The RP Group of Relaxation 47 members · 1 stories
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Chernobyl shuddered and slowly closed his eyes, breathing deeply to take in the scent of his lover's mane. He didn't want to think about what he had done in the past. It was too horrible. "Eagle... Can you promise... that you'll love me, no matter what? I... I'm afraid if I tell you about my past, you'll... You'll..." He couldn't bring himself to say it, his breath coming out as a few soft sobs.

Dawn gave a soft nod and an "mm-hmm..." as she snuggled into Steel's chest, wrapping him in her arms and wings. "Thank you, Steel... I... You've been wonderful to me..." She placed a soft kiss on his cheek, not caring about her appearance right now. Steel thought she was beautiful, and that made all the difference.

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Eagle placed a deep kiss on Chernobyl's lips, then smiled at him lovingly as she stroked his cheek with the palm of her hand. "I promise. You can tell me anything, sweetie." She said softly.

Steel blushed softly at the kiss, then kissed her back on the cheek. "You deserve someone who will treat you properly. And...I should be thanking you. You make me not hate myself anymore. Things are brighter when I'm around you." He said softly.

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Chernobyl was quiet for a few minutes. Then, he spoke softly. "It's best if I show you... Do you mind if we go for a walk? It's... It's a Stable, a few miles east of here, on the city limits. It's a safe journey. I just... I need to show you."

Dawn tilted her head a little bit, a curious expression on her face. "Why did you hate yourself, sweetheart?" She asked softly, her voice still pleasant to listen to. Her hand went up and cradled Steel's cheek, her fur soft against his own.

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Eagle slowly and carefully got up off of Chernobyl, then sat up. "I don't mind at all." She said softly. She was curious about what she was about to see, but at the same time she was a little worried. She hadn't taken her lover to be one to have a dark past.

Steel took a deep breath as he looked up at Dawn's beautiful green eyes and her luscious golden curls. He couldn't understand how a mare like her could like a wretch like him. "Because I was born messed up in the head, and I can't work well with others because of it. I swing from one mood to another on the drop of a hat, and I can't control it." He said with a small sob. He was worried that Dawn would leave him for being a freak.

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Chernobyl suited up in his usual armored hazmat suit and weapons, then stepped out the door and closed it behind them. He began walking east, and he was very quiet, like he was thinking about something. Whatever his dark past was, he was very nervous about showing it, and it was something that bothered him very much to talk about.

Dawn's soft, plump lips gently pressed themselves to Steel's own, and she pulled away and nuzzled his cheek. "Oh, sweetheart, that doesn't bother me. I'm just glad you can be happy at all. I was never happy for a very long time. But you make me feel truly happy and... And you make me feel better about myself. You deserve to feel better about yourself as well, sweetie. Who knows, maybe if we spend more time together, you'll be happier and happier and less likely to change to another mood."

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Eagle had grabbed her grenade launcher and rifle before following quickly behind Chernobyl, and she looked to him worriedly. As curious as she was to learn of his past, she didn't like seeing her lover sad.

Steel felt small tears come to his eyes as he tightened his embrace around Dawn, and he buried his face in her shoulder. "I hope so...I want to be with you for a long, long time..." He said softly.

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Chernobyl led Eagle out to the edge of Marelin without any trouble, and he led her to a large boulder in a clearing. The clearing itself was extremely radioactive, and in full view at the bottom of a small hill was a Stable door, damaged, but closed. Chernobyl walked up to the control panel next to the heavy steel door and looked back to his lover. "Only the most influential figures in a Stable ever learn the password to open the door." With that, he quickly input a long passcode on the keypad and pulled the lever, and the door slowly pulled back and rolled tot he side with the loud screeching sounds that came with damaged springs and mechanisms. It was very, very dark inside. "Welcome to my past." He mumbled softly.

Dawn's own embrace tightened, and she pressed her lips to Steel's once more. "I won't leave you, sweetheart. I promise. You've been incredible, and you've loved me like no one else has." After a few more seconds, she nuzzled his cheek once more. "Let's relax with some breakfast, honey bun. I don't want to see you sad. Not after how sad I've been..." She mumbled.

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Eagle felt a chill go down her spine as she stared into the dark expanse, and she unintentionally let out a soft whimper. She was fine with the darkness itself, but it was the fact that they would be in a closed space that bothered her.

