a soft giggle.

Dawn looked back and smiled lovingly at Steel, breathing deeply and slowly as she relaxed under her lover's affections. She thought her lover was the most handsome, kind, wonderful pony she had ever met. The burned angel would never leave her stallion, not for anything or anyone. Nothing could sway her love and loyalty. "I love you... You make me feel beautiful..." She whispered as she looked across her scarred body.

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Eagle's tail began to swish behind her excitedly as she took another bite of her stew. "We could always find a new way to make grenades. Oh, and landmines...Mmm, and maybe some satchel charges..." She purred softly. A soft blush had appeared on her cheeks, and she felt the heat in her loins return.

Steel reached down and began to slowly and gently rub at the bases of her powerful wings. He knew that was an erogenous zone for most pegasi, but how sensitive it was varied greatly among them. "I love you too, Dawn. I thought you were beautiful from the moment I saw your face, and I'll always think that you're the most beautiful and kind mare that I've ever met."

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Chernobyl chuckled as he finished up his stew, and he stood up and got himself another bowl. He was hungry for some good food. "Calm down, now. Not everything we're going to build has to involve explosives. Perhaps compressed air might also provide a power source? There's plenty of fission batteries lying around in those crates, if we need to power something."

Dawn groaned at the sudden increase of pleasure, closing her eyes and breathing a bit faster. Her mare juices leaked down her thick, toned thighs. "Ohhhhh Steel.... You're s-so good to m-me... A l-little faster.... please..."

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2672617 (I'm avoiding the term "Gauss" here because that's technically a human's name. If I use something like that in the RP, I might screw up and do that in my story.)

Eagle's face lit up at the mention of fission batteries. "We could use the batteries to power our own version of a coil rifle. It'd give us much more firepower, and thus more freedom to move around the city."

Steel let out a loud moan of pleasure as he sped up a little, and his eyes fell half-lidded. He had never done anything like this before, so he didn't have much sexual endurance. It wouldn't be long before he hit his peak, and he hoped that he could at least try to hold back long enough for Dawn to be satisfied.

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Chernobyl grinned and nodded as he thought about didferent applications for things. "Maybe some way to set traps from a distance, or perhaps to fling explosives. Maybe something that could fly, or perhaps a backup weapon we could make and conceal if we find ourselves stripped of our normal gear?"

Dawn let out a soft gasp as she reached a gentle orgasm, spraying her juices onto her lover's groin. "Ohhhh.... Honey.... Let it out... Just let it all out..." She panted, smiling at him encouragingly. She wanted to be made his mare, to be his lover for as long as they lived.

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Eagle fidgeted in her seat, and her chest began to heave softly from her excitement. "We could make a small, bare-bones 9mm pistol to conceal in one of our boots." She said softly.

Steel slowly buried his member up to the base in Dawn's rear, and then groaned loudly as he pumped her tight plot hole full of his hot, sticky seed. He panted lightly as he quickly pulled out, and then he laid down on his back next to her. "Oh...Wow..."

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Chernobyl nodded as he thought about all the possible things they could do. "Perhaps a survival rifle that doubled as a kit of things? Maybe there is a tactical light attached to the barrel, or maybe a set of tools or spare food in the stock? We need to make sure we have something with us that we can rely on if things go bad." He looked up with a worried expression. "I don't want to lose you."

Dawn laid herself atop Steel and pulled the blankets over them, kissing his cheek and holding him tightly around his back, her hefty bosom squished into his chest. "Oh, my love... That was amazing..." The burned angel wrapped her great wings around Steel's body, blanketing him in a soft, warm embrace. "I love you, Steel..."

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Eagle's face turned into a look of affection as she stared into Chernobyl's eyes, and her own were filled with pure love for him. "I don't want to lose you either." She said softly. "I think those ideas sound good."

Steel grinned lazily as he put a deep, passionate kiss on Dawn's lips. "I love you too, Dawn." He said softly. He wrapped his strong arms around Dawn's shoulders, and he held her tightly. He felt more loved than he ever had before in his entire life, and it was all thanks to his beautiful angel.

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Chernobyl nodded and finished his second bowl of soup, then smiled slyly at his lover. "I'll be upstairs when you're ready for me to finish taking care of you." The ghoul went up into the bedroom and stroked his massive members to full erection, sticking over the brim of his pants and letting his giant scrotum stay in his sweatpants, and he laid down on his back on the bed, letting his endowments stick proudly into the air.

The next morning, Dawn slowly cracked open her eyes, nuzzling Steel's cheek affectionately and holding him tightly in her arms and wings. She didn't want to get up. She loved relaxing under the blankets like this with her handsome lover. "I love you." She whispered softly in his ear, hoping not to wake him.

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Eagle quickly got up from the table, nearly knocking her chair over in the process, and she hurried up the stairs and into the bedroom. She shut the door behind herself, and then strutted over to the bed and shed her tank top and bra. She climbed onto the bed and straddled Chernobyl, and she looked down at him with a wide grin. "Time for round two." She purred sensually. She reached back and guided Chernobyl's members into her plot and marehood one at a time, and then laid herself down on top of him. She rested her head on the crook of his neck, and then began bouncing her hips up and down on his shafts.

Steel smiled in his sleep, and he unconsciously nuzzled her in return. "My angel..." He mumbled softly. Dawn was the angel that had saved him from a life of loneliness and confusion, and he had all the love and respect for her in the world.

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Chernobyl moaned softly and smiled as she closed his eyes, relaxing and letting his hands gently wrap around Eagle's back. "Mm.... Today's been good..." He mused softly to himself, stroking his beautiful mare's silver and gold mane. "I love you, sweetie... Nnnf.... Oh, that feels good..." He breathed out. Eagle's body sheathed his members in warmth and tightness and a certain comfort he couldn't put into words. He didn't want to pull out of his lover, at least, not for a while.

Dawn squeed and held Steel tightly in her great wings, rubbing his back and letting out a sigh. She had never felt so loved. She never knew her parents, and she was fortunate to have been taken in by this handsome, loving, wonderful stallion. Her stallion. She vowed to herself to make him smile every day; she wanted his depression to go away, and she just wanted to see him happy.

[I have a story idea for a villain. And can Dawn mutate an extra pair of wings? And some other things I'm not quite sure of yet? :pinkiecrazy:]

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2688240 (Go ahead and give her some more mutations. More wings means more erogenous zones. :rainbowwild:)

Eagle grunted as she bounced herself on Chernobyl's members, and then she slammed her hips down hard. "Oh, yeah..." She growled out as she climaxed. She moaned softly at the pleasure, and then slowly rose into an upright position. Her increased sensitivity only fueled her lust, and she was determined to satisfy the intense need that had built in her loins over the past month. She began slowly bouncing herself up and down on his shafts with soft moans and coos, and her pace gradually turned into slamming herself down hard and fast with unrestrained moans. She reached down and began rubbing at her clit, which made her squeal softly, and her other hand went up to firmly grope one of her breasts.

Steel's eyes fluttered open at the gentle rubbing on his back, and he smiled softly up at Dawn. He yawned tiredly, then kissed her on the cheek. "Morning, beautiful." He said tiredly. Waking up to his marefriend's beautiful smile was the best thing that could happen to him in the morning.

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