Steel felt joy fill his heart, and he gave Dawn a passionate kiss of his own. After the kiss broke, he stared into her eyes with a loving smile, and his eyes full of disbelief. "I love you." He said softly. He felt so unbelievably happy right now, and it was hard to keep himself composed. He was finally delivered from the pit of despair that was his previous life, and brought into the light of hope that was Golden Dawn.

(I actually started tearing up a little as I wrote this...)

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Chernobyl cracked a glowstick and gave it to Eagle, then pulled back his hood, letting his own body illuminate the heavily irradiated inside of the Stable. He walked forward calmly, without fear or tension. Inside, the growls of feral ghouls could be heard, and one of them turned the corner into the entrance hall. But upon laying eyes on Chernobyl, the ghoul hissed softly and moved beside them, almost as if falling in line to protect them. "Don't worry about him, sweetheart." Chernobyl said calmly. "Just stay close to me. He won't hurt you so long as he knows you're with me."

[Tearing up?]

Dawn smiled back and placed soft kisses on Steel's cheeks and lips, then slowly stood up and stretched, feeling more confident about her appearance. She was alone with only fire as her companion for such a long time, but Steel loved her for who she was, and that alone was enough to put a smile on her face. "I have some MRE packets of cooking batter in my backpack. I'll make us pancakes, sweetheart."

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Eagle fearfully looked over at the feral ghoul, trembling slightly as they walked. "He won't hurt me...He won't hurt me...He won't hurt me..." She quietly chanted to herself. The darkness of the stable was bad enough, but the feral ghouls terrified her.

(Crying. I've been in Steel's place. That was the worst place that I had ever been, and I wouldn't wish such a thing on anyone.)

Steel's stomach growled loudly at the mention of food as he slowly stood up and stretched, and he looked to Dawn with a smile. He couldn't help but appreciate her beauty whenever he looked at her. She was his angel. His, beautiful, loving angel.

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Chernobyl couldn't listen to his lover's fearful voice for another second. He turned and hissed at the ghoul, who quickly ran off to somewhere else. He looked to Eagle and gently put his arm around her waist. "I told you, I won't let anything here hurt you. Come on, let's keep moving forward. I'm not leaving your side, I promise." He began leading his lover deeper into the darkened Stable, with the lights dimly flickering. It was clear that the entire Stable had sustained severe damage.

[I think I was there one time myself. I know what you mean. Don't worry, buddy, Steel is going to be happy from now on. :pinkiesmile:]

Dawn mixed the MRE packet and some water in a bowl. Once it thickened into batter, she put a pan on the hot plate and let it heat up. Once it was hot, she poured some batter onto the pan and took the spatula, letting the pancake cook. She looked back at Steel with a loving smile. He was her knight in shining armor. He pulled her out of her own despair and self-pity and made her feel as beautiful and loved as she deserved to. "I love you." She said softly, smiling brighter than she had in years.

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Eagle let out a shuddering sigh of relief as she continued with her lover. She wanted to get out of here as fast as possible, she was terrified. Her eyes darted around the stable as she walked, and her finger stayed near the trigger.

Steel felt as if he was about to melt as he saw Dawn's smile, he was glad that she was happy. She deserved to be happy after all that she had been through. He sat back down on the sleeping bag, then floated his guitar into his grasp and began quietly playing a song to pass the time.

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Chernobyl led Eagle deep into the residential area, to one of the rooms. It slid open to reveal a room with several documents scattered on a table, a bed, and not much else. "Read the documents. They're mine." He said softly. The documents depicted the creation of atomic energy, the full detailed process of splitting an atom, and the prototype machine to create the process. It was all signed with a patent signature of a stallion named Cold Fusion, indicating that this pony was the first to create this design. "Behold." He whispered, looking around at the Stable. "The monument to my sins." He bowed his head in shame, then turned and began walking away. He was sure Eagle was going to hate him now that she knew the gravity of his actions.

Dawn sighed softly and made sure to turn her body so her frown wasn't visible. She loved Steel, and she wanted him to be happy. But she couldn't stand his choice of music. It didn't sound good to her. She liked jazz and some blues and some classical music as well. Slow stuff. Relaxing. Smooth. She set aside the first pancake and poured the batter for another one.

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Eagle went into the room and began skimming over the documents, doing her best to take in the important parts. She couldn't tell exactly how she felt when she was finished, she was just too overwhelmed by the weight of the information. She let out a soft sigh as she turned and left out of the room. She couldn't blame Chernobyl for the state of the world, he couldn't have known that it would be weaponized. He didn't personally launch the missiles and end the world. She walked up beside Chernobyl, and then looked to him with a serious expression. "I still love you."

Steel flicked his eyes up at Dawn as he heard the sigh over his music, and he stopped playing. He slowly stood up and walked out of the room, then closed the door behind himself and went down the stairs to the mill's floor. Steel let out a frustrated groan as he resumed playing. He had learned to pick out the audience's reaction at smaller shows, which told him a lot about who he was playing for. He wouldn't make Dawn listen to his music if she didn't like it, but he couldn't help but feel a little hurt. He had made himself a part of his music , it was how he expressed himself. It was the only thing with which he had any competence. He wasn't sure how to feel, so he said nothing.

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Chernobyl turned and threw himself into Eagle's arms, sobbing into her mane and holding her tightly around her back, and yet, no tears were shed from his dead tear ducts. "L-lets g-go home..." He mumbled. "I don't want to be h-here anymore..." He took Eagle's hand tightly in his own and began walking back down the corridors. The ghouls stayed away from the couple as they progressed towards the exit.

Dawn followed Steel into the room a few minutes later and pulled him into a hug from behind so the guitar wasn't in the way. "I'm sorry..." She mumbled softly, seeming sad that she had hurt Steel like that. "I know we have different choices in music, but don't let that stop you from expressing yourself. I only want you to be happy." She placed a deep kiss on his cheek and held him around the waist, rocking slowly back and forth.

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Eagle put a kiss on Chernobyl's cheek as they exited the stable, and she gave him a loving smile. "I don't blame you for what happened, Cherry. You didn't do this to us." She said softly.

Steel let out a soft sigh as he quit playing, and he floated the guitar out of his grasp. He slowly and carefully turned around, and then wrapped his arms around Dawn's shoulders. "I don't hold it against you, we all have our preferences." He said softly. "Honestly, I never could stand much outside of metal. To me, it sounds like the message it's going for, it actually makes people feel. I'd almost feel dishonest if I played anything else."

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Chernobyl put his hood and mask on as they exited the vault, and he squeezed Eagle's hand. "I... It feels like I did... I thought they were going to use it to make power plants. That's what it was intended for. But they used it for war, and the Equestrians got ahold of the design, and they used it against us. I...." A soft sob was heard echoing inside his suit. "I f-feel like a monster... Maybe..." He looked down at his hand, covered in the yellow rubber that prevented him from spreading radiation everywhere, and to hide his ghastly visage. "Maybe this is my punishment..."

Dawn gave a soft smile, and she looked down at Steel's guitar. "Oh, the message is always there, honey." She leaned in close with an excited grin. "It's just more subtle in other types of music. The best kind is when there's no words at all." She whispered. "Because you're not told what to picture. It's what you interpret. That's what makes it art." She leaned back and ran into the office, then came back with a holotape and a player. "Here, let me show you. This one is called "Pairbond", and that's all you'll need to know." She put the tape into the player, then hit the button, and a song started playing.

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Eagle suddenly wrapped her arms around Chernobyl and hugged him tightly, then rested her chin on his shoulder. "You are not being punished, Chernobyl." She said firmly, feeling tears come to her eyes. She couldn't bear to see her lover so torn up inside. "You've done nothing wrong, you were completely innocent in this. It's not your fault that they turned something good into something bad."

Steel listened intently to the song from start to finish, then hummed with thought. "That sounds sad, like whoever composed it was accepting despair. Metal is usually about some sort of protest or struggle, but the exact message is up in the air." He said softly.

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Chernobyl trembled in Eagle's arms, sobbing and clinging to his only source of joy in this world. After a few minutes, he slowly moved away from Eagle, then turned to the controls and pulled the lever, closing the Stable door once again. "Let's go home." He said softly. He turned and began walking towards home once again. He needed to be home, to feel Eagle hold him and lavish him with affection. He didn't want to be alone when he was feeling like this.

Dawn squeed and clapped her hands together. "Yes! Now, listen to it again, and pay attention to the two different violins. Tell me what it makes you think of." She rewound the tape, and played it again.

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Eagle sighed and quickly followed close behind Chernobyl as they walked home, looking at him with loving concern. She wasn't sure if she could pull him out of his sadness, but she would definitely try. She would try everything she knew to make her lover feel better.

(I had honestly never thought to look at music like that. I can never keep my concentration on one thing for very long, so my views end up being kinda simple most of the time.)

Steel paid extra attention to the two violins as the song played, and he scratched his chin in thought. "Now that I hear the other one, it sounds more like two lovers' lament. The lower one being the stallion, and the higher one being the mare. Maybe they just lost everything, or just one thing that was very dear."

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When the two of them got home, Chernobyl got out of his suit, then went upstairs and grabbed a pair of wool socks and slipped them on. He loved soft things against his dead skin. It comforted him. He came back downstairs, grabbed a cookie from the kitchen, and sat down on the couch, curling up with a blanket and letting out a soft sigh.

[It's how I look at a lot of musical pieces.]

Dawn squealed and giggled in delight as she clapped her hands. "Yes! That's what it is! Great job, sweetie!" She leaned over and placed a deep kiss on her handsome knight's lips, then snuggled up next to him and smiled lovingly, wrapping her hands around his waist. "And that's why I love classical."

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Eagle quickly set her weapons in a corner of the room, and then sat down next to Chernobyl on the couch. She cast off her coat and tank top, revealing her bra and large, bust, and she began lightly kiss at Chernobyl's neck. "Let me make you feel better, sweetie." She purred.

(How would Dawn feel about symphonic metal? It can be soothing, and it does have classical elements. It's much lighter than what he usually plays.)

Steel blushed and smiled lovingly as he gave her a passionate kiss in return. "I can see why, now. It's not as profound as what I normally listen to, but it's still pleasant." He said softly.

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Chernobyl moaned and nodded as he laid back and gently pulled Eagle atop his body. His giant shaft poked its way out above the brim of his sweatpants, throbbing against his marefriend's chest. "Mmm.... Please... Love me..." He mumbled. After the pain of seeing his actions and his past again, he needed someone to love him and make him feel better.

[A big thing she doesn't like is the death growling/metal voice. And something lighter would do. She would enjoy, say, Nirvana or Green Day. Something like them.]

Dawn gave a soft gasp. "Not profound? Why, it is certainly profound, and it does so without needing to state itself with any words. It can be incredibly profound. I only showed you one piece, after all." She crossed her arms and turned her nose up, though secretly, she was giggling faintly at her own pompish behavior.

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Eagle quickly took off her jeans and cast them to the side, then slid off her panties and undid her bra, treating them the same way as her pants. She made sure that her large bosom was in Chernobyl's face so that he could do what he wished with her endowments, and then she gently pulled down his sweatpants. She gently guided his member into her marehood, and let out a deep moan of approval when the tip parted her hot lips and slid inside. She threw her head back and moaned lewdly as she took him all the way to the base, and then she began gently grinding herself into his groin. Her tight and wet marehood quivered around his massive shaft as she rocked and ground her hips into him, and she panted lightly. She was going to make Chernobyl feel like a proud, young stallion.

(I'm not as much of a fan of death growls as I am operatic and soaring vocals, examples of the latter being some of Fear Factory, most Power Metal, Epic Doom Metal, Symphonic Metal, and a few of the other subgenres which are less well-known. I don't really know anything by Nirvana or Green Day, mostly because I listen to very little rock. The closest thing I could think of would be something like Manowar and Dragonforce.)

A faint grin crept across Steel's face as he upturned his nose as well, and he folded his hands together in a mocking imitation of a Braytish gentlecolt. "I do say, my fair lady, I would like to see this profoundness of which you speak." He said, bending his Germane accent to sound more Braytish, though it ended up somewhere in between. "In fact, I could do better. I could have my fellows apply classical instruments to the heaviness of metal."

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Chernobyl gasped and moaned as his hands moved down and gently fondled Eagle's hefty rump. "Oh, honey... I love you..." He leaned forward and began suckling one of her breasts, tasting the sweet milk flow onto his tongue. It soothed him and relaxed him in a way he couldn't quite place. "Mmmm...."

Dawn was bouncing up and down at Steel's last sentence, grinning like a school filly. "Show me. Show me show me show me." She was thoroughly excited to hear a mix of both their tastes of music; it would be something that the two of them could enjoy together.

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Eagle moaned deeply and shuddered at the feeling of her breast being sucked on as she moved her hips a little faster, and she gently fondled her other breast. This was heavenly, but she knew how to make this even better. She looked down to her lover's face, and then gave him a sensual smile. "I have a surprise for you after this." She purred. She stuck out her long tongue and licked her lips for emphasis.

Steel grinned confidently as he turned around and played a quick riff on his guitar, summoning the ironclads from their hiding places. He kept a firm grip on his guitar as he walked over to them and ordered them to change out their instruments, ordering the rhythm guitarist to use an electric violin, and the bassist to use an electric cello. The ironclads walked back into the depths of the mill, and then promptly returned with their new gear, revealing that they had been hiding some of their tools. Steel turned and walked into the center of the floor, then turned around to face Dawn as the ironclads assembled behind him. He changed the distortions on his guitar before floating his microphone from his coat, and then he began playing an unusual song with smooth, soaring riffs.

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Chernobyl groaned and smiled blissfully as he laid his head back on the couch, and he let one hand gently grope and fondle Eagle's breast. "Oh, sweetheart... You're so beautiful..." He couldn't get enough of Eagle's beautiful form after so much time alone, and he was eager to pleasure her.

[Dude. That is fucking awesome. Call me on Skype, please. :pinkiehappy:]

Dawn had taken to dancing to the song, and it was a very complicated type of dance known as Wingspan dancing, named so because only pegasi could pull it off. They would use their wings to balance their bodies as they bend and twist in ways that would cause others to fall over. This particular type of dance was known as Valkyrie. The dancer kept their arms crossed over their chest, hands on their shoulders, and they only moved by their legs and wings.

She let herself fall backwards, then with a flap of her huge wings, she was propelled to a standing position, where she spun on one foot like a ballerina, her wings placed at angles like fan blades around her. She even lifted a couple feet off the ground in this position with how fast she was spinning, as was the intention, before dropping down to the ground and keeping her spinning momentum as she flapped her wings, somersaulting backwards while twisting in the air, keeping her arms crossed over her chest. She used her wings to let her flip onto her feet, and then, she flapped once very hard and flew up near the ceiling, all while keeping her arms still. She put her wings side ways like fan blades again, and she gracefully spun and slowly floated down to the ground, landing with her eyes closed and her arms still over her chest.

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Eagle panted lightly as she began bouncing herself faster and harder, their groins making wet slaps, and her rump jiggling with every slap. "I love you...I love you..." She moaned out. She was going to give Chernobyl the night of his life.

Steel watched Dawn gracefully dance as they played, and he felt so happy that they had found something that they both enjoy. He felt accepted by the most important person in his life, and that was all that he really wanted. When the song was over, he and the band began playing another.

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Chernobyl groaned and felt his vision blurring, and his hands wrapped around Eagle's back and held her close, burying his face into her mane. "Nnnn..... I'm c-close.... honey...." He groaned out. He was sure that Eagle had a lot planned tonight, and he felt blessed to be loved by such a beautiful, sensual, and loving mare.

Dawn began doing another dance known as Angel, where she was to keep herself off the ground during the entire dance. Her huge wings gave one strong flap to lift her up, and she splayed them wide beside her, with her feet together and her arms stretched out like her wings. The silhouette against the lights on the veiling gave her the appearance of something heavenly coming down from above. She closed her wings and leaned back, dive-bombing to the floor before spreading her wings and curving straight back up again. Here, she performed another spin with her wings side ways, and then gave another flap and soared forward, still twisting through the air before flapping again and righting herself, and when the song was over, she took her angelic pose again, which allowed her wings to act as parachutes and safely slow her fall to the ground.

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Eagle gently laid herself down on Chernobyl, and rested her head on his chin as she resumed bouncing her hips on his shaft. "Come for me...I want to feel your seed..." She moaned out.

Steel almost missed a few notes as he played and watched Dawn's performance. When the song was over, he smiled warmly at his mare, feeling a small tear of joy run down his cheek. "That was beautiful." He said softly. He turned back to his band, and then ordered them to return to their original instruments, then come back. After the other bandmates returned to their spots, Steel turned back to Dawn. "This next song is different from both of our usual tastes. I found it a while ago, and I think it carries a powerful message that needs to be told." He floated the microphone up to his face, and then began playing once more.

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Chernobyl shouted as his massive balls clenched, and he shot buckets worth of seed into his lover's womb before falling limp on the couch. "Nnnnn.... Honey...." He smiled as bliss muddled his senses, and he could feel his heartbeat in his ears. It was a wonderful feeling, and Eagle made him feel so alive and loved and just plain happy.

Dawn didn't dance to this song, but she sat and listened, her eyes closed and her body still. It was a powerful song, and took the words to heart. When the song was over, the mare stood up and smiled at her lover. "Breakfast is ready when you are, sweetie."

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Eagle clenched her eyes shut, and she threw her head back as she squealed, tossing her hair back violently as her juices gushed out onto Chernobyl's lap. She grinned lecherously as naughty thoughts came to mind, and then she carefully pulled off of her lover and laid herself stomach-first on the couch. She gently took hold of her lover's member, and lazily sucked on the tip, hoping to bring him further pleasure and rid him of his sadness.

Steel's eyes widened as his stomach growled loudly at the mention of food, and then he floated his mic back into his coat. He sent the ironclads away, then hurried up the stairs and entered their room. He floated his guitar over to the wall and sat it in the corner, then sat down at the desk with a warm smile. He was glad that he and his lover had found something bond over.

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Chernobyl moaned and moved himself so he was propped up against the armrest, able to relax and still see his wonderful mare at the same time. After a minute or so, he gave a soft smile and asked "Um... Could you put your tongue down the urethra? Please? I want to see how it feels...."

Dawn sat down at the desk as well, holding a jar of MRE maple syrup that she had hydrated with some water and mixed in the jar. She also had some MRE butter made up in another small jar as well. "I got a lot of this from an old military camp a good ten or so miles outside the city. Enjoy." She put some butter and syrup on her stack of steaming pancakes, then took her fork and eagerly began eating, moaning softly at the taste.

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Eagle used her tongue to dab a glob of saliva onto Chernobyl's member, then pulled her mouth away with a slurp and a pop, and a string of saliva trailed from her lips to the tip of his member. "I planned that all along, sweetie." She purred. She leaned back down and locked her lips firmly around his tip, then gently slipped her long, thin tongue down his urethra. She pulled hard on his flared tip with her lips repeatedly as she looked up at him, checking to see if he was enjoying it.

Steel leaned over and kissed Dawn on the cheek before turning back to his food, and then he took his fork in his hand and stuffed a bite of pancakes into his mouth. He moaned softly at the taste, impressed at how delicious it was. "Wow..." He said before taking another bite. He savored the taste for a few seconds before swallowing, and then he looked over to Dawn. "I was thinking we could see a show later today. I originally came here so my band could play at a bunch of places." He said softly.

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Chernobyl watched as his lover's mouth stretched to cover his incredibly wide tip, and his moans grew sharply in pitch at the feeling of Eagle's long tongue inside his urethra. His huge balls churned and clenched with every movement of his mare's tongue, and he panted heavily at the new and wonderful stimulation. "Deeper... Please... Deep as you can..." He pleaded softly. If he releases from this, it will be the biggest orgasm he will have ever had.

Dawn looked up with a smile as she took another bite, then washed it down with some water. "What kind of show did you have in mind?" She asked curiously, eager to spend some quality time with her lover. She smiled at him lovingly, looking him over with an affectionate gaze. He's so handsome....

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Eagle moaned and drooled heavily on Chernobyl's member, and she pushed her tongue all the way down to his base. The heat in her loins had already returned, and she was growing more excited the more she pleasured her lover. She began slowly thrusting her tongue in and out of his urethra, and she moaned deeply as she resumed using her lips to tug on his tip.

Steel pulled a canteen of water from his coat, and then took a drink. "I was thinking dinner while we listen to a live band. The nearby stadium has a setup like that for bands of all sorts and volumes."

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Chernobyl moaned loudly at the feeling of his urethra being thrust into, and he could feel the entrance to his prostate being prodded with each movement. "Ohhh.... Eagle.... D-deeper... Into my body.... Please...." He wanted to feel what it was like to have his prostate invaded by his lover's tongue. He was sure he would enjoy it.

Dawn's eyes widened. "Wow. Um... Wow. I wouldn't think there to be any place that's actually that safe around this place. I would love to go see a band, though, and dinner sounds nice." She said with a smile before taking another bite of her pancakes, moaning softly at the wonderful taste.

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Eagle moaned as she pushed her tongue into Chernobyl's prostate, and she thrust her tongue fast and hard. Streams of drool were running from her lips and down his shaft, doing this reminded her of how it felt to be rutted, and she loved it. She stopped for a moment to suck hard on his tip, and then she resumed thrusting her tongue. She used her hands to firmly stroke his shaft, using one hand to rub at his base, and the other to give special attention to his medial ring.

Steel leaned over and gave Dawn another kiss on the cheek, then returned to eating. "Well, supposedly it gets safer the closer you get to the city center, minus the palace. I wouldn't know from experience, but there's few reasons to lie about something like that."

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Chernobyl shouted and had to stop himself from bucking his hips into Eagle's throat. All the stimulation was incredible, and he wished it would never end. He could feel his lover's tongue worming about inside him, and it made him feel close to her in a way he had never felt before. "Nnnn..... Eagle..." He closed his eyes and panted heavily, while his hands gripped at the couch. "Please.... c-can you.... use your b-breasts....?"

Dawn swallowed her bite of pancakes and looked over at her gear. "Yeah... I'm gonna bring all my weapons. I don't like the 'supposedly' part one bit." She gave a smile and leaned over to Steel, kissing his lips. "But we can take on anything together."

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Eagle moaned loudly and gave a long, hard slurp on Chernobyl's tip before moving herself forward a little more. She then rested herself on her lover's lap, and wrapped her large, soft, perky breasts around his member, and she pressed her breasts tightly together. She used her hands to move her breasts up and down his length as she sucked on the tip, and she began thrusting her tongue hard and fast. She wanted to wear Chernobyl out tonight. all of this activity was making her hot and bothered, and she needed her lover to help her cool off.

Steel grinned and gave her a deep, passionate kiss in return. "Indeed. Nothing can stand against us so long as we're together." He said softly before returning to his food. He suddenly grinned widely as he was reminded of his guitar's sonic capabilities. "Heh, death metal..." He mused aloud. He then took a bite of his pancakes, and moaned at the taste.

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Chernobyl turned his head and screamed into the pillow, his hips bucking into Eagle's mouth. This was amazing. This was better than he could have ever imagined. "Ahhhhh..... Eagle... I.... I'm...." He couldn't hold it back any longer. With another scream, he released seemingly another few gallons of seed down Eagle's throat, filling her stomach with his virile essence.

Dawn chuckled to herself as she ate another bite of her pancakes. "You'll doom them all." She said with a giggle. She was glad she and her lover could enjoy a laugh together. It was something that made their bond stronger, and for the better.

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Eagle made curt moans as she loudly gulped down every stream of hot seed, and she used one hand to rapidly and firmly stroke at his medial ring. She had yet to retract her tongue, which let her taste and feel Chernobyl's seed before it even reached her mouth, and she got to feel his massive shaft throb and convulse around her flesh. Her loins were burning with desire now; getting to intimately know just how big and hard he was, wrapping her lips around his massive tip, and drinking his seed would do that to a mare. She had a few strands of seed trailing from her mouth to his tip as she pulled her lips away from him, and she gave him a lecherous smile. "Can we try my plot? I'm really, really aroused after guzzling so much of your seed." She purred lustfully.

Steel was giggling to himself as he took another bite of his breakfast. "I'll give them a good thrashing." He said before swallowing. He quickly took a drink of his canteen.

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Chernobyl slowly lifted his head, his eyes spinning in their sockets as he mumbled something. "Mmmm.... Oh, hell yes..." He said as he slowly sat up and stumbled a bit, still feeling the dizzying shock of his orgasm. "Lead the way, sweetie.... Oh, that felt so gooooood...."

Dawn giggled and took another bite of her pancakes. "So, any idea of what bands are going to be playing in this supposed safe zone? I'd like something a little.... calmer, if it's going to be a romantic dinner." She said, flashing a sensual smile with half-lidded eyes.

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Eagle gently laid her hands on Chernobyl's arm and shoulder to help steady him, and she slowly leaned over to his ear with an eager grin. "I'm...going to" She purred seductively, emphasizing each word, and her voice dripping with lust. She then gently led Chernobyl upstairs. When they entered the room, Eagle bolted over to the bed and flopped down on her back, then looked back at Chernobyl with a wide grin.

Steel blushed and stared blankly at Dawn's face for a few seconds, and his pants suddenly a few sizes too tight. "Uh...I can arrange for something calmer to happen..." He said softly, suddenly feeling flustered.

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Chernobyl eagerly laid down atop Eagle and placed a deep kiss on her lips. "Mmm... Get comfy, sweetheart. I'll do the rest." He sat back to give his lover space to move, and he idly stroked a hand back and forth over his massive balls as he waited, feeling them churn with a seemingly endless supply of his seed.

Dawn smiled lovingly and nodded, leaning over and kissing his cheek. She had immediately dropped her seductive air, though. "Yes, please. And I'd love it if we could just read a book or something when we get home. Something quiet to relax."

[There be a reason why she hasn't brought up sexy times yet. Same reason she's burned and missing patches of fur.]

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Eagle watched Chernobyl's groin as she moved herself into a comfortable position, and she then relaxed and spread her legs widely. She looked up at Chernobyl's face with a longing expression, which soon turned into a loving smile. "I'm ready..." She purred.

Steel took a moment to process what just happened, then smiled warmly at Dawn. "Anything for you." He said softly. He then turned back to his pancakes, and he began finishing what was left of them. He wondered to himself why she so abruptly changed her attitude, but he wasn't going to press the issue.

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Chernobyl slowly climbed atop his lover, then angled his massive shaft and slowly slid himself inside, moaning as he pushed himself deeper and deeper, until he hilted with his girthy member deep inside his mare's womb. The ghoul laid down atop his lover and began slowly thrusting his hips, wanting to feel her soft, warm, living body against his own. No matter how many times she told him otherwise, Chernobyl couldnt help but see a monster every time he looked at himself in a mirror.

Dawn finished off what was left of her pancakes, then stood up from the desk. "I'm gonna go take a shower. Back in a few minutes." The pegasus went into the core area and over to the shower, shedding her clothes and stepping inside. Her bare patches... didn't seem to bother her as much. Not like they did before. They ddin't seem as ugly to her. With a soft smile, she turned on the water and began washing what fur she did have.

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"Yyyyeeeessss..." Eagle out deeply and powerfully, letting her mouth fall open into a blissful smile. Her chest heaved with her slow, heavy breathing, and she was sweating from the excitement. She gently wrapped her arms around Chernobyl's back, and she began gently writhing her toned body against him. Even if everyone else saw him as a monster, she saw him as her sweet, kind, loving stallion.

Steel belched quietly as he finished the last of his pancakes, and he sighed as he sat his fork down on the table and leaned back. He felt so unbelievably lucky to have a mare as beautiful as Dawn as his lover, more lucky than if he had won the biggest lottery in the universe. If Dawn had some sort of other problem, he would help her get through it. He wouldn't leave her to struggle with her emotions.

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Chernobyl groaned as he held Eagle tightly in his arms, and his hips began moving a little faster. He wasn't sure how long Eagle wanted to go tonight, but he was ready to do whatever it took to please his wonderful, beautiful mare. "Nnnnn.... Honey.... Hold me.... please...."

Dawn came out fully clothed a few minutes later, also wearing her blue flame suit, as she was going to be bringing her weapons along. With efficiency, the pegasus slid on her backpack, then put on her flamer and picked up her flame rifle. "Ready to go." She quipped before putting her gasmask and rubber hood up.

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Eagle moaned deeply as she tightened her hold on Chernobyl, and she lovingly snuggled him against herself. "You feel so big..." She said with a quiet moan. She began lightly bucking her hips in time with her lover's thrusts, and her moans noticeably increased in pitch.

Steel grabbed his guitar with his magic as he stood up from his chair, and he floated it onto his back and put the strap over his shoulders. He then floated his shotgun out of his coat and into his right hand, then checked to see if any rounds were chambered. Once he was satisfied, he looked up to Dawn's face and smiled warmly. "Likewise." He said softly. He walked past Dawn and over to the door, then opened it and walked downstairs. He led Dawn out of the mill and into the city's streets.

(If you don't mind, I'd like to do the actual post for the stadium tomorrow. I'm too tired to come up with something like that now.)

